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Hey dipstick' date=' they are already torturing our boys when they capture them...they are already torturing all of their enemies, and they really torture people, not what we did. And the ship IS ON FIRE, don't you watch the news?[/quote']


That is no excuse for us to use torture as well. I don't understand how you can possibly think it is. Don't we all use the phrase "if your friends jumped off a bridge, would you?" Well, this is like "If the dirty kids in detention smoking cigarettes jumped off a bridge, would you?" If you were any more brain dead you'd be a rock.

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A man named Bobby Collins, radio personality from Chicago, said numerous times, "War has two purposes. To kill people and break things." War is an ugly business. Yes this type of torture is ugly. It has been done for centuries. Some forms of torture are more gruesome than others. Water boarding is pretty innocuous compared to severing of limbs, disemboweling, shoving bamboo splints under fingernails, merciless beatings and other maiming techniques.


"The Big Three" media purveyors of news would have us believe water boarding was less effective than it was.


While it is unpleasant, these low-life rat bastards who tortured our people by sawing their heads off... in living color. Then proudly displayed their terror on YouTube. If the information we gathered from these dirt bags saved ONE soldier's or civilian's life.. it was worth it.


Yes, The Big Three quickly mention that the people in charge at the time tell us that it was successful in getting information out of these low-lifes, thus helping us, The Coalition, get the upper hand in Iraq so Iraqi the people can begin to control their own destinies. But, the new Sec of State poo poos that notion. They portray us, US, as the villains. Now that's patriotic. Isn't it? These are the same people that spit upon our own soldiers coming back from Viet Nam, calling our brave boys "baby killers" for no other reason than wearing the uniform.


I suspect it still goes on, just not soes you'd notice.


It's a slight of hand operation folks. Magicians perform slight of hand. While your attention is diverted from the real action, they switch something out or hide something. This 'old news' dog wagging is being used to divert attention from what the 0 admin is really up to. Pushing through a socialist agenda that places the government more powerful than the people. Things like naming those opposed to their liberal ideals as enemies of the state, from preachers to teachers to soldiers to private citizens.


Keep you eyes on what they are not holding up as the most important issue of the day.

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Nothing that lawyers or courts do will ever make any sense. It is not supposed to make sense. It is supposed to make money. If you do not have any money you will not get a trial AT ALL -- you will get a negotiated plea -- which means you will plea guilty whether your a guilty or not and get a lesser sentence (they will only kill you once) (hey -- that's a break -- how can you lose?)

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