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My Maton Unplugged


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Boom !


So how do you normally record it ?


I have started doing my YouTube stuff unplugged (well the last 2) because when I did one out at my cabin with no electricity, I thought it sounded better. My Soundcloud stuff has been unplugged since I got the Apogee.


Nice job old boy....

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Super song! Did you record in one take, or guitar and vocals as two tracks? If you did both the playing and singing into the same mic. How did you place the mic? I have been experimenting with this myself, with much lesser quality equipment, but I guess the challenges are about the same. I came to the conclusion that since I sing very softly, I get the best results if I place the mic in fron of me a couple of feet, at about the same height as my mouth, but tilted downwards towards the top of my guitar. Gives me the best balance between vocal and guitar volume. How did you do it?




P.S. great version of a great song!

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Thanks for the replies!



Yes the cedar top is great on this guitar, for fingerpicking. While it is a hand built guitar, it is a lower end model, but they all have the pickup that is famous for live work.


And I recorded it in one take with the Neumann KM184 mic facing the 12th fret/neck join and I had to lean down in to the mic to sing...not so good for posture and I noticed halfway through playing the song that I had left the wind sock on the mic...





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Yep sounds real good BK.

I had previously looked at a couple of clips online and wasn't so impressed with the unplugged sound on those.I need to play one or two- a couple of places not far away where I can.I wouldn't mind getting rid of my old Maton dread and getting one of those - if I find a good one.

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Yep sounds real good BK.

I had previously looked at a couple of clips online and wasn't so impressed with the unplugged sound on those.I need to play one or two- a couple of places not far away where I can.I wouldn't mind getting rid of my old Maton dread and getting one of those - if I find a good one.




Thanks FB!


Put a tune up with your old Maton and then get it setup!


Last year a friend rang me from his car on the way back from a guitar shop, to tell me he bought a new guitar when he had taken his other guitar to get repaired.... and next thing, he is on my doorstep with a Maton dread. I must admit that after some nasty setup Maton experiences over my lifetime, I looked at it like some stinky thing the dog had dragged in!


But after playing it for a while, and it was needing some setup tweaks, I thought ...hmmmm, that is great. Oh, oh. So his is the rejigged in 2012/3 Maton SRS70c with Tasmanian Blackwood back and sides and Sitka top:




(So, my Maton is all his fault).



If you don't want electric, I would look first at the more expensive Australian series :





But if you want a small body 808 with cedar top, mine is this:




And they are certainly not rare in this country - you can get 4 of them here for the price of a Bird - just get a newer model used one.....


P.S. There are a billion laminated back and sides ones on the internet for sale - usually the 'Performer' with an 'L' in the name...but something to keep an eye out for - solid woods for you, FB! [smile]





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