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Need help in choosing... J-45 Rosewood, J-185EC


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I have a difficult choice. There are 2 guitars in my area being sold privately and I'm very tempted to pull the trigger on one of them. The problem is, I can't check them out before hand. I've heard lots of reviews for the J-45RW but virtually nothing for the J-185EC. I know that sound is very subjective, but it some one can give me thier own opinion in might help form a basis to judge the two. Both are competitvely priced with only @ $150 difference between them. Thanks in advance!

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I love my J-45, although it's not rosewood, so I'd choose the J-45 also. I may be wrong, but doesn't the J-185EC have a hole cut in the side for the electronics? It's only my opinion, but personally I shy away from acoustics with this feature.

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Would be very hard to decide, between the j45rw, or the songwriter. The good thing about it is

whatever, you decide, you get one of the best guitars on the planet!!

I've been playing a SWD, at GC for the last couple of weeks, & "if" I had the doe, I would buy that guitar in a heart beat.

Of course the same could be said of the J45RW. They just don't have one at the present time, to drive me crazy with.


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Among the choices you've mentioned - the J45, the SWD, and the J185EC,

I'd choose the J. I've owned both the J45 and the SWD and the J was by far

the best of the 2. I've never tried the J 185 EC but I never liked the looks of

them and haven't heard anything great. On the other hand, if you were to

put a J185 historic or tv into the mix, I'd go with that. Great guitars.

No luck needed here - you win no matter what.


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Hey Tarbender, I have a j-45, although not a rosewood. I like it, but let me tell you that Gibson makes some fine instruments. Some J-45's sound better than others, depending on several factors, could be as simple as which acoustic has a fresh set of strings. Could be the wood... Although they do build pretty consistently these days do to assembly line production, where although they are still somewhat hand built, you probably have the same person who, for example, does the binding work or some such. But regardless of consistency, if you are serious about making a purchase, than ask how old the strings are on each guitar. If they are a few weeks old, tell them to change the strings. Play both guitars a bit, let them sit overnight and come back the next day or maybe 2 days. These guys here on the forum know what they like, and what they will use their instrument for. But you have to listen for the sound that fits your interest. The songwriter has a different tone than the J-45. You gotta be the boss when making a decision. Maybe 1000 people can make a j-45 thunder, but just don't know how to make a songwriter really sing. Take your time though, good luck.




Oh, you can't listen to them? bummer.. If you have never heard a j-45 or songwriter ever. Don't buy either one. If your going to spend over 1000 for a guitar, make sure you have a general idea of what they sound like. I wouldn't rush into it.

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Hey Tar,


I bought my SWD last March and it came down to it and a Rosewood J45. I must preface this by telling you it was my intention to buy a J45. To my ears, both guitars sounded pretty much the same. I liked the classic look of the J45, but the more I played around with both instruments, I found myself drawn to the SWD. After thinking it over a few days, I decided to go with the SWD. Also, it was $300 less than the J45, but that wasn't a big factor in my decision. The SWD just seemed right. So, my advice is that they probably will both be great sounding and you'll have to decided by instinct or feeling. As Obi Wan says on Star Wars, "Trust your feelings, Luke."

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Whoa up, Tarbender. It depends on you. What's your playing style? If you fingerpick,

the EC gives you clarity and separation; the rw wont. Think Jorma Kaokonen. Are you a strummer? the EC

gives out a bright chingy sound (think Pete T on Whos' Next). The SWD and 45R both will be darker (heavy in bass

& lower mids), generate more overtones and sustain longer. That will make it sound rich & full if you like that, busy or clangy

if you dont. Think Neil Young, but not as bright.


If you play in a band, the EC not only has the elecronics but cuts through the mix. OTH it would suck for Bluegrass (lack of bass) whereas the SWD/45R would be better (tho if you are playing Bluegrass, what you really want is an AJ.... or a D28!).

Good luck. JK

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Well, like I said, it helps to know what it is you want so you are ready when it comes. But dont worry about it. Ive found that just because its "out there", its not necessarily out there for you! Do your assessment and figure on whats right for you. It will save you a lot of trading and re-selling down the line, as I can attest! JK

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Well, I did it. I pulled the trigger on the J-45RW. I went out and tried a few other guitars, not Gibsons, and none of them did anything for me. So I called in the guy with the J-45RW and told him that I'd take it and he's coming into the city tonight to make the exchange. Worst thing that can happen is I don't love it and I put it up for sale, but I really don't see that happening. I'll update later after I pick it up.

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I've decided to take both...but now i have to chose the only one i'll keep.

Not really easy. The SW has a sweet deeper sound and is more beautiful (especially bescause i took it with a sunburst color), but the J45 RW has more what i was looking for, perfect for bluegrass, can do more things, a kind of warmer D28.


May be the advanced Jumbo would be a good choice too but i don't think there are some differences with the sound of a J45 RW.

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