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Ghost Stories.


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I'm watching one of those investigative ghost shows on A & E.


I don't believe in any of this crap. Wicked1 and I are discussing the possible alternatives to the ghost phenomenon.


So what do you all think.


Do you believe in ghost?

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I don't believe in ghosts, per se, but I do think that bad things happen and certain places have some bad juju going on. I think there's probably some scientific explanation for it, maybe some kind of chemical secretion where someone died or something. I think stuff like Ghost Hunters is a little too quick to lead viewers to supernatural conclusions, but sometimes things happen that seem a little too crazy to be coincidence.


Perfect example - My great grandma died when she was in her 90's. She lived about a quarter mile down the street from my grandpa and a few of his siblings. My grandparents house was next door to my grandpa's brother's house, and his sister lived on the other side of him. Their other sister lived across the street - so four siblings on four adjoining lots. G. Grandma had been sick for a long time, and we'd go visit her because we knew her time was almost up. She spent her last days talking to a little girl at the end of her bed, who no one else could see. I'm pretty sure she also saw my uncle, who died when he was 12, back in the 70's. That could all be chalked up to repressed memories and hallucinations. However, the night that she died, my grandpa went home at about 11:00 pm, when all of a sudden the power transformer on the pole between all their houses exploded - sparks everywhere. Maybe it was faulty wiring or something, but it just happened to blow as soon as she died. When he got there, his brother said he just missed her saying goodbye.

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Whilst I doubt the existence of ghosts I voted for the 'Not enough Info...' option.


I worked for many years with a level-headed guy who, on returning from a holiday in Vermont, told me he'd seen a ghost. Had I not know him as well as I did I wouldn't have given it another thought but a man less likely to have made up such a story I will never meet.


So, as I say, Not Enough Info for me to be sure one way or another.

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Saw a documentary some time ago regarding theory of ghosts and how they come about.


The documentary was in the london dungeons.


Long story short...


Ya know how old music cassette's work?


Well roughly same principles.


Ghosts are recorded


The kinetic energy released in the heat of an argument gets stored in the

carbon of the environment.


When your electrical field walks past the environment plays back the recorded event.


Thus you would see a ghostly figure.


Dunno if I believe this or not but sounds fairly plausable?


The walls in the london dungeons have a fair bit of carbon build up.

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I voted (a skeptical) yes.


There's this one bar in the area ( http://www.historicharmonyinn.com/ ) that has this reputation for being haunted. A couple friends of mine worked there as waiters and/or bar tenders back in college. Both of them were sane, rational people. -Not the type to quickly jump to paranormal conclusions. They both had personal experiences there that were unexplainable. Doors locking/unlocking. All the spoons disappearing from the tables overnight. Creepy.

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Apparently my Mansion is haunted.



Best way to start a post, regardless of the topic.


I agree with your statement about the effects of lunar phases, barometric pressure, etc. Also, due to the law of conservation of energy, any spent energy has to go somewhere. I think if enough energy was spent in a given place, it would build up over time.

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I voted yes!


I got married in 2003 and about a year later we were at one of my wife's friends house looking at old photos from the wedding which she had taken. In one of the pictures (Group shot) my dad can be clearly seen walking in front of us which doesn't sound that unusual until I say my dad died a year earlier in 2002. Looking at the photo, its undeniably him.


My mum has an ability for knowing whats going on. When we were kids we all went to stay at grans house for the weekend. One night my mum kept on at my dad about there being something wrong at our home, it pi55ed my dad off so much he drove the 30 miles back to our house only to find that we had been burgled. One of the things stolen from our house was my dads police uniform . 6 months later my dad is searching a suspects house in Glasgow for something completely unconnected when he finds his uniform hanging up in this guys house.... How's that for a coincidence?.. (i'd love to have seen that)


I have seen plenty of things that shouldn't have been there and I have heard and many bumps in the night!



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I couldn't really think of another way of telling the story.

Heres a pic of the haunted Estate.


The house was converted to a Georgian Mansion betwee 1756 and 1835' date=' I have restored it from derelict since 2003. During WW11 it was Military Hospital and from 1946-1989 it was a retiremnet home for Gentlewoman run by Ms Hewish and Ms Allen, this is a picture of Ms Allen shortly before the house closed as a retirement home in 1990. She may be the ghost but my cousin said it was a victorian lady so who knows.





Nice pad rog! #-o

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I voted yes!


I got married in 2003 and about a year later we were at one of my wife's friends house looking at old photos from the wedding which she had taken. In one of the pictures (Group shot) my dad can be clearly seen walking in front of us which doesn't sound that unusual until I say my dad died a year earlier in 2002. Looking at the photo' date=' its undeniably him.





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