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Who's Seen A U.F.O. ?


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1456601759[/url]' post='1745790']

Spent a good day out at Area 51 in 2008. It was a lot of fun, Black SUVs running us off a few times, all that stuff. Everyone should see it, besides how beautiful and alien Nevada looks all over, this place is especially cool. We could see why the nutjobs have been gathering there since we were kids.




Medlins Mailbox, a famous spot for UFO nuts. Once we got a certain distance in on Groom Lake Road and the other one, going in towards the base, video didn't work anymore. This mailbox is on the ranch that backs up against the base, Medlin family has been there since before a base was there. Damn thing wouldn't video there either. Two miles away, fine, at the mailbox, nope.


The road over my shoulder is the ETHighway. 51, the Groom Lake base, is behind those mountains as you go away from where I am on that highway. Along the ridges for about 5 miles on that road you can see various antennas and dishes once in a while. Peoples in big Black SUVs. As hard as I tried, couldn't get my picture in front of the Deadly Force Authorized sign.




Neither of us has ever seen a UFO but man, if you were going to, that would be a good spot at night. Great skies, clear and cold.




I remember you showing that photo before. Sounds and looks cool. Before I married my wife, when she went to the University of Nebraska Lincoln, she claims she was with some of her girl friends driving in the night and out of nowhere came this UFO with very bright lights and the craft was spinning around like a saucer. Then it went straight up into the air so fast, then disappeared. My response was, "So, what were you gals all smoking?" She used to tell me about it many times but I never believed her. I told her, it could have been a helicopter with a search light on looking for something. She claims it was very dark out and they were coming home from a away football game. She's never seen anything ever again and here is a gal, My Wife, who when I came home from work one night at 1:30 in the morning, she pops up in bed, looks me straight in the eye and asks if I put the sheep in the fold? I said, What?? Then she repeats it again, louder. I ask, what are you talking about?? And she yells out and screams it again and again. "DID YOU PUT THE SHEEP IN THE FOLD?? " so I said Yes, and she said, "That's All I Wanted To Know!" then she leaned back and fell asleep.

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I believe, because we were in caves and in no time we were in cars and planes, then computers etc. I often read about elongated skulls and if there were another form of humans before us. I think there is much more proof of aliens than any God.

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Back before South Florida was overpopulated, myself, my former wife and 2 friends were walking along the beach around 2AM. We noticed what we thought was a plane following the coastline from the south. I would guess flying at about 10-20 mph.


As it got closer it was only a white light without the red and green blinking lights that were common back then (40+ years ago).


It flew overhead, about 30 feet above us, we couldn't see the craft, just bright light, and it made no sound at all. The ocean was calm so we should have been able to hear something, motor, prop noise, anything.


It got about a football field's length past us to the north, then made a sharp 90 degree turn, and zoomed over the eastern horizon (Atlantic Ocean) in less than 2 seconds. Again, no sound at all. The horizon is about 4 miles away when the average person is standing at sea level.


Definitely unidentified.


Was it an alien craft? Swamp gas? NASA or the Military testing something? Mass hallucination? We have no idea. It's unidentified.


Three out of the four of us are still in touch. To this day we call it the big-assed UFO.


Insights and incites by Notes.

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Back before South Florida was overpopulated, myself, my former wife and 2 friends were walking along the beach around 2AM. We noticed what we thought was a plane following the coastline from the south. I would guess flying at about 10-20 mph.



When I was a kid we used to make little hot air balloon's out of laundry bags and set them fly over Fort Lauderdale beach at night. It was fun watching people point to the little glowing dots and jump around and freaking out. :-)

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Actually there isn't any proof of either. Believing in little green men or gods requires just the same amount of faith precisely because there is no proof of either.

So. All of the pilots that have seen things are seeing what? If the Governments told us it was true, religion would end and there would be mass rioting and society could collapse.

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1456673762[/url]' post='1745989']

When I was a kid we used to make little hot air balloon's out of laundry bags and set them fly over Fort Lauderdale beach at night. It was fun watching people point to the little glowing dots and jump around and freaking out. :-)


msp_thumbup.gif I don't believe in Alians or life on other planets. I think what people see has a logical explanation but not known. Same as a magician performing an amazing trick that we can't explain. There is a simple answer, just as his trick or illusion, but they reveal it not. Look back in time when everyone believed the earth was flat and you couldn't convince them otherwise.

