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Pivots for R-TREM are here...


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I've got the first prototype of the pivots I designed for Aumsen. Small mods needed then I'll have the definitive version. It'll be made by hardened stainless steel. The prototype I have it's not hardened yet but makes the tremolo work like butter and the guitar resonates in a totally different way. It's way better, way way better. As soon we'll have the definitive version the "bending posts" problem will be totally solved. It will be sold by Aumsen on eBay and it'll be very inexpensive so everyone will be able to afford it. I did this to solve the infamous problem that every actual Steinberger has because I love that guitar and I can't stand that I can't play it properly. If the selling of the studs will be good I hope that Aumsen will make the whole bridge. You easily can figure out the meaning of having a full brass bridge on this guitar. I'm excited just thinking about it. I'll let you know as the definitive studs will be available trough eBay. I think they'll be priced about 15$ on eBay.



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