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Naked Girls From Soundcloud.......


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I messed with Soundcloud years ago and haven't really even checked in lately. This morning I get an email saying someone started a conversation with me. It was FROM Soundcloud. When I clicked it, it took me to a nudey site.


This Pi$$es me off.


Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against naked women, and spent a lot of time and money in the past in pursuit of such, but thought this was a legit business, class operation that many professional musicians use.


I hope my computer wasn't infected.


I won't be back....

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Not an expert, but your computer could be infected Murph and the problem is nothing to do with Soundcloud.



The malware gets in to your computer via cookies, which are 'packets' of information like for example, the code to get into the forum with your login and last activity etc etc. generally, don't click on anything you didn't do on purpose. It is just relentless stuff, so I only use my iPad for 'read only' without ever intentionally saving anything and it still gets viruses......



Soundcloud though is really annoying me and I am looking for something better - if I open my account on my Mac, I just get a page of scrambled junk and no way to login to fix it. I then try my pc, which looks fine but when I download a recording, it goes.....>>>>>>>>zap>>>>>> like it downloaded super quick, but there is nothing there. I then have to 'cancel' and keep trying until I can see it downloading slowly. I used my boss's email to start a new account via her work laptop and the same thing happens! Pffft!!





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I thought "Naked Girls" was the title of a song, so I was automatically interested...lol.....Thanks for the warning on this one. Been there and done that too many times. Surprised that a link like that got onto Sound Cloud, but it's everywhere nowadays.... What's that old saying?---if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

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Not an expert, but your computer could be infected Murph and the problem is nothing to do with Soundcloud.


Everything seems fine.


I have Webroot, have had it for several years on this computer. I'm a member of a few off road / dual sport type LEGIT motorcycle forums, and a few 4x4 type vehicle forums as well, the Mandolin Café, etc. Never had such an issue with ANY of them. I have a youTube channel and buy stuff from Amazon, ebay, the N.R.A., the N.F.L., M.L.B, you know, normal stuff.


Thinking back, I think I had something weird happen with Soundcloud way back and that was why I quit going on that site.


Doesn't matter, I won't be back. I avoid garbage/bad taste as much as possible, and that includes my television, personal contacts and music.

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