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So. All of the pilots that have seen things are seeing what?


We don't know. That's why they are unidentified. But it's probably not space men.





If the Governments told us it was true, religion would end and there would be mass rioting and society could collapse.


Help me understand this. If "The Governments" confirmed that little space men existed tomorrow where would you first go to start your riot and why? Also, if one is inclined to believe in a creator why would little space men not simply be seen as yet another of the makers creations?

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Back before South Florida was overpopulated, myself, my former wife and 2 friends were walking along the beach around 2AM. We noticed what we thought was a plane following the coastline from the south. I would guess flying at about 10-20 mph.


As it got closer it was only a white light without the red and green blinking lights that were common back then (40+ years ago).


It flew overhead, about 30 feet above us, we couldn't see the craft, just bright light, and it made no sound at all. The ocean was calm so we should have been able to hear something, motor, prop noise, anything.


It got about a football field's length past us to the north, then made a sharp 90 degree turn, and zoomed over the eastern horizon (Atlantic Ocean) in less than 2 seconds. Again, no sound at all. The horizon is about 4 miles away when the average person is standing at sea level.


Definitely unidentified.


Was it an alien craft? Swamp gas? NASA or the Military testing something? Mass hallucination? We have no idea. It's unidentified.


Three out of the four of us are still in touch. To this day we call it the big-assed UFO.


Insights and incites by Notes.

UFOs at the beach? Time to go surfin with the aliens :P

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We don't know. That's why they are unidentified. But it's probably not space men.







Help me understand this. If "The Governments" confirmed that little space men existed tomorrow where would you first go to start your riot and why? Also, if one is inclined to believe in a creator why would little space men not simply be seen as yet another of the makers creations?

You make a couple excellent points. Myself, I'd be less likely to believe in little space folks if the government endorsed their existence.

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Scientists have already discovered microorganisms (basically plankton) living in the vacuum of space. We are already aware of life in space, but we haven't found the little green, english-speaking guys that Searcy is looking for yet [flapper]


Is it such a big stretch to think that in the ENDLESS expanse of space, there is a range of organisms from basic to possibly more advanced than us?

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Scientists have already discovered microorganisms (basically plankton) living in the vacuum of space. We are already aware of life in space, but we haven't found the little green, english-speaking guys that Searcy is looking for yet [flapper]


Is it such a big stretch to think that in the ENDLESS expanse of space, there is a range of organisms from basic to possibly more advanced than us?


Are you referring to Vladimir Solovyevs claim that he thought he saw sea plankton growing on the surface of the I SS? I don't put much stock in that.


As for imagining what else could be out there I guess I would have to say that if life is possible on this planet that it must be possible and perhaps even probable on some other planet out there. Certainly it's not out of the question that there could be intelligent life out there. But this is all speculation. And so far there is zero evidence that any advanced alien life form, English-speaking or not, has ever made it to planet earth. Possible exception being the existence of David Bowie.

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Donald Trump is an alien👽


Ya I think Searcy is right. He's not smart enough to be an alien.

Maybe a Sasquatch on a bad hair day.

Although big foot could still be smarter.




Maybe a lizard in a human suit..........except a lizard is less slimy and has more hair?


Yes, I was also thinking reptilian.


Ever see the pic where someone replaced his eyes with his lips?



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The possibility of any event to happen in universe/multiverse, is next to infinity.


What I wonder about is, will we able to perceive aliens? When we imagine them, we think within the frames of human imagination.


Think of a creature that doesn't reminds us of a mixture of features we have seen in movies before. I am quite sure, our wildest concepts are childish next to nature's (or a creator's) capabilities.



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Oh. One more thought.


I seriously believe, all these UFOs sighted, are man-made devices. If I was among world leaders, I would keep the results of the technical evolution centuries behind. That's what power is. Of course, these things need testing, which is always a risk of being exposed. But, humans are easy to foul. Very easy. They always prefer the wildest theories, over the plain truth, because the plain truth is not exciting. Just blame it on the aliens and to give it even more credibility: deny their existence at the same time.



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It interests me that all the reports we hear of, claim well lit objects. Sometimes different colours!


If these were experimental aircraft why would they make them obvious by lighting them up?


If theses were aliens watching us, why would they light their craft up?


In both cases wouldn't they be looking for stealth?


Does not compute~

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