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Time to say goodbye


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I've not had much 'air-time' recently and came to this thread late.


Reading through all six pages pretty much agrees with a typical cross-section of many posts; Some come (in the first instance) to offer good advice; some add in a mixture of advice and humour which gets taken up by others; and then at some point political views are offered up; not as something which is just some 'best guess theory' but as something which is somehow a self-evident truth - and anyone whose view differs somehow is an idiot for not seeing that same 'self-evident truth'.


Whilst I am able to skip all the crap easily, and I'm sure flight can too, I know some people who would, by their very nature, find it impossible not to see things from a deeply personal viewpoint and would feel offended or hurt by something which was meant to be taken merely with a pinch of salt.


Politics and Religion, unfortunately, are areas where opinions can be both strongly-felt and polarised. I, for one, avoid both subjects in public discussion. In private too, come to that.


As others before me have mentioned I trust flight will continue to visit the LP section. I am also hoping to meet up with him on June 9th for a beer or two and a chat.


If all else fails the "Last Resort" will mean meeting up in person as he lives about 10 mins away.....


Flight; You Have Been Warned!


Best Wishes.

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I have to disagree' date=' maybe that is how you see yourself but when you came in this forum was already established with significant traffic. The only reason there is more traffic now is precisely because guys like you keep posting political subjects. So you see, you are part of the problem.


You can say whatever you want but it does not change the way things really are or were.[/quote']


I'm not part of any problem. There is no problem. yes at times I actually feel a bit bad about pissing people off, but that is the very nature of the type of posts I respond to. I don't give a damn if you don't want to talk in those posts. If flight feels he can't continue to read them then I suppose he can either ignore them leave or tell me and others to go to hell. He chose to leave. Oh well, I liked the guy, but frankly I am not about to beg the guy to stay.


I find it interesting that you say I am part of a problem. How can it be a problem to communicate on a forum designed for that very purpose. No one is running that computer mouse of yours, but you. click to another thread or start your own.

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Hi Dave' date='


Theres a forum get together at the Gibson Hq in London started over on the acoustic forum the thread is probably still there . I'm planning on making the trip and Flight is going as is Pippy, I know your in spain but I figured it would be nice to have a couple of beers with the Lads and any ladies off the forum. This virtual world is all well and good, but a get together a bit of Jamming, Gibso are laying on some guitars and Amps for demoing etc.


As I say it should be a blast and will be nice to see pippy and Flight there.




Sounds like a great time.... I don't think I can make it though :-( I hope you guys have a great time and let us know how it went...

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I know some people who would' date=' by their very nature, find it impossible not to see things from a deeply personal viewpoint and would feel offended or hurt by something which was meant to be taken merely with a pinch of salt.




1) not my problem

2) dont click on it

3) see a therapist

4)not my problem


you dont have the right to not be offended.

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1) not my problem

2) dont click on it

3) see a therapist

4)not my problem


you dont have the right to not be offended.


I know of no international treaties that protect a persons feelings. And, although I'm not a legal expert, I don't know of any constitutional issues here. I find no logic problems with your statement.


Hey Fenn, if you and your wife would like to stop by tonight and jam a bit, your welcome. It would be just wicked1 and us. The band is off. Could be cool.

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I think Flight is gone :P Can this be the last bump for this thread?


No. Probably not. You see Flight isn't really gone. Oh sure' date=' he hasn't posted since he started this thread on the 23rd., however his last log on to the forum was: [b']Saturday, April 25, 2009 5:53:20 AM.[/b] So you see, he was't really interested in leaving in the first place. I suspect like many others, he just wanted to post and see how much of a hornets nest he could stir up. Six pages later, he's still watching and laughing, and trying to think of a way to come back, while saving face. Of course he could delete his account to try and make me out to be a liar. But those that know me in this forum should know better.


The lounge was built for this very purpose. Their are so many other threads to this forum for guitar related chit chat.


My mama used to tell me "When you grow up, don't go into the Tavern. People in there gamble and sin, and cuss worse than sailors." Mama was right.


If you can't handle the Tavern, don't go in. If you do go in, and things get ruff, be prepared for a bar fight.




p.s. Hi Flight959...how you doing?

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If the lounge isn't your thing,why not just stay out of the lounge?

probably little less of the drama on the other forums,lp,sg,etc.

The Gibson forum is really no different than any other forum.they all are pretty much same.

Somme are worse than others.The ones where they over moderate everything to the point you feel you are walking on egg shells(MLP) are the worst ones in my opinion.Here,it always to me has been decent.Your gonna get arguements and stupid stuff now and then,pretty much everywhere on the web.If you let it stress you out your probably better off staying clear of it.I just don't take anything personally.To me,the web is not the same as real life and never will be.I'd guess most people would never speak to another person in real life in person the same as they do on the web.People tend to have alot more courage when they have a computer screen between them.Also,alot of people will fabricate things on the web as there is really no way to really know who you are really communicating with.Think about it.They could be lying about everything and everything on the web.You got to use common sense and always remember its just the web and the web is full of ALOT of bs.YOu can also get some great free info on the web,but again you need to have and use common sense to be able to tell if the info is honorable or not.

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No. Probably not. You see Flight isn't really gone. Oh sure' date=' he hasn't posted since he started this thread on the 23rd., however his last log on to the forum was: [b']Saturday, April 25, 2009 5:53:20 AM.[/b] So you see, he was't really interested in leaving in the first place. I suspect like many others, he just wanted to post and see how much of a hornets nest he could stir up. Six pages later, he's still watching and laughing, and trying to think of a way to come back, while saving face. Of course he could delete his account to try and make me out to be a liar. But those that know me in this forum should know better.


The lounge was built for this very purpose. Their are so many other threads to this forum for guitar related chit chat.


My mama used to tell me "When you grow up, don't go into the Tavern. People in there gamble and sin, and cuss worse than sailors." Mama was right.


If you can't handle the Tavern, don't go in. If you do go in, and things get ruff, be prepared for a bar fight.


p.s. Hi Flight959...how you doing?



You are indeed correct. I had to log in to read the PM's I was sent....


That's all!


All... for the record I wasn't pointing the finger at anyone here with regards to my original post. Im sure im just as guilty for posting crap... Its just not my time anymore...


Over and out!


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Well at least at the end of the day when Neo and KSG are tag teaming me, Hoyt, and Firstmeasure there is that one thing we all have in common. We all love guitars.


And of course we all agree the greatest guitar of all is a Gibson. And we all agree the Gibson Les Paul Standard kicks the *** of all other Gibson models. And we also agree the Custom Shop guitars are for sissies. And then of course we all agree pick guards are ghey and should only be used by republicans. #-o

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Maybe I should take the advice and stay away from the Lounge' date=' Maybe I should turn into a 5hit kicker, maybe Iam a 5hit kicker.....


Things need to change in the Lounge... For the better...




Hey, look around your getting what you wanted. This level of boring hasn't been seen in weeks.




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Boring is reading one of your many empty topics!!




There's nothing empty about human interaction. What is boring is a half dozen people trying there very best to stifle the conversations of others when all they have to do is leave.


So whine some more and those same half dozen people will apologize for something they have do reason to apologize for. Just do me the small favor of accepting your victory and stop whining.

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