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Disaster in New Orleans

Buc McMaster

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In August of 2005 I was kicking around a phrase, trying to write a lyric about a relationship on the rocks: you'd better pray our lucky stars will intervene. I was getting no where. On August 28th as I watched the evening news coverage of the approach of Hurricane Katrina, the phrase took on a whole new meaning and this is the lyric that ended up on the paper. The next morning New Orleans was underwater and a whole lot of people were in dire straits...........




I did tell you folks you'd be sorry I got a guitar again!

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Sweet tune, Buc. Love that guitar. Awesome sound.....Isn't it strange how songs end-up so different from what our original intent was? You can have 2-3 verses or a great chorus and for weeks can't go any further. You know the direction you want to go with it, but for one reason or another you can't get beyond where you are. Then something happens and all of a sudden you take the same words and head in a very different direction. Good writing, my friend.

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Wow Buc, great song. That brought a moment of pause and reflection.


I was standing on the loading dock of Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, and watched Katrina go by in the distance. 18 hours later I was in Miami, with half that city in the dark, and watched the news broadcasts as it hit New Orleans. Fortunately I was a couple hundred miles, and a couple days behind the "storm".


In August of 2011 I was driving the Gulf Coast backroads from the Florida panhandle to New Orleans, and the devastation was still clearly visible and evident.


To evoke memories, emotions and reflections IS what songwriting is all about. Job well done!

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Right after Katrina, "Rita" hit West of Lake Charles, La. which is where I lived when I met my wife. Her Mom had a lot of damage and we had to wait for the power to come on before we could drive down to help.


That was a rough year for the Gulf.


Nice job, Buc, I'm glad you got that Bird!

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Hurricanes are one of the threats for those living on the gulf coast.........like myself! I stood at my own "Alamo" in '83 when Alicia made a direct hit; Katrina and Rita were a bit east of here but we got beat up on the fringe in '05; then in '08 Ike made a direct hit. We're overdue......... One of nature's awesome displays of power that we can only try to get out of the way of...........


Thanks for the kind words! While I do like to play guitar and sing, writing something to play and sing is the biggest kick for me.

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