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Been low key lately. I have some stuff going on, friends.

I am really sad, worried and dealing with issues I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I can’t bring myself to talk about it specifically, but I miss you guys, and I’d like to ask as a favor, if you could send some good karma my way.

thanks and peace...

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I sent a thought your way approximately what must have been the same time you wrote your post.  Believe it or not. 

Worried about you and wish you the best. 

Transatlantic vibes from here - Stay strong

P.S. - The heart wasn't placed by me. Others care ^

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15 hours ago, Salfromchatham said:

Been low key lately. I have some stuff going on, friends.

I am really sad, worried and dealing with issues I wouldn’t wish on anyone. I can’t bring myself to talk about it specifically, but I miss you guys, and I’d like to ask as a favor, if you could send some good karma my way.

thanks and peace...



You got it Sal...all The best to you and your family and friends during this trying time.

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I hear ya man, “If life is a bowl of cherries why am I always in the pits?” (A clever title to some book I never readJ)

No offence or controversy intended to anyone, and certainly no desire to view this mess as trivial – I’m sure it is real! There is one Who is bigger than any of our problems: John 16:33


Sincerely & Prayerfully


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Sal, you're in my thoughts today and I'm sending good karma.  I guess I don't know nothing about nothing, but whatever is thrown at you, I wish you strength to  keep moving forward.  During a time I had struggles I wrote this to remind me of such.  It's pedestrian at best, but it helped me set my head straight when it would start to spin, maybe the message will help you a bit.   Also, it has a C in it, go figure...  struggles suck, be strong, best to you - b.

  • One step forward, two steps forward, 3 steps back - and so it goes
  • One step forward, two steps forward, 3 steps back - and so it goes
  • Gotta keep moving forward, it's the way
  • Keep moving forward, find your way
  • Keep moving forward, have your day
  • Keep moving forward, it's the only way
  • One step forward, two steps forward, 3 steps back - and so it goes
  • One step forward, two steps forward, 3 steps back - and so it goes
  • It's a game for me and you, doesn't matter what is true
  • It's a game between us and them, just you wait, we will win
  • It's a game between us and them, just you wait, we will win
  • It may take awhile, but I'll find my way
  • Stumble on the path, but I'll have my day
  • Use my lessons learned, have my say
  • Don't you worry, I'll have my day
  • One step forward, two steps forward, 3 steps back - and so it goes
  • One step forward, two steps forward, 3 steps back - and so it goes
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“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats. A stereotyped but unconscious despair is concealed even under what are called the games and amusements of mankind. There is no play in them, for this comes after work. But it is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things..”

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