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R.I.P. Jerry Springer

Guitar God

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7 hours ago, Guitar God said:

Not music/musician related, but I just heard that Jerry Springer passed away.  R.I.P.
Jerry Springer, Host of Unapologetically Brash Talk Show, Dies at 79 - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

We can make it about music. Jerry was very well loved here in the Cincinnati area (councilman, mayor, news anchor, radio personality, ...}. I remember seeing him joining in jammin' with locals on his tuba.

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1 hour ago, Little Feat said:

He may have been a nice guy, but the made up garbage on his show was utter trash. He lead the way for Maury Povich to let every soon to be dead beat dad realize you should have bought a 3 pack of Trojans,  or surprise your wife is cheating  on your with your best friends albino pot bellied pig. I mean no offense to any albino pot bellied pigs of the world.

And God bless him for that!

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1 hour ago, Little Feat said:

He may have been a nice guy, but the made up garbage on his show was utter trash. He lead the way for Maury Povich to let every soon to be dead beat dad realize you should have bought a 3 pack of Trojans,  or surprise your wife is cheating  on your with your best friends albino pot bellied pig. I mean no offense to any albino pot bellied pigs of the world.

Feat, you seem to be blaming Springer for something that wasn't his fault.  All he did was take H.L Menken's words to heart:

"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". 

And his show proved that in spades.  And I'll admit I watched his show every now and then for laughs.  But more amusing to me was the HUGE amount of people who'd watch his show  with the obsession of a Beatlemaniac.   Now, I can't claim to know what percentage of the show's subject matter and guests were made up or not.  But I've lived long enough to not doubt, based on observation, that a good deal were probably for real.

But beyond the show the man has accomplished much in his life, and no doubt has many friends and family and other loved ones who grieve and will miss him.  And he does deserve some respect usually reserved for the dead.


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Never sawr his TV show, but I have managed to catch a few notable clips on this computer over the years.

Not my thing, to be honest.
I seek peace and an absence of drama in my life, and that show seemed to be all about promoting drama, hyping drama, and fomenting drama.

My personal theory about the 'success' of his show;

Most people have things that are wrong in their lives.
Some people have REALLY screwed up lives, and jacked up relationships. Dysfunctional families, in one way or another.

People could watch that show, and witness the nonsense and the drama, and laugh.
Laugh, comforted in the knowledge that, "Boy my life is a mess, but it ain't as bad as THESE PEOPLE have it! These people have it a lot worse than I do!"

And that is a good thing, right?

Rest in peace, old Jerry.
You left a mark on this world, I reckon.


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5 minutes ago, Little Feat said:

I wasn't blaming him, just stating what happens when you usually went on his show. If he was on today, think of the special new breed of idiots out there now, as compared to when he was on. Wallyworld would have been an endless supply of guests for his show.

In a way, he's still kind of on today.  Without The Jerry Springer Show, there wouldn't be a Steve Wilkos show.  Wilkos you might recall, was the burly, bald headed "bouncer" on Springer's show who eventually  ventured out to form his own show, which isn't a far departure from Jerry's.


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31 minutes ago, Little Feat said:

That is because kids want to be YT and Tik Tok sensations. They. care more about how many 'likes' their video got than learning to play an instument.

I agree that's part of the problem, but mostly, notice how when money gets tight in school districts it's the music, chorus ,  marching bands and other arts education that gets cut?  God forbid they touch the athletic programs.  


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22 hours ago, Little Feat said:

That is because kids want to be YT and Tik Tok sensations. They care more about how many 'likes' their video got than learning to play an instument.

Ekchewally, the reason given by the school district was not a dearth of students wanting to join the band or choir,   And it wasn't money.  It was simply a 'value judgement'.

We here are beginning the week+ celebration called "FIESTA".   Sort of like Mardi Gras, I guess.  Kicked off on Friday with a big parade. San Antonio is 7th largest US city and we have tons of high schools. Every one had a band marching and playing: tens of thousands of kids.   'Cheer' and 'Spirit' groups too.   All happy - a highlight of their lives -  "I got on TV!"      So, while there are fewer kids wanting to play instruments (or sports)  because of  THE INTERNET ...  I would think it would make more sense to take THAT away, rather than music.   And I think most parents would agree.  Hopefully they'll pushback and this won't become the next New Normal. 

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On 4/28/2023 at 10:13 AM, sparquelito said:

Never sawr his TV show, but I have managed to catch a few notable clips on this computer over the years.

Not my thing, to be honest.
I seek peace and an absence of drama in my life, and that show seemed to be all about promoting drama, hyping drama, and fomenting drama.

My personal theory about the 'success' of his show;

Most people have things that are wrong in their lives.
Some people have REALLY screwed up lives, and jacked up relationships. Dysfunctional families, in one way or another.

People could watch that show, and witness the nonsense and the drama, and laugh.
Laugh, comforted in the knowledge that, "Boy my life is a mess, but it ain't as bad as THESE PEOPLE have it! These people have it a lot worse than I do!"

And that is a good thing, right?

Rest in peace, old Jerry.
You left a mark on this world, I reckon.


Nice way of putting it Sparky. I never watched his shows either. Not for me. But I have see a couple of clips like you and turned it off. First I heard he passed. RIP.

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