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I happened to be checking my account a while back and found I had blocked 2 peoples comments, I don’t remember who they were or why so it must have been years ago. I unblocked them anyway but I guess they be long gone. I’m like Rabs in finding that there’s little that hasn’t been done over and over at this forum, you can pretty much tell what each will say before they say it, but it’s the only one I bother to visit and still has a bit to offer with the odd interesting thread [thumbup].  And if people p!ss you off,  it’s really not them who has the problem.

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 6/3/2024 at 11:24 AM, ksdaddy said:

If I could change one thing about the way we respond to new people, is that.... even though we have heard their question time and again about serial numbers, identification, value, all that, I think we owe it to Gibson and all present and future forum members to answer them politely and with much patience.

It's funny that you point this out. When I first joined the Gibson Forum, I innocently posted a question in the Lounge hoping to get some info on one of my Gibsons. Being the FNG, I had no idea that I could search the Forum archives, using key words, to see if my question had already been asked and/or answered. (when I learned about this feature, I was actually surprised that my question had not been previously asked nor answered on the Forum.) I assume each FNG that posts here is similarly ignorant of the forums capabilities, nor could they be aware of the multitude of identical posts/questions from other members prior to their arrival. There are no stupid questions, just stupid responses to them by ego driven show offs.

I am still learning how to navigate and fully utilize this forum. Not long ago I taught myself how to upload my "avatar" image. Upon opening my profile page, I saw a message indicating that I "won the day" a few weeks prior. I had no idea of what that meant or how I did that. I finally figured out what that meant, and I simultaneously learned what those "points" were on my profile page, and how they are achieved. The person who admits to knowing nothing, knows more than the person who claims to know it all. Remember, ever person here was the FNG. 

It may just be an internet, keyboard warrior thing, but I am a bit shocked at snarky behavior and the mean interactions here. I started to learn guitar from my dad when I was 8. I began my formal music training in 5th grade, and I have been involved, in some form or fashion, with performing/gigging bands ever since.  I've played in Concert/Symphonic/Orchestral/Marching bands that had well over 60 members, Jazz/Funk bands with 25 or so members, trios, quartets, and quintets, plus bar bands with between 5 and 8 members. Interpersonal disagreements were quite rare, and typically were unrelated to the band. There seemed to be an unwritten code that connected us all to the music we were playing. For the most part, one had to "try out" to even play in these bands, so every member was skilled. There were no "put downs", only "bring up's", when/if someone needed a bit of help. As they say, "We all go down together."  If the band failed to "bring up" a struggling member, it could cost the entire band a loss at a competition. I distinctly remember our lead trombonist having issues playing an important two bar riff in a particular song, simply because the song was at the end of a set, and his chops tended to be shot at that point after playing in such a high register for so long throughout that set. He could play the riff perfectly in rehearsal, but only if we took longer breaks between songs. He would clam it all up, when we rehearsed the set exactly as we intended to perform it on stage. The second, third and forth trombonists were hesitant to attempt this 2 bar line swap, so I, (the bass trombonist/5th bone), offered to help him out. Thankfully, the 5th bone line for those two bars did not contain any notes that were too low for the lead trombonist to reach, and with a quick switch to a smaller mouthpiece, I was easily able to reach the high register notes of the lead line, for those two bars. We never even bothered to inform our director of this line swap.  Producing quality music was always more important than ego or jealousy, I guess. I thought most musician behaved similarly, save for drug and alcohol fueled touring bands. Why can't we all just get along??

Lastly, can someone please explain to me why there are almost no female guitarists/musicians here?  It defiantly seems a bit odd.

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1 hour ago, Sheepdog1969 said:

It's funny that you point this out. When I first joined the Gibson Forum, I innocently posted a question in the Lounge hoping to get some info on one of my Gibsons. Being the FNG, I had no idea that I could search the Forum archives, using key words, to see if my question had already been asked and/or answered. (when I learned about this feature, I was actually surprised that my question had not been previously asked nor answered on the Forum.) I assume each FNG that posts here is similarly ignorant of the forums capabilities, nor could they be aware of the multitude of identical posts/questions from other members prior to their arrival. There are no stupid questions, just stupid responses to them by ego driven show offs.

I am still learning how to navigate and fully utilize this forum. Not long ago I taught myself how to upload my "avatar" image. Upon opening my profile page, I saw a message indicating that I "won the day" a few weeks prior. I had no idea of what that meant or how I did that. I finally figured out what that meant, and I simultaneously learned what those "points" were on my profile page, and how they are achieved. The person who admits to knowing nothing, knows more than the person who claims to know it all. Remember, ever person here was the FNG. 

