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Who has OCD?


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Dog eared books isnt OCD thats common sense and vandalism when people bend pages in books like that, even worse is writing in books or my personal nightmare breaking the spine. My wife drives me crazy she opens books so far it cracks the spine then she folds them back around and makes it worse. I read a lot (4-5 books a week plus magazines) and my books look brand new when I finish them I even have bookmarks made of leather or thin wood so the pages do not get bent. this particular oddity cost me a lot of money since damaged books freak me out so much I cannot use the library and buy most of the books I read. There was a book recently that my wife and I both wanted to read you guessed it we bought two so she could mangle hers.


I'm trying the e-books sony and Kindle right now to see if it's better but not sure yet it's great but I kinda miss the book concept already.



the main OCD issue I deal with though is 3x5 cards I love 3x5 cards and keep data of all kinds on them. I have so many I even bought several large wooden card catalog storage units from a old library to store them all in I got made fun of at work massively for 3x5 cards somehow a computer person who uses index cards is funny

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Man, you guys are weird! :-


I'm a neat freak, but I'm pretty mellow I guess. My wife though has to check the alarm clocks (yes she has a back up one) three or four times before we go to sleep. One of them is across the room so that she will have to actually get out of bed to turn it off, thus waking up on time. Sometimes just for fun, I'll ask her if she checked it just to make her get up and pad across the floor to check it a fifth time. [biggrin] It's fun messing with people's obsessions.

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mine manifests as counting disorder..............

I count every step,phase,task,and job it takes to live out my life.............

as in :things (processes) that require 6, or 8 steps, and i've counted thousands of times before, I still count every time.

when theres nothing to do, I catch myself counting to 100 over and over again

been this way all my life............

my IQ is 148 btw.

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Silver... Sorry our kitchen would drive you "batty"... We run on "wifey Standard time" around here. She's like the White Rabbit in Alice (late...for anything and everything) there are at least 4 clocks in the kitchen' date=' they all have different times and they're at least 15 minutes fast. The one that has the "fastest" time is closest to the spot where she usually yells at "son #3" that's he's going to be late for school again..

I work with computers (time critical processing systems), all clocks (including my car) in my control are set/synched correctly.


BTW.. I stopped trimming the string on my old 12 string many years ago (I do trim others, my son always trims his and when I help my son with his, Gretcsh/Bigsby, string changes they get trimmed). Many years ago I had an "oh sh!t moment" when I dropped a "nipper" while trimming the strings ONCE (no damage except to my heart).





Clocks and strings??? OK, I'm not coming to your house.


My son always tells me that when I finally piss him off enough, he's going to tie me to a chair in a room full of clocks and every one is off except one, and I'll need to figure out which. Torture, pure torture.

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I won't spoil the game' date=' but OCD is something different from what you're presenting Silverbursted.

For instance, your clock obsession...if it was true OCD, you were setting the clocks right, went out, halfway the house you would return to see if they still were synchronized, then you would check if your strings on your gibbie were still appropriately trimmed, maybe you would turn the lower E string tuner a bit, the G string would be next and finally you would be ready to go out...oef what a relief...all set to go finally...of you go...but hey let me check the clocks first to be sure...[biggrin


What makes you think I don't???

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I hope nobody felt that I was trying to make fun of a serious mental disorder, because I wasn't. After reading some of the other obsessions, I probably need to expand my list. Except for the 3x5 cards, I'm not that bad. But counting routine tasks, guilty; stacking green beans, guilty; having to check my backup alarms multiple times, guilty, eating corn on the cob, must be eaten horizontally from left to right, then rotated upwards and the process repeated. God I'm a mess!!!

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Clocks not on the exact time, I have to make sure I go around the house with my wrist watch to set them all to it. Pictures on the wall that are not straight. When we go out and I see a picture not straight, I have to fix it. If my food is touching, I have a hard time eating it. I have to force myself to do it.


Oh then there was the anxiety attack because I had to wrap a Christmas present. Everyone gets gift bags now [biggrin]

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Oh God....


Well, SB, looks like you and I are two cats from the same litter.

