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Sudden GAS attack. A Strat.


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Probably, - after seeing all these beauties in the recent Fender thread - something stuck in the back of my brains.


I bumped into this Strat while browsing the net.


I am not saying I am going to buy it. GAS might go away just as quickly as it came. However, not being well-education Fender-wise, could You please analyse the guitar in question for me?


Fender Deluxe Roadhouse Stratocaster Electric Guitar Vintage White Maple Fretboard




I'm aware that it is Mexican-made, but that doesn't bugs me. I have a Mexican Tele, and it's great. To be honest, I can't justify myself spending more than that on any Fender.


The specs are:


Three Texas Special single-coil pickups wired for versatility

V6 rotary switch delivers six distinct onboard-preamp tone settings

S-1 switch built into the volume knob bypasses the preamp

Modern "C" profile

'70s-style headstock

9.5"-radius maple or rosewood fingerboard

22 medium jumbo frets

5-way pickup switch

4-ply aged white pearloid pickguard

Three aged white control knobs (master volume/S-1, V6, master tone)

Vintage-style synchronized tremolo bridge


Thank You in advance... Bence

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I like a Strat Bence , to me the neck has always felt better . I bought a American Fender Select that's supposed to be the best Strat Fender ever made according to their web site,feels great but I ordered it the day they announced there release date and paid out of my yang yang for the low serial no.

The Mexican Strats doesn't have the best of hard wear just like Epi compared to Gibson , with a nice set up you'll enjoy it.




PS : I really like the color [flapper]

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To be honest, it's the color that caught me. :D I know what most of You would say about how-it-looks versus how-it-sounds approach. But, I'd have never checked it out, if the looks didn't grab me. Never been a big admirer of Strats, but I like what I hear! Some jazzy tones there too!



Thanks God, Fender HAS a local dealership (unlike Gibson [rolleyes]), so I can check it out in real life. Hopefully, I can manage it today (or maybe tomorrow).


Cheers... Bence

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To be honest, it's the color that caught me. :D I know what most of You would say about how-it-looks versus how-it-sounds approach. But, I'd have never checked it out, if the looks didn't grab me. Never been a big admirer of Strats, but I like what I hear! Some jazzy tones there too!



Thanks God, Fender HAS a local dealership (unlike Gibson [rolleyes]), so I can check it out in real life. Hopefully, I can manage it today (or maybe tomorrow).


Cheers... Bence


Go for it Bence



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Yo Bence


That's a cool looking strat.


I have two USA Made stratocasters.


my 95 Strat Plus has a set Texas Specials in it. I just have the standard wiring, (no rotary switch)


I would advise to take some time sorting out the pickups in this one. I'm sure you're up on this but since Texas Specials are over wound, they are a bit more aggressive than other pickup configurations. The Bridge pickup can be a bit biting. The front pickup sounds incredible though.


my other strat has Fat 50s and they have a bit more smoother sounding that are the TS..


Just sayin, these pickups aren't for everyone. You may like em just fine. They are easy to change in a strat of course.

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Hello Bence!


You MUST have a Strat of some sort - there is no way round it.

This appears to have a battery pre-amp (?) as well as the standard passive tone configuration.


If you can afford to, buy it.


But you must try it first as the neck radius is the deal-maker or breaker IMO.


Good luck!

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Yo Bence


That's a cool looking strat.


I have two USA Made stratocasters.


my 95 Strat Plus has a set Texas Specials in it. I just have the standard wiring, (no rotary switch)


I would advise to take some time sorting out the pickups in this one. I'm sure you're up on this but since Texas Specials are over wound, they are a bit more aggressive than other pickup configurations. The Bridge pickup can be a bit biting. The front pickup sounds incredible though.


my other strat has Fat 50s and they have a bit more smoother sounding that are the TS..


Just sayin, these pickups aren't for everyone. You may like em just fine. They are easy to change in a strat of course.


Hello Ray!


I have Hot AlNiCos in my FSR Tele. Those are very hot sounding too, but I like them, even though that I prefer mellower sounding instruments. At this moment, I am waiting for a reply from my favorite shop whether they have it in stock. Definitely, I want to avoid buying guitars unseen.


Thanks for the advice! [thumbup]


Cheers... Bence

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Hello Bence!


You MUST have a Strat of some sort - there is no way round it.

This appears to have a battery pre-amp (?) as well as the standard passive tone configuration.


If you can afford to, buy it.


But you must try it first as the neck radius is the deal-maker or breaker IMO.


Good luck!


Hello Jdgm!


It has the standard 9.5 radius, just like my Tele. I am one of those (luckier) guys who have no problem playing different neck profiles. I prefer the 70s style thin-to-thick Gibson necks, but I have no issues with others. Probably, I have fortunate anatomical features from this aspect.


And Tele's neck is very nice.


Cheers... Bence

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even better if you can manage to try it with one of your amps.


maybe this doesn't help you a lot but but if you want check this sound cloud link


the solos (the first stats at around 3:20) tracked here is the strat with Texas Specials. (The rhythms were tracked with a les paul standard.) AMmp is a Marshall JTM60 close mic'd with two Blue Inst. mics


I think the front PUP mostly. you will probably hear why they are called "Texas" specials...



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Hello Ray!


