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Sorry Homz don't sell anything until you absolutely have to. I had to stop working due to my heart and it took 7 months for my disability to start paying I sold what I didn't absolutely need. However things seem to work out one way or another it's just how you adapt that determines it's effect.

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The well-kept secret part would just be Limbaugh huffing and puffing about the "liberal media" again.

He said nothing of the sort.

That was MY observation' date=' as I surfed cable broadcasts of Fox, CNN, MSNBC and Bloomberg this morning.

None of them mentioned it.

When Limbaugh came on, I killed the tube and was listening to the radio.

That was the first I heard of the percentages.

Consider the huffing and puffing mine if you wish....






CNN discusses it in their main story about the the bankruptcy.

I rarely go to their website, preferring to hear their breathless spinning of reality and neglect of facts on their TV show.

THAT is the best of this whole "Reality TV" craze, CNN trumps Survivor and all the others in the fake drama realm.


That's where the stupidest consumers of their Liberal agenda are.

Without a computer for research they they believe whatever they hear from the television.

Older people in particular....

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IMO, CNN (while having a tendency to be long winded which is why I don't watch their television channel) is one of the more balanced mainstream news organizations out there. Either way, they mentioned the "well-kept secret" early on.

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Sorry to hear about this Homz - really.


I too have some personal connections with Chrysler (family) and I'm curious how it will effect them.


I hope you don't mind, but I did just pray for you and your family.

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The UAW's "stake" in Chrysler was in an AP article yesterday or the day before. It's no secret at all. It's also not what it sounds like. They are basically using that as a way to fund retiree pensions without actually paying any money for retiree pensions. (UAW has had control of the pensions for a few years). Of course, that doesn't help the retirees who are now losing a huge amount of healthcare benefits, prescription drug coverage, etc. If Chrysler goes under, the entire city of Kokomo may as well pack up--it will be a ghost town. And, yeah, I'm bitter--but I still blame this on Daimler-Benz!

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Hate to see anybody going thru this.

I have close friends in Kansas who are now out of a job due to the unfashionable public perception of business jets.


Just don't spend too much time kicking the same door, look for another one that will open for you.


Worked for me over the years...

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Hate to see anybody going thru this.

I have close friends in Kansas who are now out of a job due to the unfashionable public perception of business jets.


Just don't spend too much time kicking the same door' date=' look for another one that will open for you.


Worked for me over the years...




+1 And keep kicking.


In this economy, only the most driven and persistent get the jobs. Every job that I've ever wanted and got was due to me following up and following up and checking in and checking in until the potential employer either got sick of hearing from me or figured that since I really wanted the job, I'd be a great employee. Hell, back in highschool, I showed up for an interview at a McDonald's wearing a suit and tie. Fortunately for me, another place I had applied to called and offered me a job before Micky D's.

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Seems to be a well-kept secret' date=' none of the other news outlets are mentioning this.




Maybe you need to start reading all the papers and online outlets. It is not much of a secret. But that little fact wouldn't fit your agenda and ****-stirring personality.

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I find it difficult to understand what "bankruptcy" means in a case like Chrysler's, where jobs are not to be lost and unions can't be discarded. I also find it amazing that Obama says that the creditors have a share in the sacrifice. They're creditors, for God's sake! They want their money back.

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I find it difficult to understand what "bankruptcy" means in a case like Chrysler's' date=' where jobs are not to be lost and unions can't be discarded. I also find it amazing that Obama says that the creditors have a share in the sacrifice. They're creditors, for God's sake! They want their money back.[/quote']


The union isn't the problem. They made some very big concessions--particularly for the retirees--in order to keep the doors open. GM did something similar at the end of last year.


The creditors are going to end up with a lot less money than is owed them. And I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't lay-offs in a few months. Technically, that shouldn't affect Homz, but they've done some pretty crappy things to us in the past.

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What!? "The union isn't the problem". You can't be serious! The unions are almost entirely responsible for these companies being unviable. They put such a drag on these companies that they become uncompetitive. Incompetent management can always be replaced, but the union system in these companies has led to their demise.


(Unionization also killed Gibson in Kalamazoo, along with the other companies that left that ghost town in the '70s.)

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Believe me, Daimler-Benz did a lot more to kill Chrysler than the UAW did. The union auto workers do not make more than $1 or $2 more per hour than the non-union workers in the south. Apparently, Honda & Toyota figured out that they needed to have comparable pay and benefits if they wanted to keep their shops non-union.

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That's billions of dollars per year that were eaten up by the 1 or 2 dollars per hour. That's the difference between profitability and going out of business. There are a few good books on this subject that take to task your estimate of 1 to 2 dollars. The bankruptcy of the GM and Chrysler have been anticipated for about six years. That's why their market value is so low.

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Since the cat is already out of the bag' date=' yes I am a United Auto Worker. I am a journeyman Powerhouse Mechanic at a plant in Kokomo, IN.


My job. I don't know. [/quote']


Damn that's a Great Gig. Powerhouse Ha. What do you do.

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It's not so much the labor cost per hour as it is the legacy cost of over 100' date='000 past employees...and the super duper insurance and benefits package that both the current and past UAW members have...My .02[/quote']


Yes, a lot of it is retiree costs. But, I can assure you there are no super-duper insurance benefits around here. We have decent prescription drug coverage and major medical. So we get to decide how badly we need to go to the dr because we pay the entire cost ourselves. And going to the ER usually means fighting with the ins. company to get it paid for because they love to claim anything & everything is not an emergency.

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Eye know it would be different for you cuz you have kids but Eye'm living in a 27 foot travel trailer I feel free for the first time in years and eye have the least eye've had in as long. There is no longer a ball and chain keeping me down.


You'll be OK

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I can't say I'm surprised how long can any company bleed money like that. Sorry Homz and Wicked1 and best of luck I feel bad for the people who work there.


But Chrysler built a horrible product in my case at least. I owned a first year LeBaron convertible the car was in the shop 14 times in the first 18 months before a legal fight made them refund much of the cost. The car was so badly made we were actually required to keep a box in the small trunk to put parts in that fell off the car, Most time the mechanic would shrug and say the parts were not important. At least seven of the trips to the dealer were because the windows would actually fall out of there track so badly it would shatter the safety glass. I even had a large part of the bumper fall off the car twice while it was parked. It was alligned so badly if you put the top down it basically required a trip to the dealership to close it again.


It was actually hilarious in hindsight, you open the door and the door handles would fall off, shut the door the rear view mirror would fall out of it's casing and hang by wires. My wife tried to adjust the seat between her 5'4 height and me at 6'4" and the floorboard would be covered in small screws, brackets and springs from the auto adjust function, that worked three times correctly before committing mechanical suicide.


Like I said, looking back it funny but at the time it was a very expensive car my wife had dreamed of that turned into a nightmare, she would actually come in from driving it in tears. it lost 83% of it's trade in value in two years so thank god there was a legal action to help recover much of the financial loss. Chrysler had a lot to do with why lemon laws were passed in many states.

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Maybe you need to start reading all the papers and online outlets. It is not much of a secret. But that little fact wouldn't fit your agenda and ****-stirring personality.



Try a couple times to offer some words of encouragement' date=' and what happens?

You drop into a thread with an insult for me, ignoring the entire purpose of the posts so far.

Way to go.


In addition to that, you seem to think there's a room for you to comment on [i']my[/i] personality?

Maybe you need to kiss my xxx.


Smell that?

That's my sh!t-stirring personality working overtime for you....

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