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columbine and gun control???

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Man' date=' that is one giant leap you are making here. [/quote']


NO. you have not been reading the news this week. Janet Napolitano -- a lawyer and Secretary (Cabinet level) issues a declaration to all law enforcement agencies in the U.S. that CHRISTIANS are enemies of the U.S. becuaase they are pro-life AND veterans are enemies of the state because they have combat skills.. and at least 6 more classes of CONSERVATIVES are enemies of the state. Published fact.


Obama hasn't said a word about it and she said that is what she published and that is what she meant. Do you think she cares about guns? No. She wants to target conservatives.


You know when this kind of thing happened last? In Nazi germany when Jews had to wear stars on their sleeves and were singled out as "enemies" of the German people. Now it is happening again. READ THE FRIGGIN NEWS.


Well I will tell you something old buddy I WAS CHRISTIAN before she was born. I Was a verteran before she was in kindie-garten. I am [proud of both. But that is not her purpose -- her purpose is VERY EARLY to create a GROUP of people formally defined as enemies of the state.


She figures she's got 8 years to create this group and to intimidate others from associating with it. We have been told we cannot have a cross even in front of our own churches. Moslenms GET publicly funded foot baths in public restaurant and Jewish folks get a number of religious privileges on airlines and at work. WE have been forbidden from practicing our religion in any way in public.


This is not new. There have been many court cases to abolish Christianity. -- the ACLU, the Texas atheists, Jehovah's Witnesses -- they all sue Christians. We've had BIG fights in San Diego over one cross on one hill. The Soledad Cross.


But NOW she says it is NOT if you DO something (like pray or read a Bible or sing a hynmn) NOW it is if you THINK something or BELONG to something THAT makes you an enemy. THAT is a whole new level and Obama is only 4 months into it.


He said Pennsylvanians "cling to guns and religion" and he approves of what Napolitano is doing. What she is doing ie EVIL .. like a Nazi that she is. She is evil and she is setting herself and DHS up gainst the Christians. (They will NOT profile Moslems .. they made grannies get strip searched so they would not profile Moslems but her letter PROFILE CHRISTIANS.


It has been big news all week. BIG news and BAD news. It is a very ominous development in the new administration policy. Very ominous indeed. It will not stop me from being a Christian (be assured of that) NOR of being a veteran or an NRA member or a VEF and American Legion member. It will not change me. I do not care even if they find some reason to do something o me. I will not be moved (LIKE A TREE STANDING IN THE WATER).

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TommyK. I think no wiser words have ever been spoken.


Can I quote you?




Yes. Although I'm not sure I coined that phrase. May have to talk to my dad... or maybe Ron Reagan... I'm a product of my upbringing.

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NO. you have not been reading the news this week. Janet Napolitano -- a lawyer and Secretary (Cabinet level) issues a declaration to all law enforcement agencies in the U.S. that CHRISTIANS are enemies of the U.S. becuaase they are pro-life AND veterans are enemies of the state because they have combat skills.. and at least 6 more classes of CONSERVATIVES are enemies of the state. Published fact.


Obama hasn't said a word...the new administration policy. Very ominous indeed. It will not stop me from being a Christian (be assured of that) NOR of being a veteran or an NRA member or a VEF and American Legion member. It will not change me. I do not care even if they find some reason to do something o me. I will not be moved (LIKE A TREE STANDING IN THE WATER).


I'm going to have to read up on this Napolitano chick. Sounds like she makes Pelosi look like a conservative.


I still want to know, 'the rest of the story' about the ... I think Commerce Secretary for a week. If my memory serves me right, and sometimes it don't, he was a 'token Conservative' appointed to O's cabinet. The network media (cbs,abc,nbc) reported he resigned because of what the O administration wanted to do with the census..... They mentioned it once and we haven't heard word one about it since. What is up with the census? It appears they want to be sure all the illegals get counted so municipalities get all the money they have coming to them (read Big City Liberals) What does that mean to a mayor like Richard Daley of Chicargo? "Bring me your poor, unhealthy, illegal, thieving masses... it makes my city more money." He'll probably even send buses to Matamoros so they don't get lost along the way and end up in St. Louis.


Illegal is illegal. They deserve NOTHING this country has to offer unless they come here legally.


Heretofore, the illegals have been unwilling to be counted as that puts them on the INS radar. Let's hope they don't forget that.

