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The One's Enough Club

Buc McMaster

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How about we all try an experiment ? Take your favourite guitar , put all the others in the cases for a few weeks and just play your favourite and see if you miss and need them . Then come to the conclusion is one enough ? rolleyes.gif Lol


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WARNING!!!! Just got back from GC a little while ago. Played a baritone guitar.....DAMN!!!!!!.....Pretty cool sound. Different. Nice neck. Very playable. Going to get one because I can afford it, I want it, can see myself on the back deck at 3am playing it, and my wife says "Okay."

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I find it peculiar that some will argue that one is the way to go and that you get more enjoyment if you have only one or that only collectors or pro's need a herd. I am a novice and I currently have 22 electric and acoustic guitars and I enjoy the fact that I can pull out another different one every day or every other day, they feel different and sound different although it may be slight, there is still a difference. It is what a player prefers not what others prefer for him to have. If I had payed say 20 years ago I would have had only one or two but as Larry has stated I can do it this way now so why not. I don't think you will ever hear me saying you really should buy more guitars or you will enjoy it more if you play many different guitars, it is your preference obviously. Bottom line is do what you want and enjoy what you have however few or many that may be.

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I find it peculiar that some will argue that one is the way to go and that you get more enjoyment if you have only one or that only collectors or pro's need a herd. I am a novice and I currently have 22 electric and acoustic guitars


If you own 22 guitars, doesn't that make you a "collector" by definition? Not that there is anything wrong with being a collector. :) Just curious as to how some of you would define "collector". Is there some numeric threshold? If Joe and Bob each own 25 guitars, is it possible that Joe is a collector but Bob isn't?

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I find it peculiar that some will argue that one is the way to go and that you get more enjoyment if you have only one or that only collectors or pro's need a herd. I am a novice and I currently have 22 electric and acoustic guitars and I enjoy the fact that I can pull out another different one every day or every other day, they feel different and sound different although it may be slight, there is still a difference. It is what a player prefers not what others prefer for him to have. If I had payed say 20 years ago I would have had only one or two but as Larry has stated I can do it this way now so why not. I don't think you will ever hear me saying you really should buy more guitars or you will enjoy it more if you play many different guitars, it is your preference obviously. Bottom line is do what you want and enjoy what you have however few or many that may be.

We're on the same page, though not literally. Check my earlier post....

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If you own 22 guitars, doesn't that make you a "collector" by definition? Not that there is anything wrong with being a collector. :) Just curious as to how some of you would define "collector". Is there some numeric threshold? If Joe and Bob each own 25 guitars, is it possible that Joe is a collector but Bob isn't?


Buc says, "A guitar is a tool, used to produce music. In the end we all have but two hands, and it takes both of them to play one guitar. Logic says we need but one guitar to be a player..." By that notion any of you DIY tool guys out there should be able to DIY with a crescent wrench, one screw driver, one hammer, one saw, one drill, etc, etc. No matter how many excuses you give for owning one, there are sometimes one certain tool that does the job better than any other. I'd be willing to bet the majority of players out there own MORE than one guitar for that very reason. I would agree that at some number you'd have a collection. For a working player I would think that point would be when he gets beyond the number of guitars used to gig with. I don't gig (anymore) but I own 25 guitars (really) - I'd call that a collection. So, by my definition, it could be possible that Joe is a collector but Bob isn't because Bob uses all his guitars/tools for gigging.




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If you own 22 guitars, doesn't that make you a "collector" by definition? Not that there is anything wrong with being a collector. :) Just curious as to how some of you would define "collector". Is there some numeric threshold? If Joe and Bob each own 25 guitars, is it possible that Joe is a collector but Bob isn't?

I believe the only true resolution for that is to agree on a definition of 'collector' for the purpose of a specific discussion only. A more general definition, applied to all instances, simply will not work properly. There are far too many variables.

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So Mr Buc McMaster becomes President in a swift and merciless coup....



1st Edict: Yep - the One Guitar Each Bill.



Which one will you keep?




(Though there is always a way around laws - start breeding or adopting guitar player children urgently). [rolleyes]




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Think I'd choose to sell 'em all and shop for a keeper from the new 10-12K price paradigm. Boy, does that ever give me ideas! Elder J45 or 00028, maybe. I'll be shopping after supper.


I'd also have to return President McMaster's Blue Chip pick.

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President?! Hell, I couldn't get elected dog catcher in Bum****, Egypt. As I said, this is a conversation, in no way intended to be the right medicine for all. Have all the guitars you want, fill the garage with them for all I care. But let's be realistic with the analogies........ Hand tools? Seriously? That's certainly apples and oranges and in no way applies.


Any one guitar can be made to produce music. Whether that guitar generates the subtle nuances of tone a particular piece of music might require is a matter of perception of the player's evaluation of that sound.......and his/her understanding of what nuances might be necessary to make that music sound just right. [unsure] I dare say no one at a house party gig would upbraid the guitarist for playing Pinball Wizard on a D-18 instead of a J-200. You know why? Because 99% of people with ears can't hear the subtleties between those two guitars, or any other two guitars you can name.


As I said, this is not a prescription nor an edict from on high.......merely my thoughts on why one good guitar is enough to make music. You think otherwise, wonderful, more power to you........you're doing you part to keep the guitar manufacturing industry a viable enterprise.

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President McMaster couldn't pull it off BK, due to balance of power stipulations. It would have to be Supreme Leader McMaster. You have proven your worthiness with the 'pinball wizard on the D-18...' logic.


I've always had two vehicles, a car and a truck., but I'm finally down to one multi-purpose van.

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It is easy, JZ, to get in.....staying, well....


For Example:



Vote For BK777 and you will recieve one guitar of your choice, free! [biggrin]


We fell for it here not too many years back.....



