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ES335 certificates, manuals and swing tags ?


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I just got back from my authorised Gibson dealer in Hong Kong with a very

nice wine red, 335 Dot re-issue under arm. This complete's a 20 year wait

[waiting until I could afford one!] and a solid month of research and trying

different guitars.


I have no doubt about it's authenticity, but I thought it strange there is

no manual, or certificate or swing tags in the case......just a lonely truss rod



Can anyone confirm if Gibson usually provide this stuff ?



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agree on the usefulness issue.

I really just like to keep the other things on the remote chance I may need to sell the guitar one day.

I figure the other items may help the resale, not s much for price, but maybe comfort factor for the

prospective buyer.


thanks for your coment.

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For anyone who is interested, I spoke to the store about the missing items. According to them, there are no swing tags or certificates for ES335 Dots.


Even though they come from the custom shop, they don't qualify as 'real' custom shop. However, the guitar should come with a maunal and they will track it down for me.


I will give Gibson customer service a call later to see what they have to say.

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I emailed the folk at Gibson customer service. They advise that Certificates Of Authenticity are only supplied from 2008. I do not know if this only applies to 335's or other models as well. Anyway, mine is a 2006 model so I dont get a COA.


to TheLiveSoundGuy.....no one at Gibson or the shop I purchased from has mentioned the warranty and inspection cards. I will follow this up also. The owners manual is on the way I am told.


Thanks to all for your comments.

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Sorry, Longey. I think the "manual" is the best you can hope for at this point. I hope I am wrong, but an 06 off a shop wall has probably been elsewhere. The case should be black, say simply, "Gibson" and have the soft handle grey interior and protective shroud.

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thanks hg.


my case is as you describe.


I assume you mean that my guitar may not be new ? Anything is possible I guess. Although I am reasonably sure that the same 335's have been hanging on the wall the whole time I have been in Hong Kong, ( 1 year now), and I have been in this music shop once per week since I arrived. It seems 335's may not be as popular over here so the stock is slow to move.


at the end of the day I love this guitar and I am happy with the deal I got.

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I was sort of thinking like littlekenny, as to her hanging a good while and things being removed and then misplaced. The case is right. With your sales proof and an on line registration your warranty will be good. The 335 is my favorite guitar. I have an old one just like your's among my favorites. Enjoy the heck out of it and don't worry once she is registered!

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thanks hg.

I went to do my online registration as you mentioned. it turns out that online registration is only for the U.S.

I need to register with the shop I bought the guitar from. So now I am back to the shop.


I am sure the guys in the shop think I am mad, although our relationship is improving after I have spent a

few thousand dollars rather than just playing all their guitars and amps. I guess this a global phenomenon.

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