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The parts for my latest project are slowly arriving...


These chassis' just arrived today. I've cut the boards already and I think they may be a wee bit big - I hated cutting that G-10 board too.


Mouser should be sending me an order of electrical components by the weeks end too!!






Here is the inside with the boards just laying in there




The power boards:






The boards need to be drilled, and add the eyelets which will be done with that little staking tool:




Here is the G-10 board's as they are being scored.




Early Christmas present from the wife - drill press to drill the holes in the boards:



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I still need to tally the cost.... hmmmm quick figures


Chassis: $125 (each)

Boards: $12.00 (each) x 2 = 24.

Electrical components: Not sure yet... best guess right now $25.00

Transformers: $400.

Head Cab: $250.00


Best guess total: $824


KSG, these are actually more Dumble type amps so they will be 50 watts with two 6L6's and 3 12AX7's.


I've had two people tell me they would love to have one of these and they told me to send them one when they are finished. We'll talk about payment later, but basically I'm trying to make this a ministry to put hand built botique quality amps into the hands of Christian artists. I can't give them away, but I only plan to charge a few hundred over cost.

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Well then' date=' I'll just stick to my secular amps...


But dang! These look great! I wish you the best on them.[/quote']



I don't have the buisness savvy to have a secular business... but I do know ministry. Nothing personal and honestly if things take off I wouldn't turn people away if they wanted one. People just have to understand why I named the different ones after the Apostles.

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I don't have the buisness savvy to have a secular business... but I do know ministry. Nothing personal and honestly if things take off I wouldn't turn people away if they wanted one. People just have to understand why I named the different ones after the Apostles.


Trust me though' date=' I respect what you're doing by putting amps in the hands of Christian artists. It's a good service that you're doing for your community. Much respect, bro!



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djroge1' date='


Thin undertaking. Where do you get your energy and know how?[/quote']


It's really just a hobby.... really.


Know how stems from the basic electrical knowledge I learned in high school about circuits, house wiring, and 3 phase motors and then working on my guitars. The rest is trial and error.

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Do you know how to fix the bias?


Jus wonderin' date=' you don't have to answer.[/quote']


If you really want to adjust the bias on you amp yourself there are some great video clips that can teach it better than I can write it out. It's better to see it done and have it explained.


If you need that, I and others here can hook you up with some video links.

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How many amps have you built djroge1?


I plan on starting a clone of a Soldano SLO soon. After that I'll be designing a high gain beast from scratch.


Are there any more amp builders here?

I've built a couple as well as totally rebuilding a few fender amps. I'm gonna attempt one of those dumbles next.

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