Untrimmed strings make want to walk up to the guy and say "GIVE me that fxcking guitar....." so I can cut 'em.

A clock that cannot keep time will be removed from my house.

I've given away a couple of watches over the years because they couldn't stay within a minute a month.


My wife and her mother both operated in their own little time zones.

I told my wife she could set her watch however she wants but DO NOT mess with the clocks in the house.

Her mother has a beautiful old clock in the living room that hasn't worked in decades, refuses to get rid of it.

Won't pay to see if it can be fixed, won't let me troubleshoot it.

When I'm there I can't look away....



Food stuff.

ALWAYS eat veggies first.

Since I don't really care for fruits or vegetables (I'm the ORIGINAL Atkins carnivore) I eat them first or they

will wind up sitting on the plate and thrown away as waste.


Corn on the cob can be messy, so I eat it like RS1959 described.

NEVER liked my food mixed on a plate when it's served - I'll do that myself if I want to....


I prefer anything I drink to be over ice.

Water, tea, soda. Even beer must be ice cold or I ain't drinking it.

The resultant water rings on the table make me insane.

Gotta have a coaster, or I'll fold a paper towel to make my own.




Books are near sacred to me, that spills over to magazines as well.

The written word is of value.

As a kid we had two encyclopedia sets and I was constantly in them.

Mom made sure I understood not to bust the spines or dog-ear them - use a bookmark!

My old man simply said he'd beat my *** if I messed them up because of their cost.


Then the highlighter craze started...

In a tech manual or something, okay.

But in a book?



When I read a newspaper, most people would never be able to tell it was opened when I'm done.

Well, except I immediately sh!tcan all the ads and coupons...


Magazines too.

If they were worth buying, they are worth taking care of.

Ripping a page out of a magazine pisses me off!


I cart stacks of them to my doctor's office or to work to be shared with the world and they look brand new.

What happens to them then is beyond my control.

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Cyclical eating. If there's more than one item of food on my plate, I eat them cyclically, in order from the top-most item relative to my viewing of the plate, and around in a clockwise motion. So if I've got mashed potatoes near the top, steak down and to the right of it, and peas to the left of it, I go potatoes->steak->peas, and so forth. Incidentally, that description made me hungry.


Uncut strings don't bother me, but that's for practical reasons--I clip them short, and in my experience with the Guild classical, it's just not a great idea to clip them before they've settled into pitch. I've got a busted tuning head on it, which I've got to get replaced or repaired. Darn.


Strap stays on the Gibson when it goes into the case, but it's got to be just right whenever I put it down. Also, the toggle switch absolutely has to be in the middle position, although I rarely use that position when I'm playing.


I'm meticulous in regards to capitalization, spelling, and punctuation--it's something that drives my peers nuts, but it's important to me to be thorough with those sorts of things.


I hate typing single lines of unequal lengths on Gibson Forum, so if one of them is shorter or longer than the others, I do whatever I can to fix it. I've been getting better with that recently, though.


I search for something on the Firefox search bar, I immediately delete the data input as soon as I hit enter.


Books are alphabetized and categorized by author on my shelves. Same with DVDs, VHS, and video game cases. Comic books have individual mylar bags with backboards in 'em, and are organized by publisher, series in alphabetical order, and publication date of issue in series from oldest to most recent. Oldest comic book I own is The Invincible Iron Man #104, November 1977--before I bought it used from a collector I checked to make sure there were no ripped pages, folded corners, or clipped coupons(!!!), and that the binding wasn't creased or visibly damaged. Any printed material with visible folds, creases, tears or dog-ear marks gets given away or donated, unless it's too beaten up to justify donation. Then it's straight into the trash. I'm with Neo on this--you bought it, you ought to take care of it.


Volume on the TV has to be multiples of five.


Small items go on the small shelf in the fridge, tall items go on the tall shelf, bottles and jars go in the door compartments.


Canned fruits in the cupboard are stacked on top of each other. Fruit cocktail is the leftmost stack, then peaches, apricots and pineapples.


All of the clocks in my household are synchronized in accordance with the time displayed on the cable box.

