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Stung by warranty issue


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1 hour ago, Dub-T-123 said:

I’m not trying to blame the OP or anything but I can’t imagine picking up such an expensive guitar in unplayable condition and then buying it. Even if it was ordered online if I wasn’t thrilled with the playability right out of the case then I wouldn’t consider keeping it. 

Seems like a huge failure to not notice this under the 14 day return period and that’s probably why the shop is so hesitant to take the return. Especially after you tell them you’re a diy luthier and you’ve been tinkering with the guitar 


again I really mean no offense just trying to maybe see things from another perspective 

Fair point, although I haven’t actually told them that I have built guitars, only that it won’t setup to the Gibson spec, I did actually take it back before the 14 days and was told to give it time to settle in, and after having had a major surgery was in no condition to be messing around, also was taking it in good faith that I was just being too fussy. But tbh it felt good when I bought it, it just seemed too go down hill from there. It did look a bit twisted on the day but playing it in a noisy shop when unplugged didn’t notice the fretting out. It was only after getting it home and leaving it in the case to settle for a couple of days then trying to setup that I started to notice the issues.. obviously after taking back twice was basically shut down on anything I said and it was put down to me not knowing what a Gibson sounds like or play’s.. to which I stupidly thought maybe so.. and left it a bit longer to settle… this then made the neck seem to pop up at the low E side and look more like it should.. but since then I’m concerned about the structural strength of the join and having it not tune to play all chords, obviously I see how it looks on paper but I really wouldn’t bother to go through all this hassle if it was a cheap guitar.. I would just fix it myself, but being a Gibson and is under warranty I would rather a professional do it.

hope that makes sense

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Obviously I realised I have made a $5499 mistake by making a heart over head purchase and I will have to live with it, and obviously I don’t expect to get this issue resolved as it’s just bad timing and I’m to trusting.. but I am disappointed with myself for letting the shop fob me off within the return period but I really wanted to keep the guitar so.. 

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4 minutes ago, Dub-T-123 said:

It doesn’t make sense to me. You tried to return it within the 14 days and were told give it time to settle in. Well you’ve given it the time and now you want the refund, right? 

huge huge huge mistake to tinker on the guitar in the meantime 

No I wanted a replacement but it’s not going to happen so.. I’ll take it to a different authorised repair shop and if that mirror the dealership assessment of it’s normal then I’ll leave it at that and fix it myself but if they say the neck has popped then I’ll take it to the next level and see what’s happening from there. 

again not trying to annoy anyone just looking to see if I have missed anything that someone else may have had similar experiences.

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23 minutes ago, Dub-T-123 said:

So they are willing to give you a refund but you’re insisting on a replacement?

No, the only return from the shop was “that’s Gibson characteristic as it’s hand made and it sounds fine to me” I had to take it a third time after the crazing moved all the way up and around the join from bottom of heel to end of the fretboard at the pick-up and insisted it be assessed. I’m waiting to pick it up and see what it looks like now.. but have been told this is normal… out of all my other guitars not on has ever done anything like that or had any issues a setup by myself hasn’t resolved.. again I would rather keep the guitar if possible to sort as it feels good in the hands but if it’s not going to play and looks like that then I would rather have a replacement one but then it might not have the same feel.. I haven’t insisted they do anything as I thought that I should allow it to be assessed first.. does that make sense or have I boobed it by having faith in the process.. 

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1 minute ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

If they offered you a refund and your unhappy with the guitar take it. If not your probably stuck with it. It’s not my 5k.

Aye.. I’m pretty sure from the tone of the explanation from assessment that refund is not an option.. but again if the second opinion comes back as all normal then I’ll leave it at that and get the neck reset and fretboard levelled then regret and setup but if the neck is going to continue to find it’s position then it’s definitely a warranty issue and can go armed with the second opinion and that will not look good on the dealership… 

btw please excuse my spelling 

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Although after reading that it doesn’t make sense to do anything with it if it comes back as normal… but if I can’t get it in tune for all chords and intonate across the board then how can it be normal.. unless Gibsons don’t do it the way all my other guitars do? Just to check I wasn’t being stupid I followed Jim De Cola’s how to guide to setup and cross referencing it with a pretty cool video of Joe Walsh in the 80’s with the luthier he used for his guitar work and then applied that to my Gibson and my built guitar and it worked great on my built one but not on the Gibson? Please don’t miss understand but it has me questioning myself even though it works out on other guitars 🤯🤔🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

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Just had to take stock here.. I’m here trying to sort out in my thoughts on this issue and then came out of this bubble and thought I’m obviously not as good a person as I thought considering the reality and gravity of the Ukrain so I will stop and say good health and wish all the very best.

me thinks we have bigger issues afoot.. 

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4 hours ago, Tega.tm said:

Aye.. I’m pretty sure from the tone of the explanation from assessment that refund is not an option.. but again if the second opinion comes back as all normal then I’ll leave it at that and get the neck reset and fretboard levelled then regret and setup but if the neck is going to continue to find it’s position then it’s definitely a warranty issue and can go armed with the second opinion and that will not look good on the dealership… 

btw please excuse my spelling 

I'm all for better machines and changing pickups and wiring stuff the way I want it.  Straplocks.  That stuff.  But neck reset?  Fret leveling?  Refretting a brand new 55 hundred friggin dollar Gibson?  Dude, I'm hollering at you.  I'm wagging my finger at you right now.  Get Your Money Back.  You don't reset 50 year old Les Paul necks.  A new one?  Jesus H what the hellz?  If that was my 5500 dollar Fender and it was a hosed up as you say it is I'd drive it 3000 miles to California myself and return it at the front desk.  Then visit TMan and have dinner with Dub at Disney Land.  It would be fun until we drank too much.



