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Gibson B-25 good Condition with Case


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I would check completed eBay auctions and also see what dealers are letting them go for to determine value in dollars.


How much it is worth really depends on when it was made. There are several good sites out there which can help you date the guitar by serial number. Just type in something like collecting vintage Gibson guitars and you should find them - although they may not include info on instruments made after a certain date. While I am not certain where identifying numbers can be found on a B-25 (I have never owned one) - if there is no serial number on the back of the headstock - look on the neck block inside the guitar for a batch number (if I recall certain models did not have serial numbers).


Although they are not extremely sought after guitars, B-25s in great shape made before '65 (when Gibson went to those automated neck machines) are the most desirable. The value, of course, drops on later models, especially those hitting the music stores from '69 on. The last early 1970s B-25 I ran across for sale went for less than $500.


Good Luck

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Thank you all for the advice. I beleive it is Sunburst all over (yes I am a virgin at this guitar thing) but I do know it is worth more then 20.00 (tommyK) It is a 6 string does that make a difference (6 or 5)? B-25 is the only thing listed I checked ebay but it looks like I need to know the year before I can post it. Also how do I post a picture of it to show what it looks like?

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