First, I have to say Your songs are excellent! I like "Seasons Change" very much. I love that guitar tone!


As far as the pickups are concerned, it sounds alright to me. Nothing's there I couldn't live with.


As it stands now, my local shop haven't got any in stock. They will have to get one from the regional distributor. Well...that complicates things. I will not buy it unplayed, that's too risky for me with Strats. I don't know them well. I will go to another place, where they have a candy red in stock, to test it. If I like it, I will order the yellow one. Donny (Uncle Fred) already offered me His support in hot-rodding it. :)


Hey, Your songs...I am still listening to them! I usually quickly steer away at the very first unpleasant moment. But there isn't such. "Pleasure and pain" is another masterpiece, perfect fit for my taste. [thumbup]


Thank You!


Cheers... Bence

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Hi Bence,


I'm thrilled to hear your comments on the originals. To be honest about it, after we record them we don't do much to get them out there. The Soundcloud post is about as far as I've gone, and the bass player recently moved to Canada so we've been re-working things slowly to get it back on line.

I find encouraging to know you are enjoying them. I sort of thought you would tho...


I have to say about some of the recent experiences I've had with new fender products,, they seem to be quite consistent. I bought a Standard last March, from sweetwater, it is excellent. and the shop where my grand son takes lessons has a whole bunch of new fenders, (USA, MIM, and some used ones) I plunked around on a shore line gold MIM strat on monday, it was impressive.


thanks for listening to the tunes and good luck with the hunt..

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Thank You again!


Those songs are great as they are! You should be touring with such a strong repertoire!!! Seriously.


I will leave now to the shop which has one. I will share my opinion tomorrow. :)


Cheers... Bence

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I had a Strat for 25 years. Maple neck Sunburst.


Loved the sound. Still do.

In all that time I never took to the handling though.


I kept it that long only because of the sound.


My only misgiving would be those pickups. I know they are higher gain, but dont know what they sound like. Logically it would add more bottom. You just need to try it and see what its like.


Last Sunday I took an underused high end Jackson to the luthier to ask him to replace the nasty active SD pups for something passive and classically fender-ish. He talked me out of it because the changes would be virtually irreversible (more body routing for one thing). Ive now sold it to someone who'll appreciate it for what it is - a metal shredder.


I hope you can do what I never could, and thats enjoy the way it plays. I will always love that sound though, especially the neck pickup!

Good luck!

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I hope you can do what I never could, and thats enjoy the way it plays.


I love the way strats play, it's a completely different experience from a Gibson SG or Les Paul


it's a bit more visceral, you can really dig in,... it takes me some place entirely different than I would go with a gibby.

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Nice looking Strat. I have owned several American made Strats and loved the look and the feel they have, but I liked the sound of my Teles better. Not knocking Strats, just personal taste, so I sold the Strats. I do believe everyone should own at least one Strat in their life time.

Kenny V

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The TS PUPS are used on the SRV Strat. They have an edgier Southern Rock/Blues sound to them. I have a pair of Strats, a 2013 FSR Am Std with Fat 50's Pups and a 2013 MIM Deluxe Players with VN PUPS. The only reservations I would have are the on-board preamps, that is just not my thing. Aside from that I cannot see a reason not to go for it. I love my Strats the FSR AM Std is my favorite guitar.

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If it feels right, go for it Bence. I like the big headstock - if they ever bring out a Fast Eddie Clarke model I'm there with my credit card at the ready!


My experience with Strats is that the body always feels great (especially the lighter weight ones) but the neck is just a total lottery - I actually think the old V style necks have been some of the better ones I've tried. But man, generally speaking their necks have varied significantly from guitar to guitar of ones I've played.


If I was buying one to be my only Strat though, I would go 'pure' and only want the original type pickups - just cos that is the Strat sound to me I guess. As for rotary knobs and the like, nope - its either position 2 or 4 for the same reason. (but that's just me [wink] ) - Enjoy the test drive!

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Nice looking guitar, but a bit of a contrarian here. I bought a MIM Strat a few years ago




because I just had to have a Strat, right? Well, wrong. Not the guitars fault, but I've just never bonded with the location of the controls etc. Big fan of Fender amps, but their guitars, well, not so much. But, if it works for you, woohoo!

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I don't know much about that particular model, but I've heard that people really like some of the MIM's.


I LOOKS great..........very cool looking guitar.


I recently picked up an American Special and just can't put the thing down.........I've always been more of a Les Paul/Tele fan, but this one was a good deal, so I figured I'd grab it and worse case get my money back out of it if I didn't like.....ended up loving it.



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Brother Bence!


I have the USA made Roadhouse strat and I love the Texas Special pups. With the right amp you can punch holes in concrete with these things [biggrin]


Now since mine is older it does not have the S1 switching and that other fancy stuff so I can't advise on all that extra business but as far as the pups go - they're killer.


I love the color of that one - it looks vintage and YES - every guitar player should have one strat in their collection [thumbup]


Good luck with whatever you decide! :-({|=

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I do love me some Strats.... probably my favorite guitar if I had to pick one. That's a looker for sure [thumbup] However, I'm personally not too keen on the preamp/switching stuff intended to make them sound like something besides a Stratocaster. I have Gibsons with humbuckers, I don't need those sounds from my Strats. Also not a Texas Special fan.

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