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The 335 made her first live Friday


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I had a show last Friday and it was the first live for this 335.


... and it didn't exactly went as expected [biggrin]

First of all, the band missed a bit of precision, normal as the drummer went for 1 month in Australia, so no rehearsal at all for one full month and a live as soon as he went back


Then the 335, the sound is amazing, the perfect blues rock machine, it sings, it growls, love it but is it me or it takes some time to get used to the size and position of the guitar, I missed some notes because my right hand could not find his normal position so much that after 6 songs, I switched back to my Tele.

For the second set I picked again the 335 and it was way better, I kept it for the whole second set [thumbup]


Then the bad thing, a technical staff guy hit it with a metal ladder, first I didn't see anything but yesterday when I cleaned it there is a ding on the neck around the 5th fret near to the top binding [crying]


I hate this, because now it seems I am only seeing that, I have my focus on this [cursing]


This was the story of my 335 first live

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First "ding" is the worst, as it is with a new car. [cursing] But, if you play out, and often,

there will be other's, no doubt. No matter how careful you are. They're just "love bumps,"

and acquiring a bit of Mojo, along the way! Still, I know exactly how you feel. [crying]

But, they're made to be played, and played hard! [thumbup]



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First "ding" is the worst, as it is with a new car. [cursing] But, if you play out, and often,

there will be other's, no doubt. No matter how careful you are. They're just "love bumps,"

and acquiring a bit of Mojo, along the way! Still, I know exactly how you feel. [crying]

But, they're made to be played, and played hard! [thumbup]




Thanks so I am not the only one that goes mad about the first ding [biggrin]


Funny thing is, but it is my humble opinion, I don't care about dings and scratch on a Fender almost like they're made for that but about my Gibson it is something else, something like, for the ones who remember, scratching 'Eleanore' the GT-500 67 Mustang in '60s Chrono' movie. like you damaged some divinity's stuff [biggrin]

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excellent! You'll get used to it soon enough


but this:


Then the bad thing, a technical staff guy hit it with a metal ladder,



this is why I would never bring a loaded gun to a gig, cuz I would be in serious trouble with the courts right now..


and no, you are not alone, we all lament these sort of things...

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You cant gig & keep instruments pristine. [rolleyes]


That's why I wouldn't buy something like a Custom Shop, because I would be too nervous to gig it, and a guitar you don't gig is bit like buying a car you keep locked in the garage. IMO there's ultimately no point to it.


Learn not to begrudge that ding. You can you know [thumbup]

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Heck, I don't play gigs and got some dings on my home guitars. My 12 string dropped once and got one. Ticked me off, then way later on I found the neck to be bent and twisted. Still under warranty so I took it back and they just replaced it with a brand new guitar. No more ding, Lol but that's why I keep my Gold Top in its case and treat her like a new born Baby! Like the saying goes and to be nice: "Poop Happens"

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I agree with all the sentiments above. My 1954 Strat-re-issue has taken a beating. the first was a chip in the paint, and it was when I sat down at my desk to change recording settings. It was tough to take, but now after a few years of playing it has many more and it seems to have given it a lot of character. Now my latest , my studio, I treat it like the proverbial baby. If and when it gets the first ding, I will be totally bummed. But I realize that the only way that happens is if you never take them out of the case. [scared]

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it's hard to avoid the battle scars, especially when your gigging.


I had an SM58 hit the top of my pristine 2006 Taylor GS... the bedlam that created was epic, it hurts to look at it, like a hideous scar on the face of a beautiful lady, but she still sounds and plays like always. if I angst over this and repair it, my luck would be that something else happens within a few weeks of paying the bill for the repair.... so screw it, it's there and there's nothing I can do.. sh-- happens.

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hit it with a ladder what is this pro wrestling! [scared] I am a bit crazy when it comes to imperections if I caused them, if it came in "used" I am less likely to care for some reason. I have a 2004 Strat that is has got some good knicks I got used and I don't even think about it.Overall though, it will be fine. It shouldn't make the guitar sound worse right?! Just annoying from a superficial standpoint. IT is still a 335

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