Cars.....I need a bigger van to take all my guitars in one trip, or two smaller vans to take two lots...soon an articulated vehicle! [mellow]


Don't ask me to play at that gig, I could never decide which guitar or car to take! [scared]


Hmm, wouldn't mind a new Jeep.....



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Supreme Leader McMaster has determined I'm an unrealistic peddler of apples and oranges. . . [lol]


If all you want to do is bang out music without caring what instrument you're using, you don't even need a "good" guitar - any old box will do - seriously -





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There are issues, I admit.



But at one very low point, the pawn shop got the guitar and even the effect pedals and tape deck...... I got to keep 2 broken electrics and an unplayable Dobro.



Later, there was a dread made of Nato wood, sort of Indonesian mahogany, which they sold me for $129. And it was quite a good acoustic. But I gave it to a wannabe guitar student after a guitar or 3 turned up.


So yes, I can MANAGE with one guitar, but it is incredibly sad for an acoustic guitar lover and player....we are in a guitar golden era of possibilities with great reissues and great information.





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Supreme Leader McMaster has determined I'm an unrealistic peddler of apples and oranges. . . [lol]


If all you want to do is bang out music without caring what instrument you're using, you don't even need a "good" guitar - any old box will do - seriously -





Gotta love Willie and Trigger!

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There are issues, I admit.



But at one very low point, the pawn shop got the guitar and even the effect pedals and tape deck...... I got to keep 2 broken electrics and an unplayable Dobro.



Later, there was a dread made of Nato wood, sort of Indonesian mahogany, which they sold me for $129. And it was quite a good acoustic. But I gave it to a wannabe guitar student after a guitar or 3 turned up.


So yes, I can MANAGE with one guitar, but it is incredibly sad for an acoustic guitar lover and player....we are in a guitar golden era of possibilities with great reissues and great information.





Survival is necessary, but shouldn't be mistaken for living....

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There are issues, I admit.



But at one very low point, the pawn shop got the guitar and even the effect pedals and tape deck...... I got to keep 2 broken electrics and an unplayable Dobro.



Later, there was a dread made of Nato wood, sort of Indonesian mahogany, which they sold me for $129. And it was quite a good acoustic. But I gave it to a wannabe guitar student after a guitar or 3 turned up.


So yes, I can MANAGE with one guitar, but it is incredibly sad for an acoustic guitar lover and player....we are in a guitar golden era of possibilities with great reissues and great information.





Survival is necessary, but shouldn't be mistaken for living....

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So, are we to assume that Willie only has one guitar?....... I heard that every time he rolls a joint he plays a different guitar. [scared]


Seriously, I've read that "Trigger," while still a playable guitar is more of a prop than it is a great-sounding guitar, but fans are wanting to see it. When we saw Willie a couple years ago, he wasn't playing "Trigger."

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One is definitely enough.

And in a lot of cases the one is more than enough and a Yamaha or takamjne would suffice .


But ! You only live once .

One pair of boots is enough , my boss has 5 cars and a garage full of bikes . Baffles me that , but that's his thing


And if you buy the right thing then it might as well sit on a stand and get admired or picked up and strummed as opposed to sitting in a bank account gaining the measly interest that happens at this time


I have to admit , I see folk with a big collection of fancy guitars who have trouble playing over 5 chords and think they're just overcompensating and think 'what a wally'


Sometimes I go into the room and the Martin calls out to me to get a tune out and sometimes it's the j45 ... so I guess I'd be less inspired if I only had one guitar . Which isn't good . And other times I think I could sell one of those and go visit New York or something. Or give the money to someone who might need it



If someone has the means and is fully appreciative of what they have and just is real happy at looking at and enjoying a collection then it's fine


I think it's wrong to use money and wealth and an impressive collection to be one of the boys . I find that sad and hollow.

Money spent on lessons would eventually feed a fellas soul more than any amount of guitars , but it's not instant feel good factor . So money cant buy happiness but it can sure rent it for a while .


Anyone I've met who is obviously in a penis measuring contest with his cars or guitar collection I always find to be quite an idiot and have no time for anyone like that .

They'll always be surrounded by people and get invited to more things than i will , but that's the way the world is




An empty can makes the most noise



Just in case - BK - you deserve the whole collection you have . Not a word of my post applies to you 😄

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Thanks BBG, I was almost feeling guilty.



Though I was in a band for a minute years ago, with a guitarist that had just everything....guitars everywhere, cars everywhere, PAs, houses, recording gear, very talented though. I had just about zip and green as. I hope I don't annoy people now, but I know for a fact that two guitarist friends here in my town get green. Sellng all my stuff and keeping my best couple and they still would be envious, eh? But I am about playing mostly....and photos!





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I have five. I could deal with two. If it had to be one, it would be a Gibby slope... My J50.


Yes GAS is silly.


Sometimes GAS is not about the guitars, but the whole chase, research, and distraction they may provide that provides release/escape from other parts of "life".



Well I'm surprised Sal. I would have had you down for at least double that!

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I could certainly get by with fewer guitars than I have, and have been culling a bit recently. But at least for me, one guitar wouldn't cut it since it would probably be a really nice vintage J-45 or SJ that I wouldn't dare take on my boat for the summer. That's what God invented carbon fiber guitars for.


There are also some styles of music that demand certain types of guitars. It's hard to play bossa nova on a J-45.


Anyhow, I only had a single guitar for about 30 years--my old faithful post-war J-45--and I got by just fine. I didn't do it any favors by making it live on a boat in New England for a number of years in the 1970's, or by leaving it in a non-climate-controlled storage unit for five years while we were off on a world cruise.


I dunno. I could easily get along with a half-dozen guitars if forced to make the call between that and cutting off my right arm.

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