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Hey Axe....


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Now that you are the President of the Jonas Brother Fan Club, could you get me one of those SG's that the, you know, second most cutest one plays, and send it for my daughter?


I would, I mean, she would really like it because she's only 9 and is a big fan.


We think the Jonas Bro's Rock.


Thanks in advance.




And kid.

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Fricken Jonas Metrosexuals. :-k ](*' date=') I can understand the kids these days. What do they see in these mickey mouse posers? I'm beginning to think that the Bay City Rollers were actually talented compared to these guys. [/quote']


Dude are you like saying that the Bay City Rollers were not talented? #-o what is wrong with people these days?

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I think I just found my new band name...


Your welcome Junkie


But when your rolling in the cash, just don't forget your good 'ol pal Bluezboy and his severe case of GAS for the Joe Bonamassa Inspired By model....or the Warren Haynes model.....or the Johnny Winter model



Or your sig model

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Hey... you think the onoe that plays les paul customs matches their finish with the color of his shoes on purpose?


(gay comment of the day, I know, but I am a total maniac when it comes to symetry and color matching and just couldnt help but notice...).


Anyway, I cant stand those jeans they use... did they remove those guys balls or something? how can they fit those jeans if not?

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Where I'm from (the cold European North) these Jonas Brothers-types is a non-existing phenomenon. No one in Scandinavia, as far as I'm aware, has heard of them yet.


Judging from your enthusiasm towards them, I'm kinda glad that we're a little behind over here...



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I'm moving to Denmark. Kolera and I will go headbangin' at the SAXON concert.


Right now that would mean us having to fight off a herd of crazy man-eating rabid penguins with a vengeance from the second we stepped outside. (It's freezing and snowing here right now and I'm hating it).


I'm not sure I'd be able to guarantee your safety, since learning the right technique of disabling the crazy man-eating rabid penguins with a vengeance usually has to begin at an very early age...


I'd be fine, but a pengiuen-novice... I'm not so sure.

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