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Gibson Brands Forums

Virus back?


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Or did it ever go away? I never received any alerts during the previous attacks, but it is possible that I was coming here in between, or I was being skipped for some reason. However today I got notice of the JS/Downloader trying to go into my temp files. The infected file was called Ads[2].js and was headed to my temp files in case you all want to have a look for it.

I am really getting to the point were I want to avoid these forums until this gets fixed. As I ask at the start, is this a new attack, or still the same one? Either way, it shows a problem with their ability to secure the forums for safe use.

As someone who has lost a lot of data in the past to viruses and has seen others wiped out by them, I find it difficult to say that coming here is worth the risk. Personally I would send all the members an e-mail explaining what is going on, shut the forums until it is corrected and they have bullet proof security in place, then re-open and e-mail us all when it is back up and running. But we will see what they decide to do. I think they should at least be sending out an e-mail to their members alerting them of the virus just in case some members do not have protection.

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When I first opened the page I got a warning, then when I posted this I got a second warning, and then there were no more. But when I opened the posts by Stangone and 5150{rhoads}(I think that was the nick) I got a warning when I opened the thread, posted to it and tried to close it. Is anyone else finding that certain threads are giving more problems than others? I have found two trojans ads[1].js and ads[2].js today. Both are trying to go into the Temporary Internet File folder. One as T0T0PPZXads[2].js the other as 28WNZ6U3ads[1].js


Edit: I am also now getting it with every action I do to this thread. :( Gibson, get on the ball.

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