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Grammy observations


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AC/DC was meh. I'm usually pretty forgiving about such things, but I think it is time to hang up the boy shorts.

Arianna Grande was muy not grande.

When Colonel Sanders sings he sounds just like an older Tom Jones. And that chick with him was dreadful. What's with the jaw stuff these kids do?

Miranda Lambert is currently pretending she is an entertainer with her over done quasi-almost rock thing.



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Can't see or hear her without thinking of a can of red spray paint. Performance tonight looked like it belonged in a 1950's movie. Glitz, glamour(sorta) but, no substance.


Her whole career has just been one long sporadic episode of "marking her territory".

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I quit watching many years ago. It's just the pop music industry fingering itself.

lol... I think the last one I watched was '81 or '82.

Whatever year it was "Hard Out Her for a Pimp" won was the last I watched 'til now... mainly to see Sir Paul. [smile] I think he may be an ELO fan.

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We used to have these hunnert and thirty seven page threads on other forums when something like this was on the television machine, all these peoples posting as they watched. Tonnes of great comedy, folks knowing folks up there playing, lots of shiny new guitars to oogle, and some good music now and again.


Fortunately for this forum, there are still lots of 40 year old youtubes to watch instead.



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Yeah, I was stunned and amazed to see that this bunch that loves pop music so much tuned into the Grammy awards and didn't seem to see anything may liked. Shocked and amazed!!


Nobody tuned in.


I would think self professed "musicians" would pretty much be down for anything resembling guitars and bassii and Hammonds being bashed at by some fortunate punks that obviously had enough money and time to make a living at it, unlike us.



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Nobody tuned in.


I would think self professed "musicians" would pretty much be down for anything resembling guitars and bassii and Hammonds being bashed at by some fortunate punks that obviously had enough money and time to make a living at it, unlike us.





not when I have to sit through the shenanigans of buffoons Kayne West, and Pop Diddy, Fiddy Cent, Beyonce, and the other bus loads of A$$-Clowns that weasel their way to their 15 minutes of fame..




no thanks..

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Ya most of it sucked,but Dwight Yoakam was pretty cool.


It was a nice job. Good song, nice singing from both, nice guitar playing from both of them, the Big Fat Gibson and the little Martin 00something or other sounded great together.



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I enjoyed Jeff Lynne and Dwight Yoakham, pissed me off because I missed ac/dc although from what I have read here it may have been a good thing. I am truley amazed however at what kids today settle for as talent and music, as I told my wife it was all just too vanilla....and that is besides that fact I think 98 percent of the performers just down right suck.

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