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Blind guy looking for a good SG


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Hi all,

I am looking to buy a SG, having played one at my local Guitar Center last week. The one I played was going for around $600, think it was called SG Faded Special but I'm not sure about the model type beyond that. Apparently it doesn't have the more finished look of higher end models, which is fine with me, I'm not conserned how it looks, just how it sounds.

I am hoping to spend less than $1000 if possible.

What would you guys recommend? I've been playing a Mexican Strat up until now, but I like the sound and feel of the SG much more than the Fender.

Any advice greatly appreciated.

Also, I hope this went to the right thread, I am blind and sometimes my screenreader leads me in strange directions.



"Its real funny until someone gets hurt, then its just hilarious."

- Brother Bill Hicks

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i would go with the gibson special faded like the one you played. i own one myself i installed 57 classic gibson humbuckers in it and the thing smokes i love how it plays. you should look around tho i recently obtained an actual 1973 gibson sg standard for 600$ off a guy i knew a few months back and i also love that guitar its used and kinda beat up but like you said im not worried about looks its all about the sound.

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Hi BlindDog,

Thanks for the info.

What do the other pickups provide you with regarding the sound? Frankly, I am not savvy about the equipment as far as what sounds better and what the possibilities are for modifying an SG once I get it.

Also, I am wondering from your name if you are also blind, if so I am looking for a good email list for blind musicians if you know of one.

Thanks again,


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I think the only difference you would feel between the Special and the Standard is the fret edge binding. It just makes the edge of the neck feel a bit smother, if that doesn't bother you go for the Special, I had one once and it was a great sounding guitar, you need to play a few of these though, as some are hit and miss.

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I also reccommend the Gibson SG Special Faded. It's a great guitar for it's price (I have one) and it's neck is nice because of the faded finish. It's just like any other SG besides the faded finish. I personally prefer faded-finished guitars as oppose to those with a hi-gloss finish, because I have a hi-gloss finished guitar, and its neck starts to get really hard to slide on after playing it for a half hour or so.

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Well, just got back a while ago with my brand new SG Special faded Cherry, hooked it up to my Marshall and it kicks major crack.

Thanks for the advice guys, I'm gonna love this one.

Any reccomendations for a forums or email list for setting up a small home recording setup? I bought a M-Audio DMP2 preamp a couple weeks ago, and with my dynamic mic plugged in, I can record a fairly decent signal, but need some advice on other equipment.


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Binding is not a huge deal to have if the frets are dressed right. My LP DC plays beautifully without binding. However if your going to go for the special I would spend the few extra bucks you save for a good set-up and possible fret dress if the frets are hanging over the edge. Also try a bunch of sg specials, I had one before I had my classic and it was a solid work horse but some of them are just junk. So try as many as possible and when you find the one you love keep it.

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