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Should I rethink my next purchase?

Andre S

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I was reading here about some probems with the Maestro on an SG. It goes sharp when the case is closed and the arm is bent at odd angles, and worse of all I have to drill 6 -7 holes in the SG for installation?


And the second post said it robs sustain and resonance and goes out of tune even when not in use.


Keep in mind that the installation will be done by me, with allparts maestro trem.

If I get an SG, there is no way I can resist adding a Maestro. It WILL happen.


Should I even bother with the SG?

Does it rob sustain or go sharp? Do you think I can install it correctly.


And by the way, allparts CS is not impressive at all. I emailed them twice in the last week to ask a question about the tailpiece, and 5 and 3 days later respectively, no reply whatsoever...

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