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Plugging in the acoustic Gibson


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I live in a place where I couldn't audition any amps when I went looking so I shopped by listing my requirements and then went shopping by reputation. I ended up with a Marshall ASD100. It's about six years old now and has performed reliably with guitar and vocal capabilities beyond my expectations. It even does a pretty decent job handling an electric guitar in a pinch. Prior to getting the Marshall I got a Behringer ACX900, which I still have and use and it too has been just great. I don't know if it is made anymore but it was their middle of the road acoustic amp at the time and got me going in the plugged in world. Now I and the guys I play with don't gig in public so I would rate the Marshall as heavy and I wouldn't want to schlepp it around much but it IS Marshall quality. Hope that helps.

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Since I have stuck with Dearmond 210s I can plug into any amp that is laying aorund. My favorite though remains a 1955 Fender Twin. Also a Gregory Mark XX which I think I like mainly because of the snake skin grill cloth. But I only plug in when I feel the need for that Elmore James/Lightnin' Hopkins vibe.

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I just love the AER 60……just sooo clean sounding…as an aside….There is only ONE pickup that I think Gibson uses that is any good….that is the Trance Audio mono…..all the other USP's are sub standard. Even the mini's are better.



On the AER site, they call Monte Montgomery the 'hard core troubadour' and made his signature AER acoustic amp a neighbour pleasing/annoying 200 Watts!!!!! Their 60 sounds like 120 watts, so the 200 would blister the ears!


My old Genz Benz 60 sounds like 20 and my Mesa 22 tube amp sounds like 120... And they both have spiders living in them and cobwebs from non usage...


Some of the common acoustic amps have been for a while now and someone must be inventing something really cool and modern as we sit here. Hope so, cos I prefer a mic to my little 4 channel mixer and headphones/in ear monitors lately.....




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I mike mine at the fretboatd into a little Roland Micro Cube RX Bass Amp. The Roland has a lot of effects, You can plug a CD or MiniDisc player into it and play along, and best of all, 6-AA Batteries will power it for over ten hours. The sound is amazing for its size, and You can take it to Your favorite train station or street corner for a good old time street jam. With the various amps that they make, You could potentially power a four piece band with 24-AA Batteries with electonic drums. I love modern technology

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