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Sometimes progress just ain't progress.....

Buc McMaster

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I think the key with this new technology is if Gibson intends for the consumer to have a choice in the future. If they decide to experiment a bit with auto-tuning and adjustable bridges on one acoustic model, while still keeping the other models untouched, I see no problem at all. We need to keep this in perspective. Gibson has a history of experimenting, so trying this new technology is, after all, maybe not such a bad thing. As we already know there are plenty of J-45 variations to pick from. We can stear clear of the Progressive if we want. No big deal.


I doubt the tuning system will come installed on the J-45 Legend...



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I think the key with this new technology is if Gibson intends for the consumer to have a choice in the future. If they decide to experiment a bit with auto-tuning and adjustable bridges on one acoustic model, while still keeping the other models untouched, I see no problem at all. We need to keep this in perspective. Gibson has a history of experimenting, so trying this new technology is, after all, maybe not such a bad thing. As we already know there are plenty of J-45 variations to pick from. We can stear clear of the Progressive if we want. No big deal.


I doubt the tuning system will come installed on the J-45 Legend...





I am not worried about the tuning system, but Richlite fretboard and brigde is always a possibility

As you said, as long as they build high quality guitars for us conservative guys, I am fine with what ever they experiment with. But there are tons of used instruments available as well if GAS hits.

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I agree with J45fan completely. Couldn't care less if they add these tuners to every Gibson instrument. I'll buy used or lean more to Martins. This is not an "end of the world" situation for me. It's simply a choice of buying a traditional instrument or a "new age" instrument. I sincerely doubt Gibson is thinking of putting this contraption on all of their guitars. That would be suicide in regards to business.

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The Progressive is definitely not for me either. Automatic tuners and manmade fingerboard materials fly in the face of the simple tradition that I love about acoustic guitars. I would never consider buying such an instrument any more than I would consider buying one made entirely of carbon fiber, or one that folds up. But, I don't blame Gibson for trying new things and I seriously doubt that these features will find there way into their entire acoustic line. Their target customer in this case is obviously not a bunch older guys that have been playing for forty years. There may well be a younger customer base out there that think that this innovation and technology is cool.

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When you think about it, it's just following the technological trends---more and more music being made with software instead of musicians, electronic music is its own genre, auto tune microphones keep you singing in key, fewer musicians, fewer vocalist. Why pay for a "Celine Dion" when you can match her vocal abilities with a computer? Look at all the graphics in movies. Movie sets are mere stick figures compared to what they were several years ago. Back in the 90's the graphics were good, but now it's near impossible to tell what's high-tech and what's not. You're not going to need musicians to make music or real people to make a movie..........GOD ALMIGHTY! WHAT KIND OF WORLD ARE WE LEAVING FOR KEITH RICHARDS? [scared]

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When you think about it, it's just following the technological trends---more and more music being made with software instead of musicians, electronic music is its own genre, auto tune microphones keep you singing in key, fewer musicians, fewer vocalist. Why pay for a "Celine Dion" when you can match her vocal abilities with a computer? Look at all the graphics in movies. Movie sets are mere stick figures compared to what they were several years ago. Back in the 90's the graphics were good, but now it's near impossible to tell what's high-tech and what's not. You're not going to need musicians to make music or real people to make a movie..........GOD ALMIGHTY! WHAT KIND OF WORLD ARE WE LEAVING FOR KEITH RICHARDS? [scared]


On the topic of technological "advancements", have a look at this.




Now this scares me a lot more than a new tuning system when it comes to the affects on our daily lives, especially future work environments when one cannot control the circumstances.



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Definitely.....Music is just part of all this. People actually doing things for themselves will become obsolete and eventually impossible to do without the aid of some technology. Over generations, humans will actually lose the ability to do some physical things. "Brave New World."

I remember when "In the Year 2525" came out and we'd talk about how wild all of that sounded. Now, we're actually doing things that the lyrics suggest will happen centuries from now. Scary stuff. All the "outer space" weaponry from the Star Trek TV series of the 60's---we've pretty much got it.



