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Rush, for real.


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I can't believe these guys are not in the Rock and Roll HOF. They've been around forever, yet they still put out top selling albums and sell out wherever they play. My first album was Moving Pictures, which is given to me by Neil Peart's brother-in-law. I played that album until my ears fell off. Neil is a great drummer, but more importantly he's very humble. He recently mentioned that he's still taking lessons! Geddy defines progressive bass. Alex is very melodic and doesn't overdo it with distortion. Digital Man is one of my favorite solos....

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I first saw 'em in 1983.

They were already huge by that time, it was a sold-out arena show on the Moving Pictures tour if I recall.

Three people.

Never missed a beat.


Consumate professional musicians.


I'm really not a Prog-Rock fan.

You can keep your Yes and Moody Blues, but I respect all those guys immensely.

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I saw them in 91 for Roll The Bones. Not exactly historical like Moving Pictures, but great show none the less. and the Roll The Bones album holds a special place for me. It was the tape I listened to as I drove across country from Califrornia to Indiana when I was a Lad and brand new Rush and a long road trip are all you needed.

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