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Les Paul Standard 50s or 60s


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I'm trying to decide whether I want to get the 50s or 60s Les Paul. My influences are Led Zeppelin, Eric Clapton, Beatles (basically, classic rock). I know the 50s sound more bluesy and 60s has a little more punch to make it mostly rock. I'm leaning more towards the 50s just because of the appearance, but I don't want to rule out the 60s yet. Plus, I still would like to try both of them out before I make a final decision. What does anyone recommend for me?

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Neck size is probably one of the most important things to consider, as a couple of responses said. For me, another thing that would influence my decision are the tuners; I can't stand the look of Grover tuners, which most, if not all, of the 60's models have. Tulips on the 50's models are the best look for me. I know that's a real individual choice, but for me, it was a big factor on which model I eventually chose. Of course, as alway, YMMV and IMHO.....[biggrin]

Edited by Joe M
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The biggest difference in terms of playing feel will be the chunkier neck of the 50s model or the slim taper neck of the 60s model.  You should try to play them both if you can to see how they feel to you.  My experience is that Grover tuners hold tune a little better than the Kluson, but both are adequate if the strings are wrapped properly at the post, and the nut is cut correctly.  As mentioned the pickups can be compensated for with the amplifier and effects.

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