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The walnut Epiphone ES 295 is a thing of beauty and joy


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I put some :"Axe wax"on the top and fretboard. Hence , the "stains" , They are gone , now. I was so ecstatic, I didn't take the time to wipe and "polish" it ll away totally mellow.gif , when I took the photos msp_smile.gif. It is all polished up now msp_smile.gif by playing it , all afternoon msp_smile.gifThere are so many very unreal guitars in the world , unknown quantities. I have several other Epiphone and other manufactures instruments (sorry Epiphone :) ) This thing is just plain nice , imho . Well ,time to practice now :) indeed it is :) I will also say this. My good friend from here at the Epiphone forums , " Mr Digger" gave me a fine complement today . Yes he did (thank you kindly , yes indeed , thanks:) , and if you read this , Digger, thank you. Being a bit older, it is kind of difficult to have incentive to learn new things and try to "improve" and become a bit more "proficient" I guess I get in a "rut" ..I guess :( And , "metal core" isn't my "thing :( yet :) Soon :) . Yes , I could obtain other manufacturers instruments , and in fact I have done just that , on more than several occasions, some rather excellent instruments , also. But , to me ,there is something about an Epiphone guitar , something , that gives me the incentive to want to improve , I guess the proper terminology is that I want to improve and "get better" , Well , that doesn't "just happen" i do believe we all can agree that musicianship , no matter at what level of competence as well as accomplishment , one might be "at" . take perseverance and practice . Yes it takes practice and diligence to "get better" .. My Epiphone instruments make me want to pick them up and play something ...every day.:) Lately , I have been trying to expand on the few things I enjoy performing ...more diverse . Not more "difficult" , just a bit more ...well , fun I guess. Epiphone guitars allow me , to have "fun" , and , that isn't easy for an old curmudgeon like myself. msp_flapper.gif Yep , Epiphones make me happy . :) Oh yes they most certainly do .



peace :)

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Nice guitar.


Pity about the Bigsby.


Pin , why do you "pity" the Bigsby tremolo unit ? I love those things :) . Do you believe it somehow "lessens" the functionality of the instrument ? or obscures some of the "top" ? Or , is it just plain ugly ? :( I am just a bit curious about your statement :)

peace :)

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Think it's a matter of preference Crust. I love bigsby's, but I never used to,.. till I put one on an ES135 with a crappy stock trapeze tail piece that was nothing more than a magnet for rattles. guitar transformed into a tone beast. Since then, I've got about 4 guitars w/a bigsby. Used right, they are cool things.


On the other hand, If I never use a Floyd Rose again, it will be too soon.

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Think it's a matter of preference Crust. I love bigsby's, but I never used to,.. till I put one on an ES135 with a crappy stock trapeze tail piece that was nothing more than a magnet for rattles. guitar transformed into a tone beast. Since then, I've got about 4 guitars w/a bigsby. Used right, they are cool things.


On the other hand, If I never use a Floyd Rose again, it will be too soon.


Of all the things I have obtained over the years , I have never obtained a guitar with a Floyd Rose tremolo unit installed :) :(:) Maybe soon . I would like to obtain a "V" with one on it , maybe , someday . I just ordered a blue P93 , so it won't be this month :) :( :)

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Hey Crust!


They are cool in their own way.. Dive bombs are pretty fun..


dealing with all the locking devices, something else entirely.


I believe you all might know I probably have obtained more Epiphone instruments over the years (I'm now 64 years old...wow ...lol :) :) than most players , maybe :) . I like the 2 Swingster Emperor things , a lot , really , they are quite the guitar . I do also have a couple Gretsch guitars , a solid block double cut semi and a double cut jet , both have tremolo units . The Swingsters are really quite incredible guitars . I like the Gretsch things also . To me , they are the same "quality" , both quite spectacular , quality instruments , to me . Again , I will , most likely , obtain graphite nut and roller saddle/bridge units for them , eventually . :) here are a few photographs I believe you all might like , I hope :)



peace :)

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this old thing is presently at the guitar fixing place , being restored , right now :) , by Christmas it should be completed








i did put a roller saddle thing on the wine red and the white Rivieras . They work great , return to pitch after heavy tremolo unit work and no more string breaks at the saddle vertex point :)

I contacted Long and Mcquade in Canada, about obtaining a blue P93 Riviera . Unfortunately , they can not send me one :( any nice Canadian Epiphone forum persons here willing to obtain one for myself .? If so , please pm for details , thank you kindly , indeed :)

I obtained a $99.00 Epiphone Les Paul in the red cherry finish , to placate myself . It should arrive next week . :) $99.00 . I can live with that :)



peace :)

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