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Closer and closer...


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I posted a version of this song this past spring. Since then I have been trying to polish it a bit, and have now added strings and drums played live on my iPad. My kind neighbor also added some nice backing vocals for the choruses and an organ I think is cool.

I'm not quite there yet, but this last attempt is pretty darn close to the idea I had in my head when I first started writing it in April.  So closer and closer, one tiny step at a time...

Here it is in all it's ragged glory.




Edited by Lars68
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Thanks for listening, guys! EA, if I ever re-record it a different key is called for. I don't know yet if there is such a thing as a "comfortable key" for me.  Usually any key feels like new boots with rocks in them… [smile]

By the way, the feature I have been using to add drums and strings in Garageband is really great. I like the fact that I can add some subtle touches to my otherwise overlly simple acoustic songs to make them a little more interesting. There are a few different sound to chose from for each instrument and I play them "live" in real time along with the track, by hitting or swiping the screen on the iPad. For the strings, for example, I pick what chords to use. Each chord will then get a bar on the screen where I can "play" the strings by swiping the bar. It takes a bit of practice to the get the chord changes right, but it's not bad. If you're recording with an iPad and haven't tried this feature, it's worth checking out.


Edited by Lars68
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45 minutes ago, Murph said:

I liked it, except the volume increase towards the end. I was reading something and had to reach up and turn it down a touch, back to where it was.

Pretty nice except for that, old boy.


Thanks, Murph! So you mean you had to actually reach for the volume control, instead of just saying "computer, lower volume" [smile]

Joking aside, some compression ought to fix that.


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14 minutes ago, kwalker201 said:

Lars, I think its awesome that you have such a nice neighbor to help with your music .


Yes, she is great! We have a lot of fun together. I don't have a lot to add to the music she plays, so instead I gave her two bottles of red wine and a big hug for the help with this last song.


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