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Is my Gibson LP Standard a special made guitar?

torben schlyter

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I have a Gibson Les Paul Standard from 1992 - lefthanded.

On the headstock is printet serial number (90302383) and "Made in USA", but there is also printet "Promotional not for resale".

Can someone please tell me what that means - "Promotional not for resale"?

I'm sure,- it's not a fake,- sold in a Gibsonshop in Denmark 1993 for for about 3200 dollar - this time.

Is it "hand picked" models for events and promotion?



Best regards

Torben - from Denmark.


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I think it means it's a promotional guitar and it not for resale. O:)


I don't know. Gibson may have donated the guitar back in 1992 to somebody or to an organization.


Post some pictures of it...and a word to the wise...edit your message and remove the serial number...or cover the last two or three numbers with XXX. If you do post pictures mask the serial number.

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Promotional anything is usually handed to a person or company for evaluation... HP and IBM hand computers over all the time to companies that qualify for testing, thinking that that will lead to further sales.

I would think the same for a guitar; it might have been given to a potiential dealer or a radio station as a demo.

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Not to burst your bubble, but I have a sneaking suspicion the guitar was a factory second or blem.

When makers give guitars to artists for touring, or promotional stuff of some kind like a radio station contest they often use those as a way to use perfectly good but less than perfect stock.


I know for a fact one acoustic and one electric maker in the US does this - on high end guitars.

Using them on tour, they will get beat up and the need for good back ups always exists on the road.


I wonder if employee guitars would be that way too?

Gibson wouldn't want employees making guitars for their own profit....


I had a Les Paul Standard from 1986 that was a second, I never figured out why.

Looked and played fine.

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I was told buy a factory employee (Bart Walsh). That Gibson does not have factory seconds or blems..call them..If its inferior it get scraped...I have seen them myself..they must have stoped that years ago. Some of the Guitar so called super store sell blems...but I beleive they make them Blems not Gibson.Probably Guitar that get scanked by every ahole they let play them.

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