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How old was ya when you seen your first dead body ?


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Me......I was 12 ....13.... there was a bridge over some water ........some guys got in a fight

on the bridge .......and one ends up dead in the water......to be fished out later........


Turns out a guy beat the other guy with a piece of rebar robbing him........when caught the guy

said the guy he killed was gay and all a sudden came on to him etc. ..He's way out now prolly only

got 25 years with half off and another half good time..........6 and 3/4 years........


I seen a lot a people come out for some dead guy...city services and such.............but won't much

notice the wino's and bums all up in the bushes makin a fort and ...............................


ah sorry............gone go back under the under pass..............my new albun ........from k-tell !

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Other than funerals?

Older sister's friend when I was about ten.

Three boys were in a car wreck, she was dating one of them.


Somebody called the house in the wee hours saying there was a car wreck, but my sister was okay...

Well, my sister had wrecked half a dozen cars already so it seemed plausible.


Got to the emergency room to find out she wasn't even there - wasn't even involved in the wreck.

She was upset because her boyfriend was seriously injured, and left.

The guy driving the car was dead on a stretcher in the hallway by the ER, waiting for the coroner.

We knew him.

I remember the car well - 1974 Trans Am SD-455. That car would fly.


A few car/motorcycle wrecks later, and losing several friends, I started operating a crane.

Saw several on-the-job fatalities as the years went by.

Cleaned up a couple accidents where there were deaths - you know it's big if they call out cranes to clean it up.

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Other than funerals, I think I was 17 when I saw my first real dead body.

Car accident. It was raining and I was early for my ROP Autoshop Class. I followed the paramedics right to the scene of the accident. I was standing there in the rain when they did their initial assessment of the victim. The guy had rear ended a semi-trailer in the rain. He was driving an old van from the late 60s. I remember seeing his legs snapped and mangled. His jaw so broken the few teeth he had left were just hanging there. A piece of heavy iron from the semi had absolutely crushed what was left of his face.

Later, as a journalist, I saw a young man who had been stabbed by a couple of transients in Orange County. There was so much blood. They butchered him. Poor kid. He was just out rollerblading that evening. They caught the bastards, tried them and put them in jail for life.

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TV and/or movies doesn't do a stabbing death justice.


You have no idea how much blood is in a human being until it all leaks out.

Makes a very large puddle that you'll likely have to walk in to get close - slippery as hell too.


Reality is a b!tch.

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Blackie strikes again, but I'll play.


I've seen three people keel over dead, a neighbor cutting his grass, a high school track star after a race, and a fan in the stands of a NHL game. I saw them DROP, I never want to see that ever again. This all happened between the time I was about 12-15. I hope this was my "quota" and the odds are with me to not have to witness death any more.

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I saw a guy get run over by a trailer, that was pretty gross. I've held internal organs too, now that's even cooler.



Wow and here I though Blackie was gonna have another odd topic....."So I've been seeing this girl and she is dead but damn is she a good listener "


lol kidding Blackie

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A frightfully interesting topic. I have never seen a recently deceased body, but two years ago when I was 24 I went to my grandfather's funeral and saw his body in the casket. It was very sobering. My friend overdosed on oxycotin one time in another friends basement and was about to die until my friends dad came downstairs and revived him (he eventually died from an overdose a few months later). That was the closest I have come to actually seeing someone die.

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I was there when my mother in law died in '92 and my father died in '99, both in hospital beds, dying from.... well, whatever old people actually die from. They get COPD or emphysema or congestive heart failure and they go back to the doctor or hospital again and again and again.... this goes on for years sometimes. They have no quality of life and the meds that they are given sometimes CAUSE more problems than the ones they are trying to treat.


In both cases, they just passed away as peacefully as possible. Just stopped breathing. End of story.

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I was 5 ' date=' it was a kid down the street in the neighborhood, a car got him. I'll be seeing another in a few hours , as I make arrangements for my father today, heart failure felled him. I'll post a tribute to him in a few days.[/quote']


Best wishes man. I hate losing anyone, but especially family members.

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