In the year 2525, if man is still alive

If woman can survive, they may find

In the year 3535

Ain't gonna need to tell the truth, tell no lie

Everything you think, do and say

Is in the pill you took today


In the year 4545

You ain't gonna need your teeth, won't need your eyes

You won't find a thing to chew

Nobody's gonna look at you


In the year 5555

Your arms hangin' limp at your sides

Your legs got nothin' to do

Some machine's doin' that for you


In the year 6565

Ain't gonna need no husband, won't need no wife

You'll pick your son, pick your daughter too

From the bottom of a long glass tube


In the year 7510

If God's a-coming, He oughta make it by then

Maybe He'll look around Himself and say

"Guess it's time for the Judgement Day"


In the year 8510

God is gonna shake His mighty head

He'll either say, "I'm pleased where man has been"

Or tear it down, and start again


In the year 9595

I'm kinda wonderin' if man is gonna be alive

He's taken everything this old earth can give

And he ain't put back nothing


Now it's been ten thousand years, man has cried a billion tears

For what, he never knew, now man's reign is through

But through eternal night, the twinkling of starlight

So very far away, maybe it's only yesterday

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Definitely.....Music is just part of all this. People actually doing things for themselves will become obsolete and eventually impossible to do without the aid of some technology. Over generations, humans will actually lose the ability to do some physical things. "Brave New World."

I remember when "In the Year 2525" came out and we'd talk about how wild all of that sounded. Now, we're actually doing things that the lyrics suggest will happen centuries from now. Scary stuff. All the "outer space" weaponry from the Star Trek TV series of the 60's---we've pretty much got it.



is it true that Gibson are now going to Zagerise all their new guitars? [mellow]

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If I were a betting man instead of a mediocre guitar player, I'd say that Taylor will "Zagerise" before Gibson. Taylor likes that "new age" voicing and they plan to keep it. I heard they're working on a new model that will sound like Pluto. The planet. Not the dog.......... Hopefully, Gibson will come to its senses and realize it's customer base is old-timers and old-timers-to-be. By the time Gibson Zagerises, Zagerised will be the traditional sound. [thumbup]

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I think I was a bit hasty in my opinion. When Gibson/Montana first started in 1989 the buying demographic was Male and aged 50 to 65. That means they were born in the very early 1940's late 1930's. That was 25 years ago. These folks were buying their fathers guitar and they expected them to look play and sound like their fathers guitar.


The same is not true today as the buying demographic was born in 1970 and they don't seem to know that this isn't vintage Gibson. Some of the folks posting here sound like they think that adjustable bridges are a new exciting technology. Most probably have electronic tuners built into their pickups to get their guitars in tune so the logical extension is to have your guitar tune itself. Hmmm....


The advent of the Eric Holder "Wood War" makes the synthetic fret board and bridge seem logical. Sigh....


I just had a problem about the platform of the new technology". The J-45 is an icon and shouldn't be used as a test bed. Have some respect.


Gibson could have used this opportunity to do something dramatic and introduce a "new" guitar with all the "new" features. They could introduce a guitar with all the stuff and also put a fried top on it as well. They could spray it in poly and even put a flubber pickguard on it. They could bolt the neck on Then all the newest would be available for the younger crowd. They could have made a completely new guitar size and shape.


Well I was mistaken. I apologize for my hasty remarks. Time marches on and the youth must be served. My new car has GPS and I love it so I will embrace the new technology.

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"hasty remarks"


Nothing to apologize for, Hogeye. If anything, your post only demonstrated the opposite of what a fanboy would do. That person would probably rave about the Emperor's new clothes. You felt strongly enough to call it as you saw it, and your candor was much appreciated.


Regarding the Robot tuners: even if they were standard issue on much of the line, one must admire the genius of the marketing, along the lines of those who don't prefer gold grovers, or onboard electronics: offer the stripped down version in a New/True Vintage model & charge more for it ; ) !

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