It may just be an internet, keyboard warrior thing, but I am a bit shocked at snarky behavior and the mean interactions here. I started to learn guitar from my dad when I was 8. I began my formal music training in 5th grade, and I have been involved, in some form or fashion, with performing/gigging bands ever since.  I've played in Concert/Symphonic/Orchestral/Marching bands that had well over 60 members, Jazz/Funk bands with 25 or so members, trios, quartets, and quintets, plus bar bands with between 5 and 8 members. Interpersonal disagreements were quite rare, and typically were unrelated to the band. There seemed to be an unwritten code that connected us all to the music we were playing. For the most part, one had to "try out" to even play in these bands, so every member was skilled. There were no "put downs", only "bring up's", when/if someone needed a bit of help. As they say, "We all go down together."  If the band failed to "bring up" a struggling member, it could cost the entire band a loss at a competition. I distinctly remember our lead trombonist having issues playing an important two bar riff in a particular song, simply because the song was at the end of a set, and his chops tended to be shot at that point after playing in such a high register for so long throughout that set. He could play the riff perfectly in rehearsal, but only if we took longer breaks between songs. He would clam it all up, when we rehearsed the set exactly as we intended to perform it on stage. The second, third and forth trombonists were hesitant to attempt this 2 bar line swap, so I, (the bass trombonist/5th bone), offered to help him out. Thankfully, the 5th bone line for those two bars did not contain any notes that were too low for the lead trombonist to reach, and with a quick switch to a smaller mouthpiece, I was easily able to reach the high register notes of the lead line, for those two bars. We never even bothered to inform our director of this line swap.  Producing quality music was always more important than ego or jealousy, I guess. I thought most musician behaved similarly, save for drug and alcohol fueled touring bands. Why can't we all just get along??

Lastly, can someone please explain to me why there are almost no female guitarists/musicians here?  It defiantly seems a bit odd.

I agree with all these thoughts. I think much blame can be laid on these anonymous keyboards. Life was very much “nicer” in the before times.  Back then, If you were rude or ticked somebody off in real life, you had to deal with the immediate consequences and all the fall out.  Real life matters.  

I saw your other post too, And I really appreciate your comments and your reminder to be kind.  You’ve got a good attitude, and you posted some great reasons this forum can be a really cool place.  

As far where are the women? there is one glaring explanation: look to the tone of the comments here.  Women, LGBT, liberals, anyone “other,” are repeated targets of very rude, cruel, and sometimes vicious snark by a small set of vocal commenters.  It’s clear that some some folks here aren’t looking beyond the mirror over who might be lurking or reading their words.  I tried observing that once in a thread when I first came on, and hoo boy, did that stir up a tempest.  I admit, it bums me out when folks I otherwise enjoy reading lift the veil and I get an eyeful of ugly.  That’s when I just focus back on we are here for the guitars.  

I know I irk some people because I write a bit stilted and don’t always have time to finesse my thoughts (And I have a very low-tolerance for posts that seem meant to just stir up snark about Gibson, and will call it out) but I am working and listening to learn how to moderate my posts and be a better forum member.  I am at the point where I’m probably deleting more knee-jerk responses, than posts I make 🥹 which is at least a start.  

Thanks again for some really good missives.  I always enjoy reading your comments and thoughts.  Thanks for being here.  

And just so you know, I haven’t forgotten.  I’m still nagging my buddy who had the Moderne to dig out the info he had on that CSE series.  🙂

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4 hours ago, Sheepdog1969 said:


Lastly, can someone please explain to me why there are almost no female guitarists/musicians here?  It defiantly seems a bit odd.

Because they all have lives.

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7 minutes ago, gearbasher said:

Because they all have lives.

It's more than that: lol 

Some of the members here (wont mention any names) scare away the guy newbies, so I can imagine female lurkers just say forget it.

Asking a remedial guitar question get's you hammered.

When working on a guitar project,  gets you criticized if it isn't exactly to the Luthier Handbook.

Had to delete posts because of derogatory posts / jokes made about women, (wont mention their names).


Sometimes I get the feeling with some of our more famous trick-or-treaters around here, I get the feeling they want to keep the audience small so there posts are at the top of page and of more relevance in regards to other members. 


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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, duane v said:

Had to delete posts because of derogatory posts / jokes made about women, (wont mention their names).


I have no idea how stand up comedian’s have jobs anymore. Every subject is off limits now. You insulted Trump your a bad person. You  insulted Biden your a bad human. You insulted straight people your horrible. You insulted gays we need to lock you up immediately. You made fun of someone’s guitar build your mean.

And if you are one you might get slapped on national TV.

Edited by Sgt. Pepper
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