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1969 EBO Set-up specs?

Bass Carl

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No, but this is interesting: https://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/1969gibsonEB0.php

My simple home setup that may be of help if you can't find intended factory specs. Do in this order:

1. Rough set intonation by measuring from inside of nut (inside edge that faces fingerboard) to center of 12th fret wire. Multiply this by 2. That is the scale length. Next, measure from inside of nut to g string bridge and set the bridge where the string will contact it at that scale length distance. Set the other bridges the same for the rough setup (they will be moved later for final intonation setup).

2. Straighten the neck by putting capo on 1st fret while depressing low E string at last fret and then sticking a business card between low e string and 9th fret. Should graze the string as it slides in. If not, undo string tension, then adjust truss rod so it does, only doing 1/4 turn at most then check results. Let it sit for a day under string tension so the neck can have a day to realize the adjustment you just made. Once you get it dialed in then the neck will be nice and "flat". Any resistance to turning the truss rod - take it to a trusted luthier.

3. Then take off capo and set action at 6/64 each string at 17th fret as measured from bottom of string to top of fret wire. This is a good starting point.

4. Fine tune intonation but adjusting saddle distances on the bridge. Play the harmonic at the 12th fret then compare to fretted note sound at 12th fret. If the fretted note is sharp, move the saddle back (away from pickup). If flat, move it towards pickup.

5. Adjust pickup height to taste.

Edited by Lungimsam
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