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Les Paul authentic

Mark Thomas

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Owner says it’s purchased from Guitar Center in  2009. Fact that’s it says “Classic”  not “model” after Les Paul and the gold hardware throws me off. Serial number show a production year of 2006. 
Research shows it could be European but I’m not versed in that. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks you. 

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All the details are correct, minus the gold hardware and the after-market pickups. 

The black headstock overlay with pearl Gibson logo inlay is right. 
A gold silkscreen "Les Paul Model" on the headstock was standard between 1989-1993, and late 2006-08.
The "Les Paul Classic" lettering  is correct for 1993 to early 2006.
The Serial Number would indicate a 2006 model, so that makes sense.

I guess the only head-scratcher is the gold hardware. 
How much does the seller want for it?



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I reckon that a previous owner traded out the original chrome metal bits for gold-plated ones is all. 

Fjestad's Blue Book puts the value at around $1,600 US Dollars. 

But that's in Excellent Plus, original condition. 
Pretty guitar. 

I would gladly own one, with the gold stuff removed. 
(Not a fan of gold plated bits of kit.)

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I would also say.. It depends on what the previous owners did to the pickups..  If they are replacements as in not a 500t and 496r, for me that was one of the main reasons to have a LP Classic as I really like the sound of them..  BUT if they just added a cover to the existing pickups then thats different. And of course I would want to know what pickups they were replaced with if thats the case.

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