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10 hours ago, ghost_of_fl said:

Yes and no.  There is some crazy stuff going on in the news right now but you can't fix it.   It's out of your control.  The guitar is within your control.  You don't have to throw away $5K because Vlad lost his mind.  

Excellent point.  The shop extended their 14 day return/replacement policy (indefinitely) when they said "Let It Settle In".  As RCT said - you should NOT tinker with it, or let anyone else.  It is the Retailers Responsibility to closely inspect incoming items to make sure they are not 'defective' so they can immediately reject/return them.  If, within 14 day YOU did their job for them - caught them with their ......,   they should have been all over themselves with apologies. They think you're a newbie and don't realize you know more about guitars than they do, so they're trying to put you off till you go away.  If we all accept BS from stores, employers, employees and politicians simply because of Ukraine (we sort of did it because of the Pandemic) the world really will fall apart.  If I were me (I think you came her for 'advice')  I'd take that git, all the case candy and the bill of sale, drop it off at the store - ask for either an immediate replacement, a check refund or a receipt acknowledging you left it with them and it is 'DEfreakinFective'.   If they refuse, tell them your brother in law works for a law firm and his best friend there will sue them for free. 

As has been said here by others smarter than I  - they are hosing you. 

Edited by fortyearspickn
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41 minutes ago, fortyearspickn said:

Excellent point.  The shop extended their 14 day return/replacement policy (indefinitely) when they said "Let It Settle In".  


If the shop has a 14 day return policy its probably written down somewhere, or on the sales receipt. The guy saying, "Let It Settle In" you will never be able to prove.

Gibson USA to Gibson Europe on the phone - Oh the guy at the store told the customer to let it settle in, well that's the trump card, and he can return it in 5 years of he wants.

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On 2/25/2022 at 11:57 AM, Tega.tm said:

I’m now the proud owner of a $5499 custom Les Paul that has.010 relief on low E and .003 action on high e… that doesn’t play across the neck without action being raised to well above 6/64 at the twelfth fret… and won’t tune or intonate properly.. I have been told it’s normal… I won’t even go into being blamed for the issues with finish and the fact I actually touched the guitar….

I didn’t know I was not supposed to not take it out it’s case or put it back to factory setup.. obviously after my 20’odd years of playing/ setup and building my own Les Paul copy as a lockdown project.. i now have realised i am obviously stupid and have no knowledge about guitars whatsoever.

I did think it strange that my other guitars tuning and intonation being bang on to hear after working on them..

and obviously now know that having sorted out the 6 other guitars I own to sound right and many others in the past both acoustic and electric with intonation issues and high frets etc.. that they are not normal as normal is not being able to tune or intonate across the whole neck 🤦‍♂️.. I will now go and correct my stupidity of making them sound in tune and pleasing to the ear…

This will be the best looking classical guitar I have ever owned… I wasn’t in the market for another high action machine but now I have it I can sound just like my toddler and jam till the cows come home🤘🏼

This is an ongoing issue through uk dealership with in-house workshop, both authorised by Gibson. Only 2 months since bought new

I mean no offence to anyone so please don’t take it that way.. and I have had it made clear both from Gibson customer service and the dealership that asking to resolve this issue is not happening through warranty and also because all the great’s have been playing them for ever that I’m obviously not doing it right or allowed to question any issue’s because the quality is good enough for Clapton, Hendrix etc. i was also referred to Jim De Cola’s video tour of the factory to prove my lack of knowledge and appreciation for Gibson guitars and the hard work that goes into building them… (which believe me i am well aware of the fact I have been waiting 20’odd to pluck up the nerve to actually buy one without fear of being that guy with all the gear and no idea)

obviously I must be the kind of guy that just randomly bought a $5499 guitar of some brand I’d never heard of just for a something to do… not sure how other people buy things.. but being a guitar player I always coveted the Gibson line up and being in government compliance for work my choices are usually well researched but what do I know… 

Thoughts welcome.

Someone’s playing games with you.. Return it & get your Money back.. Never do business with that Store again. Buy elsewhere.. Deal directly with Gibson on Warranty issues.. Don’t waste time talking to a Store.. They got your money. That’s all they want. 

Edited by Larsongs
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Isn't the warranty different when a Gibson, and other makers do it to, leave the USA for sale?

Sounds like he is dealing with Guitar Center, but he's in Europe, so it sound like they have their equivalent of the worst guitar store in history over there too.

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Yes, warranty stuff is the retailer.  Remember, when that guitar was retailed to the customer, the retailer owned it, not Gibson.  It is between the retailer and Gibson, not ever those two vs the customer.  If this is how Europe works I'm surprised they can give their guitars away over there.  No customer, no matter how much money changed hands, should have to see this crap.

If the guitar is that bad and can't be made right, there is no "settling", return it for a refund.


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58 minutes ago, rct said:

Yes, warranty stuff is the retailer.  Remember, when that guitar was retailed to the customer, the retailer owned it, not Gibson.  It is between the retailer and Gibson, not ever those two vs the customer.  If this is how Europe works I'm surprised they can give their guitars away over there.  No customer, no matter how much money changed hands, should have to see this crap.

If the guitar is that bad and can't be made right, there is no "settling", return it for a refund.


No.. The Warranty is with Gibson. The Retailer has no Warranty responsibility other than a courtesy.. There are other Threads here & on other Forums just like this.. They got nowhere with the Retailer other than returning it & getting their money back or exchanging for another. The Retailer has no Factory Warranty responsibility.. The Factory does.. You have to call Gibson & deal directly with them. USA or Europe.. 

Returning it is your most simple solution.. Get a different one..

Why go through all the BS?

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