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Hoyt doesn't think the rest of us are smart enough to own "assault weapons"' date=' Hoyt is a master of the machete...he fears nothing.[/quote']


Speaking of the 'long knives'. Them hutus and tootsies made efficient use of machetes, didn't they? Better ban them too, and box cutters, and fertilizer, and diesel fuel, and propane, and kayro syrup, and mothballs, and jet planes and rental trucks.


Don't know how to put them together... don't want to know. But, they can be used in a deadly fashion.

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I'm going to have to read up on this Napolitano chick. Sounds like she makes Pelosi look like a conservative.


I still want to know' date=' 'the rest of the story' about the ... I think Commerce Secretary for a week. If my memory serves me right, and sometimes it don't, he was a 'token Conservative' appointed to O's cabinet. The network media (cbs,abc,nbc) reported he resigned because of what the O administration wanted to do with the census..... They mentioned it once and we haven't heard word one about it since. What is up with the census? It appears they want to be sure all the illegals get counted so municipalities get all the money they have coming to them (read Big City Liberals) What does that mean to a mayor like Richard Daley of Chicargo? "Bring me your poor, unhealthy, illegal, thieving masses... it makes my city more money." He'll probably even send buses to Matamoros so they don't get lost along the way and end up in St. Louis.


Illegal is illegal. They deserve NOTHING this country has to offer unless they come here legally.


Heretofore, the illegals have been unwilling to be counted as that puts them on the INS radar. Let's hope they don't forget that.[/quote']


What Obama and his cohorts want to do, is to use sophisticated statistical analysis and heavy foot canvassing by ACORN in minority and immigrant communities, to get a more "Accurate" count of the people. Look it up if you doubt it. The dems have been fighting for several years to do a "count" of the people that more suits their needs.

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It was called the Jim Brady Law.


I for one do NOT consider Waco nor Ruby Ridge shrines. They are monuments to stupidity.


I will not be called a terrorist in my own country. As a member of my state's militia (being an armed a citizen of the state is all that is required) I see it as my duty to understand the proper and safe operation of fire arms. I don't need an arsenal. Should that dark day come when the real terrorists come to take MY freedoms and YOURS as well (those granted by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights... all or any of them)' date=' I or others like me will be at your front door protecting it, while you hide within, because that is all you will be able to do. Not because I like or respect you, (because I really don't know you), but because it is the right thing to do. [/quote']



Give me a break, Rambo, the Eagle Scout days are gone. Is that a line out of The Turner Diaries or something.


I bet you wet your pants and shoot yourself in the foot in the quite unlikely event the "dark day" happens.


BTW -- If that happens, I will not be part of killing my neighbors to survive. So don't waste your time guarding my door in the hopes you get to shoot someone.

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I'm not anti gun. I do think it's curious though how often christians and guns seem to be linked together.

Terms like fight' date=' kill, defend etc. all contradict what Jesus is supposed to have preached.




They are lumped together like salt and pepper. Two different ideals, with different sources who have no real connection other than having been chosen to be the current ones to exploit, to put on display on ones' kitchen table.. They are just two of O's whipping boys.


You'll have to ask O why they linked the two.


Still wonder what his real meaning when he said Pennsylvania is Philadelphia at one end, Pittsburgh at the other and Alabama in between. Was that a compliment? An insult? to whom?

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What Obama and his cohorts want to do' date=' is to use sophisticated statistical analysis and heavy foot canvassing by ACORN in minority and immigrant communities, to get a more "Accurate" count of the people. Look it up if you doubt it. The dems have been fighting for several years to do a "count" of the people that more suits their needs.[/quote']


If ACORN's past record reveals anything.. FOOT canvassing is not on the agenda. PENCIL canvassing is probably more accurate. But bloody'ell, it worked in '08, why not '10

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I'm not anti gun. I do think it's curious though how often christians and guns seem to be linked together.

Terms like fight' date=' kill, defend etc. all contradict what Jesus is supposed to have preached.




FennRX is not a christian and he is pro gun. I'm sure that there are plenty of other freedom loving, non christian Americans that love their RIGHTS too. It's not so much a love of guns, as it is a heritage, a cherished freedom, a way to protect family, self, property and Country and a right that the government is not supposed to infringe upon. Many people believe that if we let the government take away or infringe upon one of our Constitutional rights then what's to protect any of our other rights.


As for me, Jesus didn't tell me to turn the other cheek if my wife or kids lives were in danger.

