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TV Show Royalties


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Cool story. My younger brother who I taught how to play guitar grew up to be a working, touring musician. Played in bands that opened for many of the biggest acts around. A few years back one of the bands he was in recorded a kinda spooky version of CCR's Bad Moon Rising. Their song is now being used on a new TV show called Eastwick. Not sure how many episodes it will appear on but he's already received his first royalty check.


I'm thinking he can finally pay me for all those lessons.](*,)

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I came within a spit of getting there last year.

Producer wanted one of my tracks for the theme tune and some incidentals to match it.

Pitched the series to the US networks, had it "taken up",

but then got put on hold (it seemed like forever) and then it all fell through,

network dropped the project, producer moved on to other work. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.


Respect to your bro, big time. Tell him to capitalise on it and push it out there.....


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The sad part is more than 50% of his royalties are going to JOHN FOGERTY.


If he did not get permission to record this sing he can expect a law suit.


I have a song off the movie the PRINCESS BRIDE and it brings me next to nothing, it did at first but allin al maybe 3500.00 total...can;t live off that !!!


Hope he does well





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Just out of curiosity, what does the use of a single performance recording garner a musician? That's called 'performance money," right? Then the composer gets a cut. Does the performer pay the composer or does that come from Hollyweird?

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