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capitalization' date=' spelling, and punctuation

--it's something that drives my peers nuts, but it's important to me to be thorough with those sorts of things.[/quote']

I wasn't gonna go there, because I mess with people too much about it here.

When I use slang words (like 'gonna') and take artistic license with punctuation, it's ALWAYS intended.

If I see a mistake in my post it will be fixed ASAP.



Volume knob on my guitars is ALWAYS off.

When I plug in, no pop.

When I unplug, no pop. Especially with the amp on standby or tuner on bypass.


Even when I play a guitar at Guitar Center where nobody gives a flying fxck about anything, I always

turn the volume pots off on any guitar I touch. I expect the rest of the world to do the same out of courtesy.



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Let's see.... Where to start :-


Playing guitar: Untrimmed strings bug me like crazy, I have seen people play with them untrimmed and I want to run up there and clip them! (just the strings most of the time, not so much the person) I always (for whatever reason) play an E minor, a G chord and an A chord, then back down whenever I pick up and put down a guitar (in that order, every time).


I have to wrap the old strings together once I am done changing them, my sense of closure


I always have to have water or something else to drink with me. If I go out somewhere, I grab one. I like to eat food together, meaning I have a bite of steak, a bit of potato, and a bit of whatever else, before another bite of steak.


Grammar: don't even get me started. I am the editor of my school's paper, and when I see a post on here like: 'so i was playin guitar and than the phone ringed, so i had to stop and put it down somewhere' It drives me nuts!!!!!


I want to fix it, the grammar, spelling, everything! Everyone I know hates me because in text messages, I don't use stupid abbreviations I spell out words, and try to use commas when possible (stupidest abbreviation ever: txt instead of text. Are you kidding me?)


If I eVeR sEe PeOpLe TyPe LiKe ThIs it bugs me, also 1F TH3Y TYP3 L1K3 TH15, it makes no sense.


Magazines: I always skim it first, don't read any articles, see what interests me, read those, then the rest of it. I also can't stand it when people fold over pages.


I'm no neatfreak but if someone "needs" to go somewhere (if you are like me, you understand) then it will go there. I can't stand dirty glasses, I don't understand how some people can even see through some of them.


When you text someone and they respond LOL or K, especially after you sent them a text that wasn't a yes or no question or had actual meaning.


When you tell people you play guitar, then they say stupid stuff and play air guitar while talking to you (it might just be me that gets this)


For some reason, I always space out my sentences, to me, it helps me compose my thoughts and read over and see if everything makes sense.


Clocks off bug me as well, especially if they are in the same room.


I can't stand guys mistreating women, it is just wrong, well people mistreating others in general, but primarily guys mistreating women.


I always have to be chewing something, (gum, seeds, something) and have to listen to music or something because I can't stand working in silence. I don't like to have people talking when I work (sometimes if at all possible), but I need some background noise.


And a few others....


Geez, I am messed up [confused]

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A pirate with a steering wheel sticking out of the top of his pants walks into a bar. The bartender sees him and says "Hey' date=' what's that steering wheel doing down your pants?"


"Arrrrrggggghhh" says the pirate, "it's driving me nuts!"



[confused] :- [lol]


What did the left nut say to the right nut?

"Don't talk to that bloke in the middle - he's a pr*ck".

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This thread is lots of fun, but like Kris says most of these examples are not anything to do with obsessive compulsive disorder, but being particular about things.


My friend is medicated for her obsessive compulsive disorder and it is something that she genuinely suffers with. Leaving the house can take literally hours, as she has to re check things that have already been checked etc, while the feeling of real terror when she doubts a gas hob is off, makes me feel really bad for her.[confused]



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Untrimmed strings make want to walk up to the guy and say "GIVE me that fxcking guitar....." so I can cut 'em.



And when you do and he starts giving you reasons not to cut them and tells you he likes them that way for those weird reaons... [love][omg][drool] gotta hate that[biggrin]

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Going back to the original post' date=' I do not have OCD but something that bothers me is women wearing the worng size bra. At least half women do it and they don't seem to know. I notice.



Half women? Does that mean there's only one cup?

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