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What Obama and his cohorts want to do' date=' is to use sophisticated statistical analysis and heavy foot canvassing by ACORN in minority and immigrant communities, to get a more "Accurate" count of the people. Look it up if you doubt it. The dems have been fighting for several years to do a "count" of the people that more suits their needs.[/quote']



You right wingers have your folks canvassing groups and places such as Minutemen and other Border Klan group meetings to increase the counts that suit your needs.

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Give me a break' date=' Rambo, the Eagle Scout days are gone. Is that a line out of [i']The Turner Diaries [/i]or something.


I bet you wet your pants and shoot yourself in the foot in the quite unlikely event the "dark day" happens.


BTW -- If that happens, I will not be part of killing my neighbors to survive. So don't waste your time guarding my door in the hopes you get to shoot someone.


"Rambo". I guess that puts me in good company. Thanks.


Ummm. The Eagle Scout program is still alive and well. Don't know of the Turner Diaries, nor how they relate to my post. Apparently you missed something. I'm well trained. Unlikely? yes I hope so. Possible? Yes. I hope it doesn't come to that.


But by all means, if you would rather be left to the actions of the terrorist wolves, let me know. Then I will be glad to step aside. When they are finished with you, your wife, your daughter, your dog, your dead body... I'll be at your neighbors... protecting them instead.

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You right wingers have your folks canvassing groups and places such as Minutemen and other Border Klan group meetings to increase the counts that suit your needs.


Those guys were down on the border watching illegals cross...their agenda is different than your agenda is Hoyt...they want to help keep illegal immigrants from getting here....You apparently want them to get here undetected, and then count them as Citizens once they do get here....all the while you remain locked up in your apartment sharpening your machete....:-

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Ummm. The Eagle Scout program is still alive and well. Don't know of the Turner Diaries' date=' nor how they relate to my post. Apparently you missed something. I'm well trained. Unlikely? yes I hope so. Possible? Yes. I hope it doesn't come to that.


But by all means, if you would rather be left to the actions of the terrorist wolves, let me know. Then I will be glad to step aside. When they are finished with you, your wife, your daughter, your dog, your dead body... I'll be at your neighbors... protecting them instead.[/quote']



I think I'll put my machete by the bed tonight. I don't think I'm going to sleep with both eyes closed if folks like you are my only hope. Get a grip, man.

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Those guys were down on the border watching illegals cross...their agenda is different than your agenda is Hoyt...they want to help keep illegal immigrants from getting here....You apparently want them to get here undetected' date=' and then count them as Citizens once they do get here....all the while you remain locked up in your apartment sharpening your machete....:- [/quote']



No, KSG, I don't want insecure vigilantes enforcing laws because they think like the previous poster "I'm well trained and I'm preserving our country by assisting the Border Klan."

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I think I'll put my machete by the bed tonight. I don't think I'm going to sleep with both eyes closed if folks like you are my only hope. Get a grip' date=' man.[/quote']


Actually, I'll probably check with the women folk in your household before I step aside.... just to be sure.


And your little dog too.

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No' date=' KSG, I don't want insecure vigilantes enforcing laws because they think like the previous poster "I'm well trained and I'm preserving our country by assisting the Border Klan."




Sh!t brother I didn't read about anybody on the forum assisting the "border Klan"...do those guys have a website?

You must be using that "read between the lines" superpower of yours to see that. Your awesome Hoyt!:-

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I think I'll put my machete by the bed tonight. I don't think I'm going to sleep with both eyes closed if folks like you are my only hope. Get a grip' date=' man.[/quote']


Is that a long knife?


Is it actually legal?


Is it legal for you to kill someone with your long knife?


What State are you in?



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No' date=' KSG, I don't want insecure vigilantes enforcing laws because they think like the previous poster "I'm well trained and I'm preserving our country by assisting the Border Klan."




Just for the record, After decades of the US Border Patrol railing against civilian enforcement organizations, they now welcome their help as the tide is overwhelming.


"Insecure" would indicate an unfounded fear. The overwhelming invasion of illegals is REAL. 30 years ago, land owners on the border saw the few people who climbed their fence as unfortunate and may even have helped with water and food. At some point they became a nuisance when they became more numerous and started stealing produce and other personal property from their land and out buildings, they they became a real threat when they began to invade their homes. No... "Insecure" doesn't apply here.

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Is that a long knife?


Is it actually legal?


Is it legal for you to kill someone with your long knife?


What State are you in?





It's not made to kill scores of people in a relatively few seconds -- like your prized assault weapons.

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