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Canadian Smoke

Mr. Gibson

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39 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

In New York the city is handing out face masks.  Yesterday was the first time I heard of a baseball game being called due to poor air quality.  It was the Detroit/Philadelphia  game.

What made me laugh was that you'd have thought Detroit players were used to poor air quality.  [wink] But this wildfire smoke is something else entirely.   Not the usual industrial crap we've been breathing in Southeast Michigan for 60+ years.


They postponed the Yankee-White Sox game. yesterday. I wonder if they'll do the same, today. 

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I'd be surprised if the game isn't called off.

They say by Saturday we shoud be in better shape here in the NE.

It just looks really overcast out and the whole place smells like a campfire.

Kind of worrisome as last week the town put out an alert to conserve water.  I really don't want to see this area turn into crispy critters.

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14 hours ago, duane v said:

It hasn't been too bad in SoCal the last couple of years. I remember when I was a kid (the 70's) the haze was so bad from just the smog, the effects of a forest fire was truly diminished. 

My advice stay indoors if you can, or wear a mask when outdoors. 

Blue Skys here today, we don't see smoke but there is something in the air making me cough and sneeze. 

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9 hours ago, Retired said:

Blue Skys here today, we don't see smoke but there is something in the air making me cough and sneeze. 

That could be a variety of things.  But here's a thought...

Check out if that trip to Mackinac Island is still on...

As the Island is much closer to Canada than my neck of Michigan is, chances are the smoke hazard might be worse up there.  


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Well now, see, all the right leaning news sources are diligently and aggressively insisting "global warming" had nothing to do with it.  They're blaming slipshod forest management on Canada's part.

Whether or not one believes in "global warming" or not, the abnormally dry and hot weather conditions(regardless of that cause) probably is the best explanation for it.


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53 minutes ago, Whitefang said:

 They're blaming slipshod forest management on Canada's part.

I can’t say if that has merit but there are people in this world who make it their life goal to buy up thousands upon thousands of acres of woodland and close it off to any and all human contact. I guess they figure Mother Nature is infallible. Not smart. A forest is a resource and should be managed as such. Crop tree release, pre-commercial thinning, selective planting, maintaining a mixed stand , both in age and species, even prescribed burning are all management practices that are much better for the health of the forest than just posting signs. And I didn’t even mention fire breaks! There is a lot of duff and dead stuff that would just LOVE a spark or lightning strike. 

As to the current situation, I’m in northern Maine and aside from a strange red hazy morning sun a couple weeks ago, I’ve not noticed anything. In previous years I have smelled fires in Quebec but nothing this year (yet).

And as to the world being a better place if nature just took over unabated, I have only to look out my kitchen window and look at the piles of excavated ditch material that the Highway department dumped in an empty lot across the road. It’s nothing but goldenrod and burdock. I don’t see any red pine or MacIntosh apple trees popping up as invasive species. 

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It cleared up yesterday, I'm hoping it stays that way.

I went out for a walk yesterday and the grass is crunchy underfoot - we could use a good day-long downpour.

We'll see what happens, last Winter was weird as we didn't get enough snow to shovel, not  even once.

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22 hours ago, SteveFord said:

It cleared up yesterday, I'm hoping it stays that way.

I went out for a walk yesterday and the grass is crunchy underfoot - we could use a good day-long downpour.

We'll see what happens, last Winter was weird as we didn't get enough snow to shovel, not  even once.

As a lifelong Michigander I can attest that I've never seen "not enough snow to shovel".  To me, ANY amount of snow is too much.  [wink]

If only it would fall everywhere except on the sidewalks and streets, I'd be OK with it.  [thumbup]   As for now.....

It did finally rain here last evening.  And cool off too.  Right now where I live it's 10:21 am and only 57 degrees F. (as I'm typing).


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The wind shifted, smoke is back.  I just  read it's supposed to be this way, on and off, until September.

I also saw yesterday had high ozone and you should stay inside.  Of course, I did 6 hours of yard work - no wonder I felt so beat up.

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You sure that smell in Traverse City wasn't coming from The Bean Pot?  [wink]

Should wait until July 1st to head up that way(Traverse City) for the National Cherry Festival.  It's centered in Traverse City, but observed throughout most of the upper portion of Michigan's lower peninsula.  Stock up on some of those fine cherry preserves you can find at roadside stands all over the place.  And maybe a cherry pie or two.


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44 minutes ago, rct said:

You got madd skillz at the foto shop, bro.👍



It's just me putting 20 years of  Microsoft PowerPoint skills to artistic use, and using whatever imported images I could steal.

I would love to learn foto-shop someday though.


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On 6/9/2023 at 9:44 AM, Whitefang said:

That could be a variety of things.  But here's a thought...

Check out if that trip to Mackinac Island is still on...

As the Island is much closer to Canada than my neck of Michigan is, chances are the smoke hazard might be worse up there.  


Thanks. Never thought about it? Debbie has her mind set on it, It's already paid for.  Actually the trip is not till September though so things should or could change?  

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On 6/11/2023 at 11:08 AM, SteveFord said:

It cleared up yesterday, I'm hoping it stays that way.

I went out for a walk yesterday and the grass is crunchy underfoot - we could use a good day-long downpour.

We'll see what happens, last Winter was weird as we didn't get enough snow to shovel, not  even once.

It used to snow many times here per year at least 10 to 18 inches.  Still remember shoveling 13" of snow in April on Easter at the other house. Now it hardly snows much or even gets over an inch. Maybe two " at most. 

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Another thing I've noticed lately....

Whenever we get ANY snow, even if it's just a "smidge" too warm to stick, drivers get crazy. Slowing down to a crawl(or slower) as if they're afraid to spin out into a ditch, even when there ARE no ditches to spin out into.   And drizzle?  

Well, they act like it's not WATER drizzling down on the road, but OIL!   [blink]  And talk about over cautious,  I've noticed for the first time in a long time(since the beginning of the pandemic) some people, warned about the danger of inhaling that Canadian smoke, wearing face masks while driving.  INSIDE their cars!  With the windows UP!  I began to wonder if they also drove their cars while wearing a condom.  You know,  just to be safe?   [wink]


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9 hours ago, Whitefang said:

Another thing I've noticed lately....

Whenever we get ANY snow, even if it's just a "smidge" too warm to stick, drivers get crazy. Slowing down to a crawl(or slower) as if they're afraid to spin out into a ditch, even when there ARE no ditches to spin out into.   And drizzle?  

Well, they act like it's not WATER drizzling down on the road, but OIL!   [blink]  And talk about over cautious,  I've noticed for the first time in a long time(since the beginning of the pandemic) some people, warned about the danger of inhaling that Canadian smoke, wearing face masks while driving.  INSIDE their cars!  With the windows UP!  I began to wonder if they also drove their cars while wearing a condom.  You know,  just to be safe?   [wink]


When our son was stationed in  Pensacola Florida, he wanted his car. So Deb & I drove it down to him. There was 2" of snow on the road at the most.  No body seemed to know how to drive in that Lol. Cars were in ditches everywhere, Semi Trucks jackknifed  on ramps on the interstates, and in ditches. We had my sons Cougar with no problems whatsoever. We did have to find an alternate route as it took us most of the day to go through that mess.  They might cancel that trip if smoke is still down at Mackinac Island this September? 

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