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MXR Carbon Copy


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IMO it's average or a little above.... It's not as good as my old 79 green box MXR delay.... Big plus the MXR CC has a true mechanical bypass. It sounds pretty good when you play clean, but when you go into crunch mode it sorta loses its warmth. Right now I'm looking for a rack mount analog delay I can run through the fx-loop.

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I love the sounds I get with my Carbon Copy. -It's well worth the money. Before you get one of those, check out the Electro Harmonix Memory Boy and Memory Toy. They're also analog, and cheaper by about $50-$70 (depending on which one you get).

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  • 1 month later...

I am reviving this thread instead of starting a new one.


My friend lent me his Carbon Copy and last night I got to test it out. Cool pedal, but very unruly. With the regen above noon the feedback crescendos to out of control levels. Is this how the pedal is supposed to behave?

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