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Killing Myself


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Oh thank goodness, it's Kevin Welch! When I read the thread, I expected to read that your guitars had been destroyed and you were going to end it all. I was about ready to ship you off to the doctor for some antidepressants and the music store for some new guitars!


That's a great song. I've heard this guy before somewhere but can't quite put my finger on it. I might even have one of his cd's in my collection? I have to run and check now....


Anyway, thanks for the link, Subu!

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Re: Dead Reckoning Records


I caught the Dead Reckoners at a show years ago. You could tell that Kevin Welch really enjoyed himself with this bunch. As for Mike Henderson's slide guitar playing - sure sent chills down my spine, couldn't get enough.


I've also really enjoyed what I've heard of the Welch, Kane, Kaplan recordings.


All the best,


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Great guys. I loved that very brief period when both Kevin Welch and the O'Kanes had major label deals. They still make plenty good music. If anyone spots Western Beat or Kevin Welch in a cheap CD bin you definitely owe it to yourself tp pick them up.

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