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Angie .. is it in key of Am or C ?


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This thread brings to mind a scene from one of my favorite movies:




This isn't a thread


It's a rope!


I'm out of here




[ Mr G. I say yes - you give the address and then - according to your sub-line - kill me. [/size][/font]




Of corse, could always be "Death by Theory".

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Quote: "Death by Theory".




I prefer the Neil's Simons Movie - Murder by Death featuring Alec Guinness.


But seriously wonder, since so many here, are so utterly enamoured, of their sense of humour.


Why the Massive Ironical Humour, of their own weakly stated position, has not even occurred to them at all?


I must confess that hereabouts, the fun, this so far entirely un-noted, self inflicted pun has generated, makes the Thread a Classic.






The Question.


That is the Threads Theme.


Can ONLY be Authoritatively Answered.


With a Knowledge of the Rudiments of Musical Theory.





Be Honest about that Fact!





Not by Guesswork, not by Feelings, nor the Assertion of Image over Fact.


We all know that Popular Musical Culture has very little to do with Music at all, in Reality.


But is in Truth, the Triumph of the Promotion of Image, and individuals being Duped by and Buying Into It.





But Clearly, anyone Genuinely Interested in Music, will actually want The Truth!





Undoubtedly, a Low Self Esteem and a Deep Seated Inferiority Complex are Motivational Drivers for "Image Seeking" individuals.


Part of the Package they have (sadly) Bought Into, is Adopting a Borrowed Self Image, one of Dissent, Defiance, Insubordination, Unconformity and Rebellion.


Yet the Unequivocally, Incontrovertible, Absolutely Unassailable Values, that do Provide Sound Knowledge and that can Provide Genuine Answers, to Real Questions, both of Music and Life.





Are Openly Rejected by Such Folks.


And the Really Sad Part about these Dear People.


Is that because of this Fact, the Truth is. A Joke Completely of their Own Making.


Is Made Entirely at their Very Own Expense, but they can Neither See It or Properly Understand It, At All.







The One Question.


That is the Threads Theme.


Can ONLY be Authoritatively Answered.


With a Knowledge of the Rudiments of Musical Theory.





That is the Irony of this Thread.


And the Source of its Most Enduring Humour.


But seems so Expensive, in Terms of Tragic, Human Cost.




To me, it seems far worse than when my friend Bob, mentioned earlier.


Was approached by Brian Epstein and offered the Job of Drummer to "The Beatles".


And turned him down, because "The Beatles" were unheard of and he was making More Money.




Recording Sessions, for Everybody Else.






Two of the Qualities that Producers like Les Reed and Tony Hatch.


Liked about Bob was that he was "Not Prone to Error", and "Could Play at Any Weight".






Another Fact of the Ironical Humour of this Thread.


Is that those who Choose to Ignore the Benefit of Musical Theory.


Are Indeed "Prone to Error", and Clearly, are "Unable to Play at Any Weight".








Thanks for Providing Such a Wealth of Thought Provoking Material!

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  • 3 years later...

In the key of C Major, it is difficult to explain a Major III7 chord (the E7).  However, a Major dominant 7 chord can always be used if it functions that way in relation to any other chord in the key.  We see V7 chords used in minor keys all the time even though the true "v" chord should be minor according to the key signature.  The "7" should be what clues you in.  So, when you analyze the rest of the song with that in mind:  i   V7/i    VII   IV/VI ---> VI    VI   III  

C being the relative major of a is cleverly what makes the tonality so ambiguous.  When the VI resolves to the III, the ear hears a IV resolving nicely to a I.  

But no rules are broken when you explain it in am.  The E7 is the dominant of a minor, and you notice F chord is set up as a temporary tonic with IT's IV chord being used - the B flat.

-How do you like them apples?

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OMG I remember this thread!

Perhaps I should have apologized to A Buckeridge (same name as famous UK kids author) - but he was so pompous that I still have to laugh.

Long gone - I think this thread hastened his departure.

I'd never write a response like that now........pretty damn pompous myself!!!!


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Music THEORY is called theory for a reason. It's all subjective. "I like the sound of this chord over that," right or wrong. Had major arguments with my keyboard player over this. He, (classical music theory major). Me, (idiot lead guitar player). I wrote a song in the key of Eb. In the bridge I put a Gm. He kept telling me it was wrong. But I digress.I labored for a long while over this chord. The minor sounded the way I wanted it to sound. which makes it right. By the same token, He would tell me that even though in the key of C the E, which is the 3 chord should be minor. But it's not wrong because that's the way it was written. ???   "I think he just liked to argue."  Bottom line is. Angie is what it is, and should be taken as such. Entertainment. So why over analyze it for the sake of argument. It is a nice song. I like it. One of the few Stones songs I like enough to learn. So this debate is mute. Because there is no write or wrong here.  It is all up to the composer, what is right or wrong. And the popularity of the song speaks for itself. 

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I reckon theres two ways of looking at it ....one from the music theory perspective and the other ...which key does it 'feel' in ?

To me it 'feels' like a minor key song, its melancholy,  moody , total minor feel ... so Ill go with A minor.

Still as per my view from .. ahm .. 4 years ago. 

What if they finished with A minor chord and not C major ... would there be any debate then ?

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