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Who has OCD?


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Most of us have an obsession compulsive disorder of some sort. What are yours???


I have two that just drive me nutz.


1) Clocks, I can't stand seeing 2 clocks in the same room set to different times. Yes, every clock/watch/coffee maker/VCR/microwave/computer in my possession are all synchronized to the second.


2) Untrimmed strings on a guitar!!!

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Sloppy code. Whenever I have to edit code (mainly HTML, CSS and JavaScript), I have to clean it up if it's somebody else's and it's a mess (and it usually is). Add to that PhotoShop perfection - I'll magnify an image up and edit pixel by pixel if I feel I have to. Fortunately, I've been doing web design for over 10 years so, not only am I good at it, I've also become pretty quick at what I do so I can tend to my OCD without falling behind in my work.


Disclaimer: The above does not apply to my own web site which is at least 6 or 7 years old. The last thing I want to do after I get home from work and doing web design all day is more web design.

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drives me nuts!


A pirate with a steering wheel sticking out of the top of his pants walks into a bar. The bartender sees him and says "Hey, what's that steering wheel doing down your pants?"


"Arrrrrggggghhh" says the pirate, "it's driving me nuts!"

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Most of us have an obsession compulsive disorder of some sort. What are yours???


I have two that just drive me nutz.


1) Clocks' date=' I can't stand seeing 2 clocks in the same room set to different times. Yes, every clock/watch/coffee maker/VCR/microwave/computer in my possession are all synchronized to the second.


2) Untrimmed strings on a guitar!!![/quote']


Silver... Sorry our kitchen would drive you "batty"... We run on "wifey Standard time" around here. She's like the White Rabbit in Alice (late...for anything and everything) there are at least 4 clocks in the kitchen, they all have different times and they're at least 15 minutes fast. The one that has the "fastest" time is closest to the spot where she usually yells at "son #3" that's he's going to be late for school again..

I work with computers (time critical processing systems), all clocks (including my car) in my control are set/synched correctly.


BTW.. I stopped trimming the string on my old 12 string many years ago (I do trim others, my son always trims his and when I help my son with his, Gretcsh/Bigsby, string changes they get trimmed). Many years ago I had an "oh sh!t moment" when I dropped a "nipper" while trimming the strings ONCE (no damage except to my heart).

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I won't spoil the game, but OCD is something different from what you're presenting Silverbursted.

For instance, your clock obsession...if it was true OCD, you were setting the clocks right, went out, halfway the house you would return to see if they still were synchronized, then you would check if your strings on your gibbie were still appropriately trimmed, maybe you would turn the lower E string tuner a bit, the G string would be next and finally you would be ready to go out...oef what a relief...all set to go finally...of you go...but hey let me check the clocks first to be sure...[biggrin]

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Quite right. This thread seems to be more about obsessive compulsive personality disorder - OCPD' date=' which is to do with order and perfectionism. We could talk about real OCD, which is not nice.



The kind that would keep someone from ever getting out of the room because of their need to set the clocks...or wash their hands? Not a pleasant thing. I think most of the things described in the thread are a degree of anal-ness (anality?), rather than OC behavior.

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I have OCD it is not fun. I am on medication for it. It would take me hours to do anything because I would have to keep checking things. I also say phrases in my head all the time to keep me sane. I'm also Bipolar but that is another story.

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Phones' date=' I hate telephones. I don't want to look at them, I don't want to use them, I don't want people to call me with them...nothing! Not exactly a disorder, I just can't stand them.[/quote']


I am not quite there but I am actually made fun of by my lack of social skills with the phone, I don't text don't talk much on the phone, very few people call me I make make very few calls, at work is a different story.


Going back to the original post, I do not have OCD but something that bothers me is women wearing the worng size bra. At least half women do it and they don't seem to know. I notice.

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I have many and as others have said there not fun if they truly screw with your life. Minor quirks are amusing twitches and obsessions are problematic at best and debilitating at the worst end. Deepblue congrats man your IQ is a few points higher than mine but not by much and you seem very high function. Aspergers or any of the autism spectrum syndromes and diseases is tough and can make life a real challenge.


Some of the more minor ones that are funny and people like to watch me do are things like food I can't have food touch and it has to be on the plate correctly and neatly things like french fries and green beans are horrible I have to stack them like firewood .

and on and on

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I am not quite there but I am actually made fun of by my lack of social skills with the phone' date=' I don't text don't talk much on the phone, very few people call me I make make very few calls, at work is a different story.


Going back to the original post, I do not have OCD but something that bothers me is women wearing the worng size bra. At least half women do it and they don't seem to know. I notice.



A man returned from church one Sunday with two black eyes. His roomie exclaimed "What on Earth happened to YOU?" "Well" said the damaged man, "A lady stood up in front of me when we were singing a hymn, and her dress was caught in the crack of her fanny, so I just reached over the back of the pew and pulled it out. She turned around and slugged me!"


"That explains the one shiner" says the room-mate, "how'd you end up with TWO?"


"Well...she seemed so upset with me for pulling it out" said the church-going man, "I thought I'd better just tuck it back in.

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Then there are (as silverbursted said), untrimmed strings on a guitar (and everything else that should be trimmed and isn't, I just have to keep cuting til there's nothing left to cut, and then I keep on checking so there's nothing left to cut), clocks not set to the exact same time and checked periodically "just in case", straight lines in general (they HAVE TO BE completely straight), placement of stuff in general: if you have 3 square things on a rectangular table, lines should be parallel to each side of the table... and even when they are (already measured) they start looking like they aren't (to me) and I start moving them so I get them to be parallel with the table's edge again, and so on.


I'm a complete mess. Some friends make fun of it, they go to the studio and move one tiny thing knowing it will drive me nuts; because once they move it from THE place, no one, not even I will be able to place them as they were, and that will make me unconfortable for hours, until I am confortable again with the new placement.


I have to check my amp's and pedal's settings a lot, and if something's out of place I'm screwed! I cannot get it to sound like it did before even if I have placed markers to know the position I want the knobs in (say my amp's trebble knob was at 5,5 exactly, and someone moves it... I go and put it on 5,5 again and in my mind it doesn't sound the same way... I have to go and do a mess out of every other knob, turn it off, leave, then come back and play and see what settings will do for the moment (til I can set it properly).


Women's earrings, car lights, and everything else that comes in pairs should aim in the same angle from the center, necklace's clips have to be exactly in the back of the neck, I check for that every 5 minutes or so, used to drive my poor fiance crazy.


I click the alarm button on my car's keychain at least 20 times after I know for sure the alarm has been turned on, and then I ask to myself "what if I hit the disengage button by mistake?" and start pushing the engage button repeatedly again.


I have to check at least 10 times that lights are off/on, and that switches are working (stupid, I know, as one obviously notices when the lights are on/off).


Whenever I set an alarm I have to check it out every minute until it starts sounding.


I check my pockets for my keys and wallet every minute or so.


My car's front seats have to be in the exact same position, I check them everytime I get into the car (7-10 times a day).




I have Aspergers syndrome. I also have an IQ of 164. Im not tooting my own horn' date=' just stating a fact.

Now that I am older I can control or smooth out sitations but when I was younger it was bad.[/quote']


Same here... it was hard growing up that way (and reading and writing 3 years before my classmates did, and knowing every f-ckin' dinosaur name when all the kids were playing with he-man [biggrin]).

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Some of the more minor ones that are funny and people like to watch me do are things like food I can't have food touch and it has to be on the plate correctly and neatly things like french fries and green beans are horrible I have to stack them like firewood .

and on and on



Oh man... don't get me started about food!!! [biggrin]

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