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Any Vintage Guitar Pick (Plectrum) Sites?


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Anyone know of a vintage guitar pick collection web site out there? Google turns up lots of sites for collections of certain modern artists' or bands' picks, or limited edition picks, or "actually touched by Elvis" etc. but I am interested in seeing a collection of ordinary picks from past decades, in particular anything that might have been sold by Gibson.

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I know it isn't guit tars, but mandolincafe.com might be a place to post. They get all glass eyed when you talk vintage tortoise shell picks and such. At one time they had some sort of chain letter thing where they passed around, via snail mail. a bunch of picks for each of them to try.


Not sure how long there have been mandolin specific pics out there but in a vintage year, picks might have been just picks, no matter what instrument you played. There might be a pick collector on that site that might be able to help you out.

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