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This is a nightmare. I am SOOO computer illiterate and have no idea how to post a good quality picture... :( :( :(

The Honeyburst was/is my first LP ever, it's a 2004 Standard with Seymour Duncans (Duncan Distortion-bridge/Jazz I believe neck).

The Black Studio is actually a friend's that I 'refreshed' for him. I wanna say it's late 80's/early 90's. I can't recall off the bat...

WHERE'S A TEENAGER WHEN YOU NEED ONE?? Dang everything I try to upload is oversize images???

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If you have a photo Bucket account which many use here or similar then post your photos there. Photo Bucket is free. Then select the photo you want and click on it. After popping up there will be a box. Share this photo next to it. Click the IMG, the lower most button and copy. Then in the Gibson Board where you will post, paste this content into your post. Hope that helps. From what I can see it's a beauty and I love Standards too. I have a 2007 Gibson Gold Top and a Epiphone Les Paul, black with white binding. Both Standards.

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1494978752[/url]' post='1855828']

This is a nightmare. I am SOOO computer illiterate and have no idea how to post a good quality picture... :( :( :(

The Honeyburst was/is my first LP ever, it's a 2004 Standard with Seymour Duncans (Duncan Distortion-bridge/Jazz I believe neck).

The Black Studio is actually a friend's that I 'refreshed' for him. I wanna say it's late 80's/early 90's. I can't recall off the bat...

WHERE'S A TEENAGER WHEN YOU NEED ONE?? Dang everything I try to upload is oversize images???

They have to be small size. I think the limit is 500x500 they will except here. That's why you upload on say Photo Bucket, copy it and paste it here. The photo won't show though until you hit Reply here and then the next screen shows your post and photo.

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My 2007 Epi '58 explorer w/ Duncan Distortions (The matched set) and my 1995 Ebony Standard, nicknamed 'The Ranger" by the previous owner because it's been all over the world! It's got a Duncan Jazz in the neck and a Hand wound "Hot Rock" model Ormsby in the Bridge. There's quite a story on that one that I'll go into later. Bear with me guys, I'll try to upload some more tomorrow of the 'Holy Grail' [rolleyes]

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The 'Back In Black' (1989 I think) Studio in my earlier Thumbnail. It came to me with two EMG 81's w/ tiny mis-matched pots & wired like spaghetti, no knobs, and tuners off an Ovation [scared] !! LMAO!! [lol] I removed all that nonsense and we went back with Sperzal locking Tuners, 50's wiring, PIO caps, A Dimebag In the Neck and a '59 in the bridge. It's scary how good it sounds...

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I don't own the Green One yet (2016 Standard), but if it's still on the wall at GC in 2 weeks I just might!! [drool]

I laid away this 2006 Gibson Natty Explorer Instead!! [biggrin] Been looking for the right one for a long time.

BTW MANY THANKS TO YOU "RETIRED" for the Photobucket tip!! [thumbup] Ahhite Guys I'm done posting for the night. I'll post 'The Grail' pics tomorrow! [flapper] Teaser: It's a Tobacco Burst! [flapper]

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'The Holy Grail' (For me that is [woot]!).

A 1989 Les Paul Standard TobaccoBurst. All original unmolested player. Note the 2 pc. top. Most '89s were 3.(I would assume this was a late production as Gibson switched from 3 to 2pc tops in 1990 I believe) Bill Lawrence-designed 498R/500T circuit board pickups that SOOOO many hate on but I LOVE!! [smile] They have a darkness and warmth that leaves me all fuzzy! The burst is actually "Browner" than it looks in the pics. In person it doesn't have that darker, almost black edge that a lot of TB's I've seen have. It has aged beautifully through the past 28 years. A well-played but well-loved keeper that has a mojo that can only come from 28 years of that!! Never ceases to amaze me that people lust after a $4500+ 'brand new' CS that's been 'Aged' or 'relic'd to try to simulate years of happiness and sorrow, ecstasy and pain, blood,sweat and tears that all true players pour into their guitars. NOT discounting that market or those people mind you, but I wouldn't trade this guitar for an R9 custom-made just for me!!

When I first picked up this guitar and began playing it (unplugged), the hair on my arms stood up! When I took her panties off and plugged it in... 'The deal was sealed' as they say!

My buddy summed it up simply... "It feels like an old friend." B)

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Your welcome and I'm glad you got some very nice photos! That's a very nice collection you have. msp_thumbup.gif Hard to say which I like best as their all very nice. I do however love your 89' LP Standard. Nice amp too.

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