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Song for the older members


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Very nice. I've tread that along with Sam Stone that this song was one of John Prine's first breakout songs, and happens to be his favorite. Your version is quite nice. Any chance you might video your version? Love your picking pattern and chord changes on this. [thumbup]

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"Song for the older members"-----watch it, kid! I resemble that remark............Tough to beat John Prine. His stuff is very real and human and your rendition of it is too. I really like this kind of music and really like the way you perform it, blindboy. You've got the feeling and the tone perfect. Nice way to start a Saturday afternoon. [thumbup] [thumbup]

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I've never heard this song before. It's a nice Saturday morning tune for sure.

Guitar is crisp, and the vocals,are your best Stu. Everyone loves them. They have texture, with pitch, are 3-dimensional, and have some gravel.

Well done.

We absolutely need someone to accumulate the Gibson Acoustic Live At Cyberkhan double album. There is a lot of good stuff here.




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Hey sal , it's a really great rabbit hole , start with one of his live albums ..

And if you're short on time and dubious , then just listen to 'lake marie'



Mr walker you're very kind , as were all the compliments , but that video (cheer MP🙄) just emphasised what sets him apart from the average man.

He's just sublime in his delivery .

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Once you've been down the Prine rabbit hole, chances are you'll be a regular visitor. He's a very unique person who happens to be one-hell-of-a-great-songwriter. It doesn't get anymore real or more simplistic than John Prine. Three chords and the truth. Three chords and a cloud of dust....BlindBoy, I'd love to hear another of your covers of a Prine song. Maybe you can find some cute little gal to duet with you on this one.


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I knew what that song was gonna be before i clicked the link.

Even my Mrs (who would be the cute one you asked for ) loves that song and she's not much of a John prine fan . It's lyrics paint of love way more than a lot of songs.


We've been known to do it at parties if she's had a wine or three .


I can't sing it with anyone else . Wouldn't be right

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I never have been down the Prine rabbit hole. I think I know about three songs of his... Including a duet he did with Emmy Lou. I know Anne is a disciple. I suppose I need to fasten the ropes and get ready to decend!

It is true, and his offerings are somewhat incredible, whether taken as a whole or piece-by-piece. For a number of years at a regular open mic, I used to do what I called my Obscure John Prine Song Segment. You always hear the standards at any given open mic (but hardly ever as well done as what BBG just did for us here, btw 👍🏻👍🏻), but the lesser-known songs are there for the taking, too: Wedding Day in Funeralville and That's the Way the World Goes 'Round are fun, but Prine's real genius is the quiet stuff, I think.


So, Stu.... How about Far From Me? A Good Time? Sleepy-Eyed Boy? He Was in Heaven Before He Died?


For starters...;)

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