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The Ibanez with the paint coming off???!  It must have come off in big chips - would that be nitro or poly?

The 2015 330L I mentioned sold today for just over £1900.  Very nice indeed - gloss black with a Bigsby, would have 'partnered' my black ES175 with Bigsby very well - but I'm glad I withdrew my bid.

Spec here-



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22 minutes ago, jdgm said:

The Ibanez with the paint coming off???!  It must have come off in big chips - would that be nitro or poly?


If the Ibanez had a high price and was made at Fugi-gen, it could have Nitro, moderately priced most likely poly. Maybe..

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2 minutes ago, mihcmac said:

If the Ibanez had a high price and was made at Fugi-gen, it could have Nitro, moderately priced most likely poly. Maybe..


I think mid-price; these days they are made in China AFAIK. 

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The 1st singer in my blues band bought a new Ibanez John Scofield - made in China, just under £800 (UK).  They still make the higher-spec original JS sig models in Japan but they are nearer £2k now.

I haad a good go on an original MIJ one back in the 20th century and always remembered it, so I was looking forward to playing my friends new one.

Nah - not nearly as good. 

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There was another guitar that came up in my searches as well..  One of these 


The thing is as much as I love double cuts and love this one (id prefer the vintage sunburst one though) I cant bring myself to spend that much on it. Its £3600..  If it were more like £2500 I would be very very tempted..  

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6 minutes ago, mihcmac said:

Hmmmm, the Cobra Burst, with a 1960 slim taper neck. On Gibson website its $4499 US, hmm that translates to £3,379.94 over £220 less? ? ? ?



Yeah but dont forget import duty and shipping costs..

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3 minutes ago, mihcmac said:

Do you have to pay those when you buy from a store? They don't pay retail for them.

Well im not exactly sure how it works but im pretty sure they wouldnt ship it for free. I am pretty sure it just gets added to the cost... And yes you have to pay import duties on anything you ship in one way or another. Then theres whatever the current exchange rate is and all that..  It just gets added to the overall cost you  pay at the shop.. You are never told how much the costs are or anything, thats just the price of it.

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1 minute ago, Rabs said:

Well im not exactly sure how it works but im pretty sure they wouldnt ship it for free. I am pretty sure it just gets added to the cost... And yes you have to pay import duties on anything you ship in one way or another. Then theres whatever the current exchange rate is and all that.. 

£3600 is a lot of scratch, they should have some squeeze room.

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4 minutes ago, mihcmac said:

£3600 is a lot of scratch, they should have some squeeze room.

Even at 3k I think its way overpriced. I have built one very similar to that myself...  

A 336 though (oddly really) is well worth that money in my eyes.

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6 minutes ago, mihcmac said:

Get you dream if you can..

I am trying  🙂  As mentioned above, another issue over here is covid has stopped or at least staggered the supply..  

They said in the shop today that I went in that we can order what ever we want but he reckons in the current climate I would have to wait about a year for it.

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18 hours ago, Rabs said:

Thanks man..
And yes.. Thats exactly what I did today  🙂  Problem being theres only two big local shops to go to...

One of the main ones (PMT), they said that they havent had much from Gibson due to the virus and stuff and even less from the ES division...   This is their current stock of Gibsons (and not all of them are Gibsons)


Then I was looking at Gretsch.. They had some nice ones, but its just not what I want



Then I went to the second shop...  Same story

This time I was checking out their Ibanez's..  Again.. Some nice stuff but its not really what I want



So yeah... No luck anywhere really...  I have found a second hand 336..  But am considering what to do about it  🙂 


Damm! (except about the 336)

I just checked GV & Andertons and its all the same. [sad]

Look. I realise you're a couple of hours away, but you're welcome to try out my 339 at any time. Seriously. I'll even  clean it with some sanitizer. 

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4 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

Look. I realise you're a couple of hours away, but you're welcome to try out my 339 at any time. Seriously. I'll even  clean it with some sanitizer. 


That is dang brotherly of you, brother guitar player.  


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7 hours ago, merciful-evans said:


Damm! (except about the 336)

I just checked GV & Andertons and its all the same. [sad]

Look. I realise you're a couple of hours away, but you're welcome to try out my 339 at any time. Seriously. I'll even  clean it with some sanitizer. 

Yes, thats a very nice offer thank you..   I may be going to see one tomorrow or Monday.. Its second hand but looks in really good condition...

So lets see what happens then .. Another issue being here in London the infection rate is quite high.. I think on Wednesday they are going to put us in a higher tier...

But thanks again man...  Much appreciated.

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OK, slow your roll.  I understand the anticipation of buying a new guitar especially as one as nice as a CS356, and the emptiness you feel when you're just about to buy it and find out it's already sold.  But you are looking at much lesser guitars because you are on the rebound so to speak.  While a 339, or that double cut may be nice guitars, they are not a 336 or 356.  Not even close.  What's makes the 336 so unique in the way they sound and play is the fact that they are carved (well OK routed) out from a single slab of mahogany with no rims or added center block.  Then the carved maple top (with it's own top half of the center block) is mated to that body.  A 339 or a Gretsch or an Ibanez are really poor substitutes for what you really want.

I know it's hard to find a 336 and the Covid thing isn't making it any easier to get supply of guitars, but have some patience.  You will find one eventually and in the meantime you have your Les Pauls to play and some of your own Rabswood creations.  Don't settle for a much lesser guitar just because the one you wanted got sold.  You will always regret it, and even it you buy something else the need for a 336 will still be there.  Keep hunting, and don't be afraid to consider used ones.  The thing about 336s is that they are so cool the people that own them generally take great care of them and any used ones for sale will likely be in great condition.  Keep the faith, good things come to those who wait.  

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10 minutes ago, Twang Gang said:

OK, slow your roll.  I understand the anticipation of buying a new guitar especially as one as nice as a CS356, and the emptiness you feel when you're just about to buy it and find out it's already sold.  But you are looking at much lesser guitars because you are on the rebound so to speak.  While a 339, or that double cut may be nice guitars, they are not a 336 or 356.  Not even close.  What's makes the 336 so unique in the way they sound and play is the fact that they are carved (well OK routed) out from a single slab of mahogany with no rims or added center block.  Then the carved maple top (with it's own top half of the center block) is mated to that body.  A 339 or a Gretsch or an Ibanez are really poor substitutes for what you really want.

I know it's hard to find a 336 and the Covid thing isn't making it any easier to get supply of guitars, but have some patience.  You will find one eventually and in the meantime you have your Les Pauls to play and some of your own Rabswood creations.  Don't settle for a much lesser guitar just because the one you wanted got sold.  You will always regret it, and even it you buy something else the need for a 336 will still be there.  Keep hunting, and don't be afraid to consider used ones.  The thing about 336s is that they are so cool the people that own them generally take great care of them and any used ones for sale will likely be in great condition.  Keep the faith, good things come to those who wait.  

Cheers man.. And no, there was no real chance of me going for one of those Ibanez or Gretschs or anything, I was just looking out of interest while I was there.

A 336 is what I want (or 356 if need be) and thats what I will get.. Watch this space..

The thing with the 356 I was going to buy is that just keeps happening to me recently.. I look at stuff for a few weeks deciding what to get and when I decide its sold out... Was just annoying 🙂

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