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Who's Seen A U.F.O. ?


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Love this subject - I'm 15 miles away from any densely populated (lighted) areas, so we get good views of the night sky, weather permitting. I see satellites with regularity, and sometimes check NASA's site for ISS viewing schedules - the space station looks spectacular streaking along its orbital path!


I try to be open-minded about all things, but I've never seen anything veer from its course; I can't IDENTIFY the satellites I see, but I've yet to witness anything 'unusual'.


By the way - my area was known in the 70s and 80s for a spate of cattle mutilations, some of these close nearby. They've never really been explained, and I don't have any theories, either.

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Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong both claimed to see UFOs observing them during the Apollo moon landing mission. They even mentioned this in their transmissions to earth, but that part was edited out from NASA's broadcast.


Talking about UFOs will make people think you're crazy, but I can't deny that I believe aliens exist and have visited Earth. I pray that the truth is uncovered before I die. I want to know for real!

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I saw "something" once.

It was very far away and moving very fast. And it could turn on a dime. It was over 20 years ago.

Other people saw it as well.


My Dad was a navigator in a jet fighter. One night, he picked up something unusual on their radar. He talked to his pilot and they initiated an intercept. They got a visual and by this time, they were supersonic. Then what ever it was speed away, leaving them like they were standing still. When they landed, some top brass from the NORAD bunker in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado were on the phone and wanted to hear about it because they had seen it too.


UFO? Definitely! Aliens? Not confirmed, but it out-performed the capabilities of any known aircraft.

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I pray that the truth is uncovered before I die. I want to know for real!



Never gonna happen. Only if the aliens introduce themselves. If the government does in fact know they will never disclose it.

Too big a threat to religion.


Too think we are alone is ridiculous. Arrogant even.

I suppose it's possible we have been visited. If we have then we are damn lucky they weren't hostile.

Our knuckle dragging species would be easy pickins.

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Never gonna happen. Only if the aliens introduce themselves. If the government does in fact know they will never disclose it.

Too big a threat to religion.


Too think we are alone is ridiculous. Arrogant even.

I suppose it's possible we have been visited. If we have then we are damn lucky they weren't hostile.

Our knuckle dragging species would be easy pickins.

There are a number of reasons why the government theoretically can't disclose. To disclose would include too much unflattering information, exposing decades of coverups and lies isn't in any politicians best interest

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I was in college in the early '70s when a few friends and I camped on the beaches of the Outer Banks of NC. One night, very high up in the atmosphere, we watched as what appeared to be something similar to colorful vapor trails spelled out the Greek letters- Alpha and Omega. (Like WoW, dude!) Was this a sign from God for the end of humanity? As it turned out, scientists were doing atmospheric testing.

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There is way more evidence against being visited than for.


We have been pointing telescopes and radio and reading every wavelength we know of for a long time, and still, not only no answers, but no sign of any non-natural sounds at all.


What ever reasons for keeping aliens a secret, there are at least as many motivations for disclosing...IF there was proof.


Seems to me, if there was any real evidence, it would be REAL easy to see. It would be obvious. We wouldn't really be guessing at it.


But, as for stuff we see we CAN'T figure out, that's kinda fun. I like knowing we are making stuff for military and such that is secret and cool.


One thing about seeing flying objects in the sky: it's real easy to loose proper perception, distance and size and stuff like that.

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There is way more evidence against being visited than for.


We have been pointing telescopes and radio and reading every wavelength we know of for a long time, and still, not only no answers, but no sign of any non-natural sounds at all.


What ever reasons for keeping aliens a secret, there are at least as many motivations for disclosing...IF there was proof.


Seems to me, if there was any real evidence, it would be REAL easy to see. It would be obvious. We wouldn't really be guessing at it.


But, as for stuff we see we CAN'T figure out, that's kinda fun. I like knowing we are making stuff for military and such that is secret and cool.


One thing about seeing flying objects in the sky: it's real easy to loose proper perception, distance and size and stuff like that.




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Spent a good day out at Area 51 in 2008. It was a lot of fun, Black SUVs running us off a few times, all that stuff. Everyone should see it, besides how beautiful and alien Nevada looks all over, this place is especially cool. We could see why the nutjobs have been gathering there since we were kids.




Medlins Mailbox, a famous spot for UFO nuts. Once we got a certain distance in on Groom Lake Road and the other one, going in towards the base, video didn't work anymore. This mailbox is on the ranch that backs up against the base, Medlin family has been there since before a base was there. Damn thing wouldn't video there either. Two miles away, fine, at the mailbox, nope.


The road over my shoulder is the ETHighway. 51, the Groom Lake base, is behind those mountains as you go away from where I am on that highway. Along the ridges for about 5 miles on that road you can see various antennas and dishes once in a while. Peoples in big Black SUVs. As hard as I tried, couldn't get my picture in front of the Deadly Force Authorized sign.




Neither of us has ever seen a UFO but man, if you were going to, that would be a good spot at night. Great skies, clear and cold.



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As many of you know, I live in a rural area and we have little light pollution at night. I have almost unobstructed views of the night sky and it is beautiful here when it's a clear night!


Often when I take the dog out for a wee before going to bed I scan the sky for UFO's ready to scream "Take me", "Take me".


Sigh.....but I never see them and they never do~

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It should be noted, pot and acid can have a profound effect on one's perception.


I've seen some weird stuff in my day, but I wouldn't want folks to think I'm crazy either.





We KNOW you're crazy!


But then SO ARE WE!!

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