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Is this space between pickup normal?


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Hi DBS! This Les Paul has modifications to include the the pickups, those switches you are asking about, and the tremblo system. There may be more that is not shown in your pics. To get an idea what it originally looked like, take a look at the video Steve Ford posted. As far as being "ripped off" that's just a matter of opinion. If your son is happy, that's all that matters.

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Based on what we can see, it’s not something I would buy and for $1,300 there is really quite a range of nice guitars you could buy instead. So with that alone being said I don’t think you did great with the $1,300 personally. 

There are also other things we can’t see in these photos like if the frets are heavily worn or if there are other mods/damage. If there are problems that affect playability then I’d say it was a bit of a bad choice overall. If your son is thrilled with the guitar then maybe it was a great buy, but then again maybe a different guitar in better condition for the same amount of money would have been better for him. There’s a lot we don’t know so it’s hard to say. Just based on what I’ve seen I would return the guitar if possible but maybe your son has decided it’s a keeper

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With that second mini switch my guess is whoever did the modifications to the guitar put in a coil tap (splitting) switch, that's not stock.  It's to give the pick ups a different sound.

As for value, I guess it would depend on how old your son is and if originality matters at all to him or not.  I'm sure he'll be thrilled no matter what.


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