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You guys are too good......


Butch wouldn't trade this bass for a solid gold monkey. He could play any bass he wants, but he loves this one.


(it's had a few upgrades, and I think it's "special"......., but it plays and sounds great.....)


Best of luck.

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And, what he "loves" is all that counts! I have a buddy, that has an inexpensive Epiphone EB-1 (Bolt neck)

that plays fantastically, and sounds great! I was dubious, at the time he purchased it...(he wanted a bass

he could play in the local "bars," without worring about it), but after he cranked it up, and let me play a few

runs, I could see why he bought it. He'd love to have a vintage EB-3, or even the newer SG bass, but said

he'd worry about them, too much, in our